Administrative API Reference


This structure is used to return information after a call to sqledgne - Get Next Database Directory Entry. It is shared by both the system database directory and the local database directory.

Table 50. Fields in the SQLEDINFO Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
ALIAS CHAR(8) An alternate database name.
DBNAME CHAR(8) The name of the database.
DRIVE CHAR(215) The local database directory path name where the database resides. This field is returned only if the system database directory is opened for scan.
Note:On OS/2, this field is CHAR(2); on Windows NT, it is CHAR(12).
INTNAME CHAR(8) A token identifying the database subdirectory. This field is returned only if the local database directory is opened for scan.
NODENAME CHAR(8) The name of the node where the database is located. This field is returned only if the cataloged database is a remote database.
DBTYPE CHAR(20) Database manager release information.
COMMENT CHAR(30) The comment associated with the database.
COM_CODEPAGE SMALLINT The code page of the comment. Not used.
TYPE CHAR(1) Entry type. See below for values.
AUTHENTICATION SMALLINT Authentication type. See below for values.
GLBDBNAME CHAR(255) The global name of the target database in the global (DCE) directory, if the entry is of type SQL_DCE.
DCEPRINCIPAL CHAR(1024) The principal name if the authentication is of type DCE or KERBEROS.
CAT_NODENUM SHORT Catalog node number.
NODENUM SHORT Node number.
Note:Both system and local database directory use the same structure, but only certain fields are valid for each. Each character field returned is blank filled up to the length of the field.

Valid values for TYPE (defined in sqlenv) are:

Database created by the current instance (as defined by the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable).

Database resides at a different instance.

Database resides on this volume (always HOME in local database directory).

Database resides in DCE directories.

Valid values for AUTHENTICATION (defined in sqlenv) are:

Authentication of the user name and password takes place at the server.

Authentication of the user name and password takes place at the client.

Used for DB2 Connect.

Authentication takes place using DCE Security Services.

Authentication takes place using Kerberos Security Mechanism.

DB2 no longer requires authentication to be kept in the database directory. Specify this value when connecting to anything other than a down-level (DB2 V2 or less) server.

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLEDINFO */
/* ... */
  _SQLOLDCHAR    nodename[SQL_NNAME_SZ];
  _SQLOLDCHAR    comment[SQL_CMT_SZ];
  short          com_codepage;
  _SQLOLDCHAR    type;
  unsigned short authentication;
  char           glbdbname[SQL_DIR_NAME_SZ];
  _SQLOLDCHAR    dceprincipal[SQL_DCEPRIN_SZ];
  short          cat_nodenum;
  short          nodenum;
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlenv.cbl
    05 SQL-ALIAS              PIC X(8).
    05 SQL-DBNAME             PIC X(8).
    05 SQL-DRIVE              PIC X(215).
    05 SQL-INTNAME            PIC X(8).
    05 SQL-NODENAME           PIC X(8).
    05 SQL-DBTYPE             PIC X(20).
    05 SQL-COMMENT            PIC X(30).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(1).
    05 SQL-COM-CODEPAGE       PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-TYPE               PIC X.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(1).
    05 SQL-GLBDBNAME          PIC X(255).
    05 SQL-DCEPRINCIPAL       PIC X(1024).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(1).
    05 SQL-CAT-NODENUM        PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-NODENUM            PIC S9(4) COMP-5.

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