Administrative API Reference

db2HistoryOpenScan - Open Recovery History File Scan

Starts a recovery history file scan.



Required Connection

Instance. It is not necessary to call ATTACH before calling this API. If the database is cataloged as remote, an instance attachment to the remote node is established.



C API Syntax

/* File: db2ApiDf.h */
/* API: Open Recovery History File Scan */
/* ... */
  db2HistoryOpenScan (
    db2Uint32 version,
    void * pDB2HistoryOpenStruct,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef struct
  char * piDatabaseAlias,
  char * piTimestamp,
  char * piObjectName,
  db2Uint32 oNumRows,
  db2Uint16 iCallerAction,
  db2Uint16 oHandle
} db2HistoryOpenStruct;
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: db2ApiDf.h */
/* API: Open Recovery History File Scan */
/* ... */
  db2GenHistoryOpenScan (
    db2Uint32 version,
    void * pDB2GenHistoryOpenStruct,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
typedef struct
  char * piDatabaseAlias,
  char * piTimestamp,
  char * piObjectName,
  db2Uint32 oNumRows,
  db2Uint16 iCallerAction,
  db2Uint16 oHandle
} db2GenHistoryOpenStruct;
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. Specifies the version and release level of the structure passed in as the second parameter, pDB2HistoryOpenStruct.

Input. A pointer to the db2HistoryOpenStruct structure.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.

Input. A pointer to a string containing the database alias.

Input. A pointer to a string specifying the time stamp to be used for selecting records. Records whose time stamp is equal to or greater than this value are selected. Setting this parameter to NULL, or pointing to zero, prevents the filtering of entries using a time stamp.

Input. A pointer to a string specifying the object name to be used for selecting records. The object may be a table or a table space. If it is a table, the fully qualified table name must be provided. Setting this parameter to NULL, or pointing to zero, prevents the filtering of entries using the object name.

Output. Upon return from the API, this parameter contains the number of matching recovery history file entries.

Input. Specifies the type of action to be taken. Valid values (defined in db2ApiDf) are:

Select all of the records (backup, restore, and load) that pass the other filters.

Select only the backup and restore records that pass the other filters.

Select only the roll forward records that pass the other filters.

Select only the RUNSTATS records that pass the other filters.
Note:This value is not currently supported.

Select only the reorganize table records that pass the other filters.
Note:This value is not currently supported.

Select only the ALTER TABLESPACE records that pass the other filters. The DDL field associated with an entry will not be returned. To retrieve the DDL information for an entry, db2HistoryGetEntry - Get Next Recovery History File Entry must be called with a caller action of DB2HISTORY_GET_DDL immediately after the entry is fetched.

Select only the dropped table records that pass the other filters. The DDL field associated with an entry will not be returned. To retrieve the DDL information for an entry, db2HistoryGetEntry - Get Next Recovery History File Entry must be called with a caller action of DB2HISTORY_GET_DDL immediately after the entry is fetched.

Select only the load records that pass the other filters.

Select only the rename tablespace records that pass the other filters.

Output. Upon return from the API, this parameter contains the handle for scan access. It is subsequently used in db2HistoryGetEntry - Get Next Recovery History File Entry, and db2HistoryCloseScan - Close Recovery History File Scan.


[OBJECT objname] [TIMESTAMP :timestamp]
USING :value

REXX API Parameters

The alias of the database whose history file is to be listed.

Specifies the object name to be used for selecting records. The object may be a table or a table space. If it is a table, the fully qualified table name must be provided. Setting this parameter to NULL prevents the filtering of entries using objname.

Specifies the time stamp to be used for selecting records. Records whose time stamp is equal to or greater than this value are selected. Setting this parameter to NULL prevents the filtering of entries using timestamp.

A compound REXX host variable to which recovery history file information is returned. In the following, XXX represents the host variable name.

Number of elements in the variable (always 2)

Identifier (handle) for future scan access

Number of matching recovery history file entries.

Usage Notes

The combination of time stamp, object name and caller action can be used to filter records. Only records that pass all specified filters are returned.

The filtering effect of the object name depends on the value specified:

Note:To return records for tables, they must be specified as schema.tablename. Specifying tablename will only return records for table spaces.

A maximum of eight history file scans per process is permitted.

To list every entry in the history file, a typical application will perform the following steps:

  1. Call db2HistoryOpenScan, which will return oNumRows.
  2. Allocate an db2HistData structure with space for n oTablespace fields, where n is an arbitrary number.
  3. Set the iDB2NumTablespace field of the db2HistData structure to n.
  4. In a loop, perform the following:
  5. When all of the information has been fetched, call db2HistoryCloseScan - Close Recovery History File Scan to free the resources allocated by the call to db2HistoryOpenScan.

The macro SQLUHINFOSIZE(n), defined in sqlutil, is provided to help determine how much memory is required for an db2HistData structure with space for n oTablespace fields.

See Also

db2HistoryCloseScan - Close Recovery History File Scan

db2HistoryGetEntry - Get Next Recovery History File Entry


db2HistoryUpdate - Update Recovery History File.

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