Administrative API Reference

sqlfusys - Update Database Manager Configuration

Modifies individual entries in the database manager configuration file.



Required Connection

None or instance. An instance attachment is not required to perform database manager configuration operations at the current instance (as defined by the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable), but is required to perform database manager configuration operations at other instances. To update the database manager configuration for another instance, it is necessary to first attach to that instance.



C API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Update Database Manager Configuration */
/* ... */
  sqlfusys (
    unsigned short NumItems,
    struct sqlfupd * pItemList,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

Generic API Syntax

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Update Database Manager Configuration */
/* ... */
  sqlgusys (
    unsigned short NumItems,
    unsigned short * pItemListLens,
    struct sqlfupd * pItemList,
    struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */

API Parameters

Input. Number of entries being modified. The minimum valid value is 1.

Input. An array of 2-byte unsigned integers representing the length of each of the new configuration field values in the pItemList. It is necessary to provide lengths for those fields that contain strings only, such as dftdbpath. If, for example, dftdbpath is the fifth element in the pItemList array, its length must be the fifth element in the pItemListLens array.

Input. Pointer to an array of NumItems sqlfupd structures, each containing a token field indicating which value to update, and a pointer field indicating the new value. For more information about this structure, see SQLFUPD.

Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For more information about this structure, see SQLCA.



REXX API Parameters

A compound REXX host variable containing tokens that indicate the configuration fields to be modified. The application provides the token and the new value for each field. The following are elements of a variable, where XXX represents the host variable name:

Number of elements in the variable. This value is two times the number of fields to modify.

First token

New value for the first field

Second token

New value for the second field

and so on.

Sample Programs




Usage Notes

If an attachment to a remote instance (or a different local instance) exists, the database manager configuration parameters for the attached server are updated; otherwise, the local database manager configuration parameters are updated.

To view or print a list of the database manager configuration parameters, use sqlfxsys - Get Database Manager Configuration.

To reset the database manager configuration parameters to the recommended database manager defaults, use sqlfrsys - Reset Database Manager Configuration.

The default values of these parameters may differ for each type of database node configured (server, client, or server with remote clients). See the Administration Guide for the ranges and the default values that can be set on each node type. The valid token values for each configuration entry are listed in Table 55.

Not all parameters can be updated.

Most changes to the database manager configuration file become effective only after they are loaded into memory. For a server configuration parameter, this occurs during execution of db2start. For a client configuration parameter, this occurs when the application is restarted.

If an error occurs, the database manager configuration file does not change.

The database manager configuration file cannot be updated if the checksum is invalid. This may occur if the database manager configuration file is changed without using the appropriate API. If this happens, the database manager must be reinstalled to reset the database manager configuration file.

For a brief description of the database manager configuration parameters, see the Command Reference. For more information about these parameters, see the Administration Guide.

See Also

sqlfdsys - Get Database Manager Configuration Defaults

sqlfrsys - Reset Database Manager Configuration

sqlfxsys - Get Database Manager Configuration.

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