Application Building Guide

General Information for Building DB2 Applications

  • Build Files, Makefiles, and Error-checking Utilities
  • Build Files
  • Makefiles
  • Error-checking Utilities
  • Java Applets and Applications
  • DB2 API Applications
  • DB2 Call Level Interface (CLI) Applications
  • Embedded SQL Applications
  • Stored Procedures
  • User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
  • Multi-threaded Applications
  • C Applications
  • C++ Applications
  • C++ Considerations for UDFs and Stored Procedures
  • COBOL Applications
  • REXX Applications
  • The information in this chapter applies to more than one operating system. The majority of the topics apply to most DB2-supported platforms.

    For the latest DB2 application development updates, visit the Web page at:


    General Points for Building and Running DB2 Programs

    1. Application Environment:
    2. To build DB2 programs containing embedded SQL, or to run any DB2 programs, the database manager on the server must be started. To start the database manager, you need SYSADM (system administration) authority. Refer to Quick Beginnings for information on SYSADM authority.

      Start the database manager (if it is not already running) by entering the following command on the server:

    3. When you are building applications for production, the DB2 runtime paths that are built into the executables should be the install paths, and not the paths of the local DB2 instance where you are developing your applications. This book is designed to show you how to build applications in a development environment, and therefore documents the instance copies of sqllib/include and sqllib/lib on UNIX, and %DB2PATH%\include and %DB2PATH%\lib on OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems.
    4. It is recommended that, before altering or building the sample programs, you copy the samples of the language you will be using from sqllib/samples on UNIX, or from %DB2PATH%\samples on OS/2 or Windows 32-bit operating systems, to your own working directory. This allows you to preserve the original samples in case you need to refer to them in the future.

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