Application Building Guide

DB2 Programming Interfaces

You can use several different programming interfaces to manage or access DB2 databases. You can:

  1. Use DB2 APIs to perform administrative functions such as backing up and restoring databases.
  2. Embed static and dynamic SQL statements in your applications.
  3. Code DB2 Call Level Interface (DB2 CLI) function calls in your applications to invoke dynamic SQL statements.
  4. Develop Java applications and applets that call the Java Database Connectivity application programming interface (JDBC API).
  5. Develop Microsoft Visual Basic and Visual C++ applications that conform to Data Access Object (DAO) and Remote Data Object (RDO) specifications, and ActiveX Data Object (ADO) applications that use the Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) Bridge.
  6. Develop applications using IBM or third-party tools such as Net.Data, Excel, Perl, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) end-user tools such as Lotus Approach, and its programming language, LotusScript.

The way your application accesses DB2 databases will depend on the type of application you want to develop. For example, if you want a data entry application, you might choose to embed static SQL statements in your application. If you want an application that performs queries over the World Wide Web, you might choose Net.Data, Perl, or Java.

Using Embedded SQL Statements

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the database interface language used to access and manipulate data in DB2 databases. You can embed SQL statements in your applications, enabling them to perform any task supported by SQL, such as retrieving or storing data. Using DB2, you can code your embedded SQL applications in the C/C++, COBOL, FORTRAN, Java (SQLJ), and REXX programming languages.

An application in which you embed SQL statements is called a host program. The programming language you use to create a host program is called a host language. The program and language are defined this way because they host or accommodate SQL statements.

For static SQL statements, you know before compile time the SQL statement type and the table and column names. The only unknowns are specific data values the statement is searching for or updating. You can represent those values in host language variables. You precompile, bind and then compile static SQL statements before you run your application. Static SQL is best run on databases whose schema does not change a great deal. Otherwise, the statements will soon get out of date.

In contrast, dynamic SQL statements are those that your application builds and executes at run time. An interactive application that prompts the end user for key parts of an SQL statement, such as the names of the tables and columns to be searched, is a good example of dynamic SQL. The application builds the SQL statement while it's running, and then submits the statement for processing.

You can write applications that have static SQL statements, dynamic SQL statements, or a mix of both.

Generally, static SQL statements are well-suited for high-performance applications with predefined transactions. A reservation system is a good example of such an application.

Generally, dynamic SQL statements are well-suited for applications that run against a rapidly changing database where transactions need to be specified at run time. An interactive query interface is a good example of such an application.

When you embed SQL statements in your application, you must precompile and bind your application to a database with the following steps:

  1. Create source files that contain programs with embedded SQL statements.
  2. Connect to a database, then precompile each source file.

    The precompiler converts the SQL statements in each source file into DB2 run-time API calls to the database manager. The precompiler also produces an access package in the database and, optionally, a bind file, if you specify that you want one created.

    The access package contains access plans selected by the DB2 optimizer for the static SQL statements in your application. The access plans contain the information required by the database manager to execute the static SQL statements in the most efficient manner as determined by the optimizer. For dynamic SQL statements, the optimizer creates access plans when you run your application.

    The bind file contains the SQL statements and other data required to create an access package. You can use the bind file to rebind your application later without having to precompile it first. Rebinding creates access plans that are optimized for current database conditions. You need to rebind your application if it will access a different database from the one against which it was precompiled. You should rebind your application if the database statistics have changed since the last binding.

  3. Compile the modified source files (and other files without SQL statements) using the host language compiler.
  4. Link the object files with the DB2 and host language libraries to produce an executable program.
  5. Bind the bind file to create the access package if this was not already done at precompile time, or if a different database is going to be accessed.
  6. Run the application. The application accesses the database using the access plan in the package.

Embedded SQL for Java (SQLJ)

DB2 Java embedded SQL (SQLJ) support is provided by the DB2 AD Client. With DB2 SQLJ support, in addition to DB2 JDBC support, you can build and run SQLJ applets, applications, and stored procedures. These contain static SQL and use embedded SQL statements that are bound to a DB2 database.

For more information on DB2 SQLJ support, visit the Web page at:

Using the DB2 Call Level Interface

DB2 CLI is a programming interface that your C and C++ applications can use to access DB2 databases. DB2 CLI is based on the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) specification, and the ISO CLI standard. Since DB2 CLI is based on industry standards, application programmers who are already familiar with these database interfaces may benefit from a shorter learning curve.

When you use DB2 CLI, your application passes dynamic SQL statements as function arguments to the database manager for processing. As such, DB2 CLI is an alternative to embedded dynamic SQL.

It is also possible to run the SQL statements as static SQL in a CLI, ODBC or JDBC application. The CLI/ODBC/JDBC Static Profiling feature enables end users of an application to replace the use of dynamic SQL with static SQL in many cases. For more information, see: 

You can build an ODBC application without using an ODBC driver manager, and simply use DB2's ODBC driver on any platform by linking your application with libdb2 on UNIX, and db2cli.lib on OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems. The DB2 CLI sample programs demonstrate this. They are located in sqllib/samples/cli on UNIX and %DB2PATH%\samples\cli on OS/2 and Windows 32-bit operating systems.

You do not need to precompile or bind DB2 CLI applications because they use common access packages provided with DB2. You simply compile and link your application.

However, before your DB2 CLI or ODBC applications can access DB2 databases, the DB2 CLI bind files that come with the DB2 AD Client must be bound to each DB2 database that will be accessed. This occurs automatically on the first connection to the database, but we recommend that the database administrator bind the bind files from one client on each platform that will access a DB2 database. For the bind instructions, see "Binding".

For example, suppose you have OS/2, AIX, and Windows 95 clients that each access two DB2 databases. The administrator should bind the bind files from one OS/2 client on each database that will be accessed. Next, the administrator should bind the bind files from one AIX client on each database that will be accessed. Finally, the administrator should do the same on one Windows 95 client.

DB2 CLI Versus Embedded Dynamic SQL

You can develop dynamic applications using either embedded dynamic SQL statements or DB2 CLI. In both cases, SQL statements are prepared and processed at run time. Each method has unique advantages listed below.

DB2 CLI Advantages

DB2 CLI applications use a standard set of functions to pass SQL statements to the database. All you need to do is compile and link DB2 CLI applications before you can run them. In contrast, you must precompile embedded SQL applications, compile them, and then bind them to the database before you can run them. This process effectively ties your application to a particular database.

No binding
You do not need to bind individual DB2 CLI applications to each database they access. You only need to bind the bind files that are shipped with DB2 CLI once for all your DB2 CLI applications. This can significantly reduce the amount of time you spend managing your applications.

Extended fetching and input
DB2 CLI functions enable you to retrieve multiple rows in the database into an array with a single call. They also let you execute an SQL statement many times using an array of input variables.

Consistent interface to catalog
Database systems contain catalog tables that have information about the database and its users. The form of these catalogs can vary among systems. DB2 CLI provides a consistent interface to query catalog information about components such as tables, columns, foreign and primary keys, and user privileges. This shields your application from catalog changes across releases of database servers, and from differences among database servers. You don't have to write catalog queries that are specific to a particular server or product version.

Extended data conversion
DB2 CLI automatically converts data between SQL and C data types. For example, fetching any SQL data type into a C char data type converts it into a character-string representation. This makes DB2 CLI well-suited for interactive query applications.

No global data areas
DB2 CLI eliminates the need for application controlled, often complex global data areas, such as SQLDA and SQLCA, typically associated with embedded SQL applications. Instead, DB2 CLI automatically allocates and controls the necessary data structures, and provides a handle for your application to reference them.

Retrieve result sets from stored procedures
DB2 CLI applications can retrieve multiple rows and result sets generated from a stored procedure residing on the server.

Scrollable cursors
DB2 CLI supports server-side scrollable cursors that can be used in conjunction with array output. This is useful in GUI applications that display database information in scroll boxes that make use of the Page Up, Page Down, Home and End keys. You can declare a cursor as scrollable and then move forwards or backwards through the result set by one or more rows. You can also fetch rows by specifying an offset from the current row, the beginning or end of a result set, or a specific row you bookmarked previously.

Embedded Dynamic SQL Advantages

All DB2 CLI users share the same privileges. Embedded SQL offers the advantage of more granular security through granting execute privileges to particular users for a package.

Embedded SQL supports more than just C and C++. This might be an advantage if you prefer to code your applications in another language.

Dynamic SQL is generally more consistent with static SQL. If you already know how to program static SQL, moving to dynamic SQL might not be as difficult as moving to DB2 CLI.

Using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

DB2's Java support includes JDBC, a vendor-neutral dynamic SQL interface that provides data access to your application through standardized Java methods. JDBC is similar to DB2 CLI in that you do not have to precompile or bind a JDBC program. As a vendor-neutral standard, JDBC applications offer increased portability. An application written using JDBC uses only dynamic SQL.

JDBC can be especially useful for accessing DB2 databases across the Internet. Using the Java programming language, you can develop JDBC applets and applications that access and manipulate data in remote DB2 databases using a network connection. You can also create JDBC stored procedures that reside on the server, access the database server, and return information to a remote client application that calls the stored procedure.

The JDBC API, which is similar to the CLI/ODBC API, provides a standard way to access databases from Java code. Your Java code passes SQL statements as function arguments to the DB2 JDBC driver. The driver handles the JDBC API calls from your client Java code.

Java's portability enables you to deliver DB2 access to clients on multiple platforms, requiring only a Java-enabled web browser.

Java applications rely on the DB2 client to connect to DB2. You start your application from the desktop or command line, like any other application. The DB2 JDBC driver handles the JDBC API calls from your application, and uses the client connection to communicate the requests to the server and to receive the results.

Java applets do not require the DB2 client connection. Typically, you would embed the applet in a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) web page.

You need only a Java-enabled web browser or applet viewer on the client machine to run your applet. When you load your HTML page, the browser downloads the Java applet to your machine, which then downloads the Java class files and DB2's JDBC driver. When your applet calls the JDBC API to connect to DB2, the JDBC driver establishes a separate network connection with the DB2 database through the JDBC applet server residing on the web server.

For more information on DB2 JDBC support, visit the Web page at:

Using DB2 APIs

Your applications may need to perform some database administration tasks, such as creating, activating, backing up, or restoring a database. DB2 provides numerous APIs so you can perform these tasks from your applications, including embedded SQL and DB2 CLI applications. This enables you to program the same administrative functions into your applications that you can perform using the DB2 server administration tools, discussed in "DB2 Universal Database Tools".

Additionally, you might need to perform specific tasks that can only be performed using the DB2 APIs. For example, you might want to retrieve the text of an error message so your application can display it to the end user. To retrieve the message, you must use the Get Error Message API.

Using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) and Remote Data Objects (RDO)

You can write Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C++ database applications that conform to the Data Access Object (DAO) and Remote Data Object (RDO) specifications. DB2 also supports ActiveX Data Object (ADO) applications that use the Microsoft OLE DB to ODBC Bridge.

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) allow you to write an application to access and manipulate data in a database server through an OLE DB provider. The primary benefits of ADO are high speed development time, ease of use, and a small disk footprint.

Remote Data Objects (RDO) provide an information model for accessing remote data sources through ODBC. RDO offers a set of objects that make it easy to connect to a database, execute queries and stored procedures, manipulate results, and commit changes to the server. It is specifically designed to access remote ODBC relational data sources, and makes it easier to use ODBC without complex application code.

Using IBM, Third-Party, and ODBC End-User Tools

To perform a basic task, such as querying a database, you can use Net.Data or Perl.

Net.Data enables Internet and intranet access to DB2 data through your web applications. It exploits web server interfaces (APIs), providing higher performance than common gateway interface (CGI) applications. Net.Data supports client-side processing as well as server-side processing with languages such as Java, REXX, Perl and C++. Net.Data provides conditional logic and a rich macro language. The Net.Data web page is at:

DB2 supports the Perl Database Interface (DBI) specification for data access through the DBD::DB2 driver. The DB2 Universal Database Perl DBI website is located at:

and contains the latest DBD::DB2 driver, and related information.

You can also use ODBC end-user tools such as Lotus Approach, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft Visual Basic to create applications to perform these tasks. ODBC tools provide a simpler alternative to developing applications than using a high-level programming language.

Lotus Approach provides two ways to access DB2 data. You can use the graphical interface to perform queries, develop reports, and analyze data. Or you can develop applications using LotusScript, a full-featured, object-oriented programming language that comes with a wide array of objects, events, methods, and properties, along with a built-in program editor.

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