APPC, CPI-C, and SNA Sense Codes

X'08' Request Reject

This category indicates that the request was delivered to the intended component, and that it was understood and supported. However, the request was not executed.

0801xxxx Resource Not Available

Explanation: The LU, PU, link station, or link specified in an RU is not available. For example, this sense data can occur when a workstation is executing both of the following:

If the gateway sends an ACTPU to the workstation before the host, the workstation will reject the ACTPU from the host with this sense data. The 3270 emulator component logs this error as type 0042, subtype 000002B2 in IBM's OS/2 Communications Manager error log. Unless this situation is corrected, the host will continue to send the ACTPU and each negative response will cause an error to be logged.

Operator Response: To correct this problem, do one of the following:

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The LU is not available because it is not ready to accept sessions. That LU is still in pending-delete state because it has active sessions with one or more partners. However, no new sessions can be started.


An APPN connection cannot be established because the local node has no available integers to represent a new transmission group (TG). This error is associated with XID processing.

0805xxxx Session Limit Exceeded

Explanation: The requested session cannot be activated because one of the network addressable units (NAUs) has reached its session limit (such as the LU-LU session limit or the LU-mode session limit). This sense code applies to SNA ACTCDRM, INIT, BIND, and CINIT requests.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.

For example, when VTAM is re-IPLed, all of its session limits are set to zero, pending an Initialize Change-Number-of-Sessions (CNOS) operation. Connected nodes may see this sense data if they were previously connected to VTAM and have not issued the CNOS operation again after it re-IPLed.


If accepted, the BIND request would prevent either the receiving LU or the sending LU from activating the number of contention winner sessions to the partner LU that were agreed on during a CNOS procedure.

It is possible that two different LUs with the same name in the network attempted to set up sessions with the same third, target LU. The target LU rejects the BIND request issued by the later, duplicate named LU with this sense data. Each LU across every computer in an SNA network must have a unique, fully-qualified LU name.

Operator Response: Ensure that each LU has a unique, fully-qualified LU name in the same network.


If the BIND request had been accepted, it would have caused the XRF-backup session limit to be exceeded.


If the BIND request had been accepted, it would have caused the XRF-active session limit to be exceeded. The session limit for XRF-active sessions is 1. An XRF-active BIND is valid only if there are no XRF-active or XRF-backup sessions with the receiving secondary LU (SLU).


For an independent LU, if the BIND request had been accepted, it would have caused the system-defined maximum number of sessions allowed for any LU to be exceeded for this LU.


The intermediate session router is unable to create a session connector control block. The pool of session connectors is saturated with active sessions and with pending active sessions for which the queue bit was set in the BIND request; the BIND should not be retried.


The intermediate session router is unable to create a session connector control block. The pool of session connectors is saturated with active sessions and with pending active sessions for which the queue bit was not set in the BIND request; the BIND should be retried.


For a dependent LU, if accepted, the BIND request would cause the session limit to be exceeded.


If the request had been accepted, it would have caused the primary logical unit (PLU) session limit to be exceeded.


If the request had been accepted, it would have caused the secondary logical unit (SLU) session limit to be exceeded.


The request was rejected because a session already exists between the same LU pair, and at least one of the LUs does not support parallel sessions.


An LU-LU session was not set up because a session already exists between the SLU and the session-controller PLU.

0806xxxx Resource Unknown

Explanation: The request contained a name or address not identifying a PU, LU, SSCP, link, or link station known to the receiver or the sender.

In an interconnected network environment, this sense code may be set by an SSCP in whose subnetwork and domain the LU was expected to reside. It is not set by an SSCP that is only an intermediary on the session-setup path. A gateway SSCP examines the Resource Identifier control vector in a session setup request (for example, CD-Initiate), to determine whether the LU is in the SSCP's subnetwork and domain.

If bytes 2 and 3 appear to be out of range, they correspond to a CICS DFH message number. See entry 'yyyy' below. Otherwise, bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The resources identified in an SNA Address List (X'04') management services (MS) common subvector are unknown to the PU receiving the request.

When this sense data flows in a -RSP(NMVT), the referenced X'04' subvector is the one that was present in the corresponding request NMVT. When this sense data flows in a Sense Data (X'7D') management services (MS) common subvector, the referenced X'04' subvector is present with the X'7D' subvector in the same major vector.


Set aside for implementation-specific use, and will not be otherwise defined in SNA; see implementation documentation for details of usage.


The indicated resources in the accompanying Name List (X'06') subvector are unknown to the control point to which the request containing the subvector was routed. Names in the hierarchy below the level of the first unknown resource are not examined by the control point.


For a dynamic reconfiguration DELETE, MOVE, or REPLACE operation, the resource to be dynamically reconfigured could not be found.


The LU address in bytes 8-9 of the Request Network Address Assignment (RNAA) request unit type X'4' is already in the free pool.


For a dynamic reconfiguration DELETE, MOVE, or REPLACE operation, the network addressable unit (NAU) name in the Request Network Address Assignment (RNAA) request unit does not correspond to the resource identified by the element address in the RNAA.


The SSCP(OLU) cannot identify the SSCP(DLU), and default SSCP rerouting is not enabled.


The configuration identifier specified in a management services command is not recognized by the DLC manager at the receiving node.


An unknown OLU name was specified in the request. For example, this situation can occur when a local node is using an LU that is unknown to the subarea. Ensure that all local LUs that set up sessions with a subarea host are configured at the host.

With the OS/2 Communications Manager, this can occur when using CPI-C, but failing to set the APPCLLU environment variable to the correct local LU name. The host will do CNOS to negotiate the session limits for the LU it is supposed to be using. The APPC software in the local OS/2 computer then sends a BIND request with the wrong workstation LU name, and the host replies with this sense data.


An unknown destination logical unit (DLU) name was specified in the request.


An unknown secondary logical unit (SLU) name was specified in the request.


An unknown primary logical unit (PLU) name was specified in the request.


An unknown origin logical unit (OLU) address was specified in the request.


An unknown destination logical unit (DLU) address was specified in the request.


An unknown secondary logical unit (SLU) address was specified in the request.


An unknown primary logical unit (PLU) address was specified in the request.


The session-initiation request specified that the receiving SSCP is the SSCP having the DLU in its domain, but the DLU is unknown to the receiving SSCP.

For VTAM, this sense data indicates that a link with a downstream node is defined incorrectly. For example, this can occur when VTAM thinks it link to an adjacent node is an APPN-level link, but the adjacent node is treating the link as a LEN-level link. If the adjacent node had treated the link as APPN-level, it would have sent an APPN Locate to VTAM prior to sending its BIND request. The result would have been that the RSCV used to route the BIND request would include an additional "Interchange TG" hop, which indicates to VTAM that the destination LU is actually located in the subarea network.

If VTAM receives a BIND request over an APPN-level link and the RSCV ends on that VTAM (indicating that the DLU should be on that VTAM), then VTAM will reject the BIND request if the DLU is not owned locally. However, prior to rejecting the BIND request, VTAM will send a DSRLST into the subarea. If the DLU is found in the subarea, this this sense data is set to inform the OLU that the DLU does not reside on this node.


The originator of the request is unknown to the receiver.


The destination of the request or response is unknown to the sender.


An unknown LU1 name was specified in the request.


An unknown LU2 name was specified in the request.


The SSCP does not have a session with the boundary function PU of an independent LU.


The PU associated with a switched secondary logical unit (SLU) is unknown. Session setup processing for the switched SLU cannot proceed.


NAU1 network address is unknown.


NAU2 network address is unknown.


The NAU name in the CONTACT or ACTLU does not correspond to the resource at the target address.


The TG (link) being activated is unknown. The local or network APPN topology information may be incorrect. This can occur because of one of the following conditions:


The identification in either the Node Identification field or the control point (CP) name in a received XID3 is different from what the local node was configured to expect. The CP name configured in the link definition does not match what was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


The destination resource was not found on this node during a session activation attempt.


The adjacent node was not identified during CP-CP session activation.


If bytes 2 and 3 appear to be out of range, these two bytes correspond to a CICS DFH message number. An Allocate call failed when trying to BIND request to a CICS application through VTAM. VTAM has not yet acquired the local LU. The BIND request should succeed after forcing an acquire. Assure that your local LU has a corresponding TCT entry.

0809xxxx Mode Inconsistency

Explanation: The requested function cannot be performed in the present state of the receiver.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.
Note:VTAM APPC will erroneously reject an inbound BIND request with this sense data if this is the first session for this LU (no CNOS yet) and the mode name is not SNASVCMG. Some APPC resources will not react properly (for example, they will hang) when receiving this sense data. The expected sense data is X'08050000'.

For VTAM, apply JR06063 plus the appropriate VTAM fix:
Release 301: UY82095
Release 303: UY82094
Release 401: UY82096
Release 431: UY82097

0001 - 000D

Set aside for implementation-specific use, and will not be otherwise defined in SNA. See the platform documentation for details of usage.


The partner data link control (DLC) is not activated. In the OS/2 Communications Manager a long timeout (for example, 30 seconds) occurs before the verb returns. Possible reasons this occurs are:


CP Transaction Error. A CP Capabilities (X'12C1') generalized data stream (GDS) variable request was sent indicating conversation complete or without change direction (for example, CEB or [CD) or CP Capabilities reply was sent indicating conversation not yet complete (for example, [CEB).

Generically, this sense data value is issued whenever the LU 6.2 transaction to request and provide a CP Capabilities GDS variable does not take place as designed. This is most easily detected by looking at the CEB and CD bits. The SNA APPN Architecture Reference document is a bit more general; it tells implementers that this sense data is also to be used when any other transaction-related errors are discovered. In reality, the REQ_CP_CAP_TP internal transaction program issues some RECEIVE_AND_WAIT verbs, and once everything is received, it checks for a primary return code of DEALLOCATE_NORMAL and a verb count of 2. If either one is not true, it issues the 08090039 sense data value.


A null XID was received when a link activation XID3 was expected. Specifically, a null XID was received when an XID3 with its Exchange State indicators set to "prenegotiation", "negotiation proceeding", or "Exchange State indicators not supported" was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


A null XID was received when a nonactivation XID3 was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


An XID3 with the Exchange State indicators set to "prenegotiation" was received when either of the values "negotiation proceeding" or "Exchange State indicators not supported" was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


A nonactivation XID3 was received when a null XID or link activation XID3 was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


A link activation XID3 was received when a null XID or nonactivation XID3 was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


A secondary link station attempted to initiate a nonactivation XID exchange when this option is not supported on the TG. This error is associated with XID processing.


A mode-setting command was received and was either not expected or invalid for the receiving node. For example, SNRME was received when SNRM was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


Negotiation-proceeding XID3 was received when prenegotiation XID3 was expected. This error is associated with XID processing.


On an asynchronous balanced mode (ABM) TG on which secondary-initiated nonactivation exchanges are supported, the adjacent node initiated a nonactivation exchange without explicitly indicating that it was doing so in the ABM Nonactivation XID Initiator indicator in XID3. This error is associated with XID processing.


An XID3, indicating that the sender does not support the Exchange State indicators, was received when the sender had previously indicated support for this field in XID3. This error is associated with XID processing.


An XID3, indicating that the sender supports the Exchange State indicators, was received when the sender had previously indicated that it does not support this field in XID3. This error is associated with XID processing.


An XID was received after receipt of a mode-setting command, but before the completion of the mode-setting sequence, that is, before RR, RNR, or an I-frame with the Poll bit set has been sent by the node with the primary link station after it has received UA in response to its mode-setting command. Once a node sends one of these mode-setting commands, no additional XIDs may be sent. This error is associated with XID processing.


An NRM primary link station received an unsolicited XID from an NRM secondary link station. This error is associated with XID processing.


An XID3 containing the XID Negotiation Error (X'22') was received by this node. This error is associated with XID processing.

For example, when using the OS/2 Communications Manager in the local node, this can occur when there are no link stations available on the local DLC adapter to connect a link to the adjacent computer. In one scenario, a user had the "max link stations" on their DLC profile set to 2, with the percentage reserved for incoming sessions equal to 50%. Only one link station was reserved for connecting out, and once that was already in use, subsequent requests by other partners were rejected with this sense data. Increasing the number of link stations higher than 3 corrected the situation.


A node with an NRM secondary link station attempted to initiate a nonactivation XID exchange with an XID. This error is associated with XID processing.


The adjacent node is not the node type (that is, network node or end node) that the receiving node was configured to expect. The received negotiation-proceeding XID3 indicated that the adjacent node is an APPN end node while this node expected the adjacent node to be an APPN network node, or vice versa. This error is associated with XID processing.


The virtual routing node named in the received XID3 in the TG Identifier (X'80') subfield of the TG Descriptor (X'46') control vector is not defined on the receiving port. This error is associated with XID processing.

080Axxxx Permission Rejected

Explanation: The receiver has denied an implicit or explicit request of the sender.

When sent in response to a BIND request, it implies either that the secondary LU will not notify the SSCP when a BIND request can be accepted, or that the SSCP does not recognize the NOTIFY vector X'0C'. (See the X'0845' sense code for a contrasting response.)

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


An SSCP has denied permission to establish a session through its gateway resources; the receiving SSCP should not attempt to reroute the request to another SSCP.


An SSCP has denied permission to establish a session through its gateway resources; the receiving SSCP should not attempt to reroute the request to another SSCP.

080Cxxxx Procedure Not Supported

Explanation: A internal SNA procedure (Test, Trace, IPL, REQMS type, MS major vector key) specified in a request/response unit (RU) is not supported by the receiver.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The management services (MS) major vector key is not supported by the receiver. This may occur for one of these reasons:


The management services (MS) major vector is identified as one that contains a command, but the receiver does not recognize or support the command subvector. A control subvector is missing or not supported. Products that are not MS focal point products, do not know how to process a X'63', so they send an SNACR rather than a X'64' reject.

If the command subvector is identified, but an additional required subvector is missing, refer to X'086C' sense code in SNA Formats, IBM document number GA27-3136.


Application generalized data stream (GDS) variable in a Multiple-Domain Support Message Unit (MDS_MU) not supported.


MDS message type not supported. Receiving node does not support the MDS message type in this MDS_MU.


A subvector in a management services (MS) major vector is identified as one inside which the receiver requires one of several supported subfields, but none of these subfields is present. Byte 3 contains the key (xx) of the subvector.

080Exxxx NAU Not Authorized

Explanation: The requesting network addressable unit (NAU) does not have access to the requested resource.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


A gateway Type 4 (T4) node received a dynamic dump request from an SSCP that is not in the native network of the gateway T4 node.


An APPN network node received a Register from an unauthorized APPN end node.


An APPN network node received an APPN Delete request from an unauthorized APPN end node.


A Locate/CDINIT was received from a node that is not defined as a client APPN end node. This can be detected by either APPN directory services or session services. For example, a BIND request came into an APPN network node that is not the APPN network node server of the BIND-sending EN. The APPN network node is unable to handle this type of request.

Operator Response: Define that APPN network node as your NN server, or send the BIND request to the currently defined NN server.

080Fxxxx Security Mismatch

There is mismatch with the supplied used ID or password and what was expected by the partner. This can indicate an attempt at a security violation.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


End User Not Authorized Explanation: This indicates that the BIND request is correct, but the primary LU has not been authorized to activate the requested session.


Access Security Information Invalid. The request specifies an Access Security Information field that is unacceptable to the receiver; for security reasons, no further detail on the error is provided. This sense data is sent in FMH-7 or UNBIND.

The partner LU rejected the user ID or password received on an incoming Attach, or there is a mismatch in the LU-LU security.

For example:

Programmer Response: The Allocate call issued by the local program has a wrong user ID or password parameter, or the remote configuration needs to be changed. Look at the verb control block being used for this verb. Verify that it specifies valid user ID and password parameters.

Operator Response: If the problem is with the remote configuration, assure that the user ID and password combination has been correctly defined there. User IDs and passwords are two of the few APPC configuration fields that are case-sensitive. Be sure that the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters matches those specified in the program.

Also assure that if these are required (see the partner's TP definition), they will be accepted by the partner LU (see the remote location's definition of its partner LU).

If the partner is using the OS/2 Communications Manager, look at its error log. Find an error log of type 001A; its subtype indicates why this Attach was rejected.

0812xxxx Insufficient Resource

Explanation: Receiver cannot act on the request because of a temporary lack of resources.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


A local LEN node is acting as a independent LU, but the target LU supports only dependent logical units (LUs).


Insufficient resources are available for LU address allocation.


An APPN network node does not have adequate resources to perform the Register. For example, the available APPN directory capacity is exceeded.


Insufficient buffers exist to activate a session.


The control point (CP) does not have adequate resources to process a Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable request. The contention loser's CP-CP session is deactivated.


Insufficient storage to conduct an XID exchange.


Insufficient storage to activate a TG or a link.


Insufficient storage to activate a token-ring connection.

08130000 Bracket Bid Reject--No RTR Forthcoming

Explanation: BID (or BB) was received while the first speaker was in the in-bracket state, or while the first speaker was in the between-brackets state and the first speaker denied permission. RTR will not be sent. For LU 6.2, this is the only setting defined.

08140000 Bracket Bid Reject--RTR Forthcoming

Explanation: BID (or BB) was received while the first speaker was in the in-bracket state, or while the first speaker was in the between-brackets state and the first speaker denied permission. RTR will be sent. For LU 6.2, this is the only setting defined.

0815xxxx Function Active

Explanation: A request to activate a network element or procedure was received, but the element or procedure was already active.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


A BIND request was received from a Type 2.1 node when the session is already active. For example, the LFSID is in use. The receiver rejects the BIND request.


A session activation request was received by an APPN network node or an APPN end node to activate a CP-CP session that was already active.

0817xxxx TG Not Activated

Explanation: The TG (link) could not be activated.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The TG requires operator intervention to activate it. For example, the link station is not defined to support automatic activation. This error is associated with ACTIVATE_ROUTE processing.


The TG number has been changed by a nonactivation XID3 from the TG number negotiated during link activation. This error is associated with ACTIVATE_ROUTE processing.

08190000 RTR Not Required

Explanation: The receiver of Ready-To-Receive has nothing to send.

081Cxxxx Request Not Executable

Explanation: The requested function cannot be executed, because of a permanent error condition in the receiver.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The remote node is not responding to polling requests. The remote node may be powered off or the hardware may be functioning incorrectly.

081E0000 Session Reference Error

Explanation: The request contained reference to a half-session that either could not be found or was not in the expected state (generally applies to network services requests).

0821xxxx Invalid Session Parameters

Explanation: Session parameters were not valid or not supported by the half-session whose activation was requested.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


indicates that the specified mode name was not recognized by the control point (CP). If VTAM generates this sense data, it means the VTAM logmode table for the LU in question does not have the mode name defined. If the LU has been dynamically created by VTAM, then the default logmode table (ISTINCLM) does not contain the mode entry.

0824xxxx Logical Unit of Work Terminated

Explanation: The current unit of work has been terminated; when sync point protocols are in use, both sync point managers are to revert to the previously committed sync point. For LU 6.2, this sense data is sent only on FMH-7.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


indicates for LU 6.2, Backout Initiated--No Resync in Progress. A transaction program or its LU has initiated backout. The protected resources for the distributed logical unit of work are to be restored to the previously committed sync point. When sent in reply to a PS header, no resync in progress means that all resources in the transaction subordinate to the backout sender have backed out.

08260000 FM Function Not Supported

Explanation: Function management request not supported. A function requested in an FMD RU is not supported by the receiver.

For example, given a connection from APPC/MVS to OS/2, VTAM or APPC/MVS is requesting the OS/2 Communications Manager to do something it doesn't support. All the reasons for this should be reported via sense code 1003nnnn instead. Get a trace of the OS/2 Communications Manager side to see the details of that sense data.

0835xxxx Invalid Parameter (with Pointer Only)

Explanation: The request contained a fixed- or variable-length field whose contents are invalid or not supported by the network addressable unit (NAU) that received the request.


Bytes 2 and 3 contain a two-byte binary count that indexes (0-origin) the first byte of the fixed- or variable-length field having invalid contents.

The error usually indicates that the BIND request was rejected by APPC because of a syntax, state, or semantic error and points to an offset in the RU field of the invalid parameter. If possible, look at the BIND request in a trace or message; the partner LU is wrong, or the spelling of the partner LU or mode name is wrong.

For example, if a BIND request is rejected with a sense data of X'08350045', it implies that the field at offset X'45' is in error. If the field at this offset is an LU name, is could indicate that duplicate LU names are present in the network. If the field is a mode name, it could indicate a misspelled mode name was supplied on an Allocate call, or mode name definition was missing or misspelled at either the local or remote computer.

With the OS/2 Communications Manager, you can make a simple fix by specifying inbound_plu(YES), allowing any incoming partner LU name.


The partner LU rejected the value for "sync level" or "parallel session support". For example, if you are connecting to IMS, it is likely that the problem is the parallel session support bit. To solve this, define a partner LU for use with the IMS adapter, and specify no parallel session support.

This sense data is not used to report an invalid value in a management services (MS) major vector. If the invalid value occurs in a formatted management services (MS) subvector, sense code X'086B' is used. If it occurs in an unformatted subvector, sense code X'0870' is used.

0839xxxx LU-LU Session Being Taken Down or LU Being Deactivated

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


During session-initiation processing, a session-termination request has caused the LU-LU session to be taken down.


A Request Network Address Assignment (RNAA) request unit (type 3) was received for a session during the process of session deactivation. The RNAA should be retried.


SSCP detected that this session should no longer exist and requested its termination. For example, a BFSESSINFO was received reporting a subject LU address that the SSCP believed already belonged to an other-domain resource.


CP Architected-TP Send Failure. This can occur, for example, when an APPN network node attempts to issue a broadcast search to a particular node and the node does not respond within a timeout period. An UNBIND request is sent to the problem node and the session is deactivated.

Deactivate both conwinner and conloser CP-CP sessions.

083Axxxx LU Not Enabled

Explanation: At the time an LU-LU session initiation request is received at the SSCP, at least one of the two LUs (although having an active session with its SSCP) is not ready to accept CINIT or BIND requests.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The primary logical unit (PLU) is not enabled.


The secondary logical unit (SLU) is not enabled.

This sense data is set when VTAM has activated the LU (that is, the SSCP-LU session exists), but the device is not enabled. The means the PU that supports the dependent LU is active, but the terminal itself has not powered on yet. (For emulated dependent LUs, this probably means the LU itself has not initialized itself.) You should recycle the dependent LU.

083Bxxxx Invalid PCID

Explanation: The received procedure correlation identification (PCID) for a new session duplicated the PCID assigned to another session, or the received PCID intended as an identifier for an existing session could not be associated with such an existing session, or an error was detected in the format of the received PCID.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The PCID contained in CDINIT (Initiate or Queue), INIT-OTHER-CD, or CDTAKED duplicates a PCID received previously in one of these requests.


The received fully-qualified PCID duplicated one assigned to another session.

083Exxxx Implementation-Defined Retry Limit Exhausted

Explanation: The implementation-defined limit on XID exchanges was exceeded before link activation completed.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Limit for link activation XID exchanges exceeded.

For example, the maximum BTU (MAX_BTU) size of the host is less that the MAX_BTU size of a connected workstation. The MAX_BTU size is the largest segment of data that can be sent or received over a link. The host will keep trying to go into Negotiation_Proceeding when the two sides are in disagreement over the MAX_BTU size.


Limit for nonactivation XID exchanges exceeded.

0840xxxx Procedure Invalid for Resource

Explanation: The received RU is not supported in the receiver for this type of resource. For example:

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Resource Not Found. An APPN directory request (Delete or Find) could not be satisfied because the specified entry does not exist in the receiver's directory and the resource cannot be found in the network.

The target LU may be owned by an APPN network node server that cannot be contacted, or it might not exist in the network at all. For example,


Directory Entry Cannot Be Deleted. An APPN network node received an APPN Delete request with a delete entry condition indicating that the entry can be deleted only if it has no subordinate entries. Since the entry does have subordinate entries, the Delete is rejected.


Conflicting Entry Type on Delete. The APPN Delete request attempted to delete a home entry. For example, one defined at the receiver by its own network operator facility (NOF).

08460000 ERP Message Forthcoming

Explanation: The received request was rejected for a reason to be specified in a forthcoming request.

084Bxxxx Requested Resources Not Available

Explanation: Resources named in the request, and required to honor it, are not currently available. It is not known when the resources will be made available.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


Transaction Program Not Available--Retry Allowed. The Attach request (FMH-5) -- sent because of an Allocate by the local program -- specifies a transaction program that the receiver is unable to start. Either the program is not authorized to run or the resources to run it are not available now. The condition is temporary. The sender is responsible for subsequent retry. This sense data is sent only in FMH-7.

The partner LU rejected the incoming Attach because it could not start the specified program immediately.

If the partner LU is associated with the APPC Attach Manager in the OS/2 Communications Manager, some possible causes of this sense data are:

Programmer Response: Retry the allocation request. However, to avoid congesting the network with attempted allocation requests, your local program should pause or wait for a keystroke before retrying the conversation.

Operator Response: Start the APPC Attach Manager, increase the incoming_allocate_timeout, increase the incoming_allocate_queue_depth in the configuration at the remote location, if appropriate.

At the remote location, the remote program may have ended before issuing an Accept_Conversation (CMACCP) call (or equivalent) to receive the queued Attach. If this action is unexpected, check the following conditions in the remote location:

If the remote location is using the OS/2 Communications Manager, look at its error log. Find an error log of type 0020; its subtype indicates why this Attach was rejected.

084C0000 Transaction Program Not Available--No Retry

Explanation: The partner LU rejected the incoming Attach because it could not start the specified program. Receiver cannot act on the request because resources required to honor the request are permanently unavailable. The sender should not retry immediately because the situation is not transient.

For LU 6.2, an Attach request (FMH-5) -- sent because of an Allocate by the local program -- specifies a transaction program that the receiver is unable to start. The condition is not temporary. The sender should not retry immediately. This sense data is sent only in FMH-7.


Programmer Response: Do not retry the allocation request.

Operator Response: Ensure that the intended program is defined correctly at the remote location, and that it is compiled and linked correctly for its operating system. If the remote location is using the OS/2 Communications Manager, look at its error log for more information.

08500001 Link Activation Limit Reached

Explanation: The specified TG was not activated because the maximum number of active link stations allowed on this port has already been reached. For example, this can be caused when no ports are available for a connection network.

08520001 Duplicate Session Activation Request

Explanation: A second BIND request has been received from a peripheral node PLU while the session was still in the activation process.

0857xxxx SSCP-LU Session Not Active

Explanation: The SSCP-LU session, required for the processing of a request, is not active; for example, in processing REQECHO, the SSCP did not have an active session with the target LU named in the REQECHO RU.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information. Settings allowed are:


No specific code applies.


The SSCP-SLU session is in the process of being reactivated.


The SSCP-PLU session is inactive.


The SSCP-SLU session is inactive. If this sense data is received from VM/VTAM, it indicates that the LU is inactive. If it is received from APPC/VM LUs, it means that the gateway is inactive.

This sense data is returned when AVS is not running on VM. Restarting AVS will generally correct this problem.


The SSCP-PLU session is in the process of being reactivated.


The SSCP lost connectivity with the primary logical unit (PLU) after the LU-LU session was started, and has no other way to learn that the session has ended; the SSCP either never had a session to a gateway node in the LU-LU session path, or had previously lost connectivity to it.


The SSCP lost connectivity with the secondary logical unit (SLU) after the LU-LU session was started, and has no other way to learn that the session has ended; the SSCP either never had a session to a gateway node in the LU-LU session path, or had previously lost connectivity to it.


The selected ALS for the OLU is not in a state permitting LU-LU sessions to be set up using it. The condition is detected when the session request (BFINIT) was received, but, when the request was processed, the ALS was no longer in an active state. The session request is rejected.


The selected ALS for the DLU is not in a state permitting LU-LU sessions to be set up using it. The condition is detected when the session request was being processed in the DLU domain and the ALS selected for the DLU is no longer in an active state. The session request is rejected.

0860xxxx Function Not Supported--Continue Session

Explanation: The function requested is not supported; the function may have been specified by a request code or some other field, control character, or graphic character in an RU.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information. Settings allowed are:


Bytes 2 and 3 contain a 2-byte binary count that indexes (0-origin) the first byte in which an error was detected. This sense data is used to request that the session continue, thereby ignoring the error.

0861xxxx Invalid COS Name

Explanation: The class-of-service (COS) name, either specified by the independent LU (ILU) or generated by the SSCP of the secondary LU (SLU) from the mode table is not in the "COS name to VR identifier list" table used by the SSCP of the primary LU (PLU).

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information. Settings allowed are:


The class-of-service (COS) name was generated by the SSCP.


The class-of-service (COS) name was generated by the independent LU (ILU).


The class-of-service (COS) name generated by the Type 2.1 control point (CP) local to, or the Type 2.1 NNCP server for, the initiating logical unit is not in the class-of-service name definition table.

For example, this sense data occurs when VTAM sends a BIND request with a COS name that is not defined in an APPN network node on the route.


The CD-Initiate (CDINIT) request or response contains a Session Initiation control vector that has class-of-service (COS) name fields that have not been properly specified.

0864xxxx Function Terminated

Explanation: The conversation was terminated abnormally. Other terminations may occur after repeated executions; the request sender is responsible to detect such a loop.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information.


Premature Conversation Termination. An active conversation was terminated abnormally. This sense data is sent only in FMH-7 or UNBIND. The partner program may have issued a Deallocate type(ABEND) call, or the partner program may have terminated (normally or abnormally) without explicitly terminating the conversation.

If the partner program is running on OS/2, this sense data would be seen locally if the partner program ended unexpectedly because of a protection fault.

On the AS/400, this sense data can be caused by the absence of a valid routing entry in a subsystem. If no specific subsystem device or remote location name has been entered, check to see if the subsystem QCMN is active. If QCMN is active, be sure the routing entry for APPC programs (PGMEVOKE) is present in the subsystem. If a subsystem other than QCMN is being used and a specific communications entry or remote location name entry is being used, be sure a routing entry with PGMEVOKE is specified in the same subsystem. In both cases, the fix is to add a routing entry in a subsystem.

When a routing entry is not available on the AS/400, this sense data is written to QSYSOPR. There may be a job log produced, but it will not have any program information or CL statements printed.


System Logic Error--No Retry. A system logic error has been detected. No retry of the conversation should be attempted. This sense data is sent only in FMH-7 or UNBIND.


Excessive Elapsed Time--No Retry. Excessive time has elapsed while waiting for a required action or event. For example, a transaction program has failed to issue a conversation-related protocol boundary verb. No retry of the conversation should be attempted. This sense data is sent in UNBIND when there is no chain to respond to; otherwise, it is sent in FMH-7.

086Cxxxx Required Control Vector or Subvector Missing

Explanation: One or more control vectors or management services (MS) subvectors that are required by the receiver to perform some function are missing from the received messages, or are not present in the required position.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Byte 2 following the sense code contains the key (xx) of one of the control vectors or subvectors that is missing, or improperly positioned. Byte 3 is reserved (00).

See the X'080C0006' sense data for the condition in which the major vector key is recognized, but a subvector representing the function to be performed cannot be identified.

086Dxxxx Required Subfield Missing

Explanation: A control vector or management services (MS) subvector lacks one or more subfield keys that are required by the receiver to perform the function requested.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Byte 2 following the sense code contains the subvector key (xx) of the subvector lacking a required subfield, and byte 3 contains the subfield key (yy) of a missing subfield.

086Fxxxx Length Error

Explanation: A length field within an management services (MS) major vector structure is invalid, or two or more length fields are incompatible.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Control vector length field is invalid or control vector fields are incompatible.


The sum of the management services (MS) subvector lengths is incompatible with the MS major vector length.


Management services (MS) subvector length invalid. Byte 2 following the sense code contains the relevant subvector key (xx). (This is specified only if the sum of the subvector lengths is compatible with the major vector length.)


Subfield length invalid. Byte 2 following the sense code contains the subvector key (xx) of the management services (MS) subvector containing the invalid subfield length. (This is specified only if the sum of the subfield lengths is compatible with the subvector length.)


Invalid or Incompatible length fields in an MDS_MU. The length field of an MDS_MU is incompatible with the sum of the lengths of the imbedded generalized data stream (GDS) variables, or one of the imbedded GDS variables has a length field with a value of less than 4.

0870xxyy Unformatted Subvector Value Invalid

Explanation: A value in an unformatted management services (MS) subvector, or in an unformatted portion of a partially formatted MS subvector, is invalid.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Byte 2 following the sense code contains the subvector key (xx) of the management services (MS) subvector containing the invalid value. Byte 3 contains a one-byte binary count that index the first byte which the invalid value falls.

0876xxxx Nonreversible Explicit Route Requested

Explanation: The explicit route number (ERN) used by the NC-ACTVR does not use the same sequence of transmission groups (in reverse order) as the ERN that should be used for the RSP(NC-ACTVR).


Subarea Could Not Locate LU (?)

0877xxxx Resource Mismatch

Explanation: The receiver of a request detected a mismatch between two of the following:

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


A session cannot be activated because the node does not support segment generation and the maximum link basic transmission unit (BTU) size is too small to satisfy a requirement on the minimum send RU size as defined for the session mode.


A session cannot be activated because the node does not support segment reassembly and the maximum link basic transmission unit (BTU) size is too small to satisfy a requirement on the minimum receive RU size as defined for the session mode.


A BFINIT session request was received from a primary logical unit (PLU) that is not in the same network as this SSCP, or a BFSESSINFO was received reporting a subject LU in another network. A likely cause is a NETID mismatch with your subarea.

087Dxxxx Session Services Path Error

Explanation: A session services request cannot be rerouted along a path of SSCP-SSCP sessions. This capability is required, for example, to set up a cross-network LU-LU session.

Bytes 2 and 3 contain sense-code-specific information that indicates the specific reason for not rerouting the request.


No specific code applies.


VTAM has searched all the SSCPs in the subarea network, but the fully-qualified LU name specified as the destination in the BIND request cannot be found. The sense data means "routing exhausted", which implies that VTAM looked everywhere it could in the subarea and did not find the LU. For example, this can occur if the wrong NETID or partner LU name is defined in the local node. If the destination is more than one hop away, VTAM's adjsscp search will not find it.

There are many possible causes, but the most likely are:

An SSCP has attempted unsuccessfully to reroute a session services request to its destination via one or more adjacent SSCPs; this value is sent by a gateway SSCP when it has exhausted trial-and-error rerouting.

This code is used when SSCP rerouting fails completely. The remaining codes are used for failures to reroute to a particular SSCP. For example, they are associated with specific SSCPs when information about a rerouting failure is displayed in the node that was trying to reroute.

The sense data is generic, but VTAM typically generates a message with message number 894I or 895I that will contain additional sense data information about the real cause of the problem.

0888xxxx Name Conflict

Explanation: A name specified in an RU conflicts with a previous usage, or is unknown, or is known and does not have the required capabilities, or is a duplicate resource for the specified resource type. When a name conflict is detected, further name checking ceases; multiple name conflicts are not reported or detected.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information. Settings allowed are:


No specific code applies.


The specified DLU real network name is known, but identifies a resource that is not LU-LU session capable.


The specified DLU alias network name is known, but identifies a resource that is not LU-LU session capable.


The specified OLU real network name is known, but identifies a resource that is not LU-LU session capable.


The specified OLU alias network name is known, but identifies a resource that is not LU-LU session capable.


Name translation was invalid; that is, a different LU name was returned with the same network ID as the original LU name.


The specified DLU real network name is known, but is a duplicate resource.


The specified DLU alias network name is known, but is a duplicate resource.


The specified OLU real network name is known, but is a duplicate resource.


The specified OLU alias network name is known, but is a duplicate resource.


A cross-network DLU name is defined as a shadow resource, but shadow resources are not supported for cross-network sessions.


Set aside for implementation-specific use, and will not be otherwise defined here. See implementation documentation for details of usage.


When processing a session initiation RU, an SSCP has found two different resource definitions for the OLU, one with the real OLU name and one with the alias OLU name.


When processing a session initiation RU, an SSCP has found two different resource definitions for the DLU, one with the real DLU name and one with the alias DLU name.


The specified DLU network name is defined as a generic resource. The session should be re-initiated using the name of an LU.


The LU 6.2 partner returned a name in the User Data field of its RSP(BIND) that differs from the name it returned in the User Data field of its RSP(BIND) for a previous BIND request. Either the partner changed its name or name changes in the network have caused delivery of the latest BIND request to a different partner.


The LU 6.2 partner receiving a BIND request carrying one specific target secondary logical unit (SLU) name returned a name in the User Data field of its RSP(BIND) that is the same as it returned in response to a previous BIND carrying a different target SLU name. Name changes in the network name allowed two names to resolve to the same LU.


The network qualifier of the name returned in the User Data field of a RSP(BIND) is not equal to the network identifier provided by the application that is using network qualified names. Name changes in the network have caused alteration of the network identifier.

0889xxxx Transaction Program Error

Explanation: The transaction program has detected an error, and issued a Send_Error call. This sense code is sent only in FMH-7.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Occurs for either of the following reasons:


Program Error--Data Truncation. The transaction program sending data detected an error and truncated the logical record it was sending.


Occurs for either of the following reasons:


Service Transaction Program Error--Data Truncation. The service transaction program sending data detected an error and truncated the logical record it was sending.

088B0000 BB Not Accepted--BIS Reply Requested

Explanation: Sent in response to a Begin Bracket Request (BB), either an LUSTAT bid or an Attach, to indicate that the receiver has sent a BIS request and wants to terminate the session without processing any more conversations, but without sending an UNBIND. A BIS reply is requested so that the negative response sender may send a normal UNBIND. This sense data is sent only by logical units (LUs) not supporting CNOS protocols.

088Cxxyy Missing Control Vector

Explanation: The RU or XID did not contain a required control vector.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Byte 2 contains the key (xx) of the required control vector that is missing. If more than one control vector is missing, only the first omission is reported.


Network Name (X'0E') control vector of type yy missing. Values for Network name type are:

PU name (not network qualified)
LU name
CP name
SSCP name
NNCP name
link station name (not network qualified)


Product Set ID (X'10') control vector missing.


Short-hold mode (X'32') control vector missing.

088F0000 XRF Procedure Error

Explanation: A request was received for an XRF-active or XRF-backup session and was not acted on.

0890xxxx Search Failure

Explanation: An error occurred while performing an APPN directory search for a resource.


No specific code applies.


Routing Error during a Directed Search. A Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable for a directed search was received by an intermediate NNCP and could not be successfully routed to the destination control point.


Resource Not Found during a Directed Search. A Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable for a directed search was received by the named destination control point (CP) and the search argument resource is not a local resource.


Destination of search not served by this control point (CP).


A search request or BIND request was received from an unauthorized end node identifying an origin LU not represented in the APPN network node server's directory, and thus could not be authenticated.


Resource Not Found, Broadcast Required. The resource was not found on a directed Locate search, and a restricted broadcast was executed at the destination and failed; a broadcast should be tried.


Resource Deleted, No Broadcast Required. A Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable for a directed search was received by the named destination control point (CP) and the search argument resource was deleted.


Too Many Directed Search Subprocedures. A Locate search exceeded the maximum height of the search tree; too many directed search subprocedures were tried; no retry.


Resource Not Found during a Broadcast Search. A Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable for a broadcast search was received by a control point (CP) that does not provide network services for the search argument resource and neither do any of the CPs searched in its broadcast subtree. This condition is detected by crossing search requests (a CP sends and receives a search request with the same FQPCID and the same search argument resource) or by a local search failure and all CPs in the broadcast subtree returning this sense data.


Neutral Reply Received from an APPN end node. A Locate reply with no Found and no Extended Sense Data (X'35') control vector was received from an APPN end node.


Quiesced CP. A control point (CP) in the broadcast search tree is in a quiescent state and, therefore, not receiving Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variables. This condition is detected when a CP in the search subtree is quiesced and no other CP in the subtree found the requested resource.


Storage Not Available. A control point (CP) in the broadcast search tree does not have sufficient storage to participate in the search and no other CP in the search subtree found the requested resource.


Session Outage. A control point (CP) in the search tree has lost its CP-CP session with a CP that had been sent a Locate generalized data stream (GDS) variable and no reply had been received.


Duplicate Fully-Qualified PCID. A control point (CP) in the search tree detected a duplicate fully-qualified PCID for a different session request from the session request that first used the fully-qualified PCID.

0891xxxx Invalid or Missing Invalid Network ID (NETID)

Explanation: The SNA Network ID (NETID) is invalid or missing.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


PLU NETID Invalid: The NETID of the primary logical unit (PLU) is not the same as that of the SSCP(PLU).


Invalid NETID: The NETID field in CONNOUT does not match the NETID defined in the link station receiving the CONNOUT.


Invalid NETID: The NETID field in the Request Network Address Assignment (RNAA) request unit is not the same as the native NETID. There is a mismatch between the system definitions of the SSCP and the type 4 node.


Invalid Network ID (NETID) in the Network Name (X'0E', CP name) control vector. This sense data indicates that the Network Name control vector appended to the received XID3 does not contain a valid NETID. The NETID, preceding the control point (CP) name, must be from 1 to 8 bytes in length. This sense data may also indicate that the NETID has a valid length, but that the NETID is invalid for some other reason. For example, two adjacent APPN network nodes should not be configured with different NETIDs.
Note:When using the OS/2 Communications Manager, the NETID is also refered to as the "network name".


Invalid control point (CP) name in the Network Name (X'0E', CP name) control vector.

0895xxxx Control Vector Error

Explanation: The RU or XID contained a control vector that was in error.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The control vector with key xx at byte yy in XID3 is in error. Byte 2 (xx) contains the key of the control vector first detected in error. If more than one control vector is in error, only the first erroneous one is reported. Byte 3 (yy) of the sense-code-specific data contains the (0-origin) byte offset of the error within the control vector.

0897xxxx System Definition Mismatch

Explanation: The requested function is not supported by the receiver, or there is a mismatch between the sending and receiving system definitions.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


The PU of an independent primary LU named in BFINIT does not have the same element address as the one in the adjacent link station (ALS) field of BFINIT. For example, when VTAM saw the BIND request (that is, NCP packaged it into a BFINIT), the PU2 element address that NCP told VTAM that the resource was located under was not found by VTAM. This could be a timing condition where the NCP has been taken down and reactivated.

This condition is referred to as "non-adjacent CP-CP sessions". Many APPN implementations are dependent on the partner CP being adjacent. The requirement stems from CP-CP session activation having XID exchange dependencies. In order to support the proposed configuration, the local node would need to provide new function to support non-adjacent CP-CP sessions.


Resource type not defined in receiver.


APPN end node does not support locate. CP-CP sessions are being unbound because the adjacent node indicated that it does support CP-CP sessions but does not support receipt of LOCATE/CDINIT search requests.


The origin LU (OLU) is represented using a dynamically defined resource, but the adjacent link station (ALS) selected to provide its services does not permit dynamic definitions. The condition is detected when a session initiation request is received for an independent LU and no predefinition is found for the OLU resource. The session initiation is rejected.

For example, this can occur when VTAM receives a session request from a workstation (such as the OS/2 Communications Manager), but the LU name of the originating LU (that is, your workstation) was not predefined to VTAM --and-- the dynamic LU (DYNLU) parameter in VTAM specified that VTAM was not allowed to dynamically define the resource for you. If you want to use dynamic definition in VTAM, you need to get your VTAM system programmer to permit this.

0898xxxx Session Reset: The XRF Session is Being Reset

Explanation: The Extended Recovery Facility (XRF) session is being reset.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The XRF-active session has been reset because the XRF-backup primary LU (PLU) forced a takeover.


XRF-backup Hierarchical Reset: The identified XRF-active LU-LU session is being deactivated because the related XRF-active session terminated normally. The LU sending this sense data is resetting its half-session before receiving the response from the partner LU. (See UNBIND type X'12'.)


XRF-active Hierarchical Reset: The identified XRF-active LU-LU session is being deactivated because the related XRF-backup session performed a forced takeover of this session (via SWITCH). The LU sending this sense data is resetting its half-session before receiving the response from the partner LU. (See UNBIND type X'13'.)

08A0xxxx Session Reset

Explanation: An LU or PU is resetting an LU-LU session.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


No specific code applies.


The LU is sending an UNBIND type X'0A' (SSCP gone); the identified LU-LU session had to be deactivated because of a forced deactivation of the associated SSCP-PU or SSCP-LU session, for example, because of a DACTPU, DACTLU, or DISCONTACT.


The LU or SCM is sending UNBIND type X'0F' (cleanup).


The gateway node is sending UNBIND type X'11' (gateway node cleanup); a gateway node is cleaning up the session because a gateway SSCP has directed the gateway node (via NOTIFY) to deactivate the session, for example, a session setup error or session takedown failure had occurred.


Reversed FRSN values. The control point (CP) is sending an UNBIND type X'0F' (cleanup); the value in the Last FRSN Sent field is greater than the value in the Current FRSN field. (no retry)


Topology Database Update (TDU) sent out of order. The control point (CP) is sending an UNBIND type X'0F' (cleanup); the value in the Last FRSN Sent field of the current TDU generalized data stream (GDS) variable is not equal to the value of the Current FRSN field in the TDU generalized data stream (GDS) variable that immediately preceded it. (no retry)


Invalid FRSN Value. In CP Capabilities, the adjacent node indicated receipt of a Topology Database Update (TDU) with a FRSN value greater than the last one sent.

08A8xxxx Multiple-Domain Support Routing Exception

Explanation: The MDS router in the reporting network addressable unit (NAU) is unable to perform the required routing for an MDS_MU.

When this SNA report code is used in an SNA condition report (X'1532') generalized data stream (GDS) variable, the destination NAU name is included in the Reported on Location Name (X'09') subvector and the destination management services (MS) application name is included in the Reported On Agent (X'04') subvector of the condition report.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Destination NAU name unknown. Directory services could not locate the requested destination name.


Directory services unavailable. No routing possible.


Management services (MS) application name not recognized.


Use of the CPSVCMG session not permitted. The reporting APPN network node has received an MDS_MU over a CPSVCMG session from another network node. These sessions are used for MDS_MUs only between an APPN network node and its served APPN end nodes.


Function not supported by EN destination. The APPN end node destination does not support receipt of management services (MS) messages (reported by the serving APPN network node).


Function not supported by APPN network node destination. The APPN network node destination does not support receipt of management services (MS) messages other than MS Capabilities and Alert (reported by the APPN network node performing routing).


Function not supported by serving APPN network node. The serving network node of the APPN end node destination does not support routing of management services (MS) messages (reported by the APPN network node performing routing).


Function not supported by EN. The reporting APPN end node has received an MDS_MU with a destination other than itself.


Destination not supported by reporting APPN network node. An APPN network node has received an MDS_MU from another network node that cannot be routed. The destination is not the reporting network node itself nor is it one of the served APPN end nodes.

If the MDS_MU was routed based on unverified directory information (as indicated by the Routing verification indicator in the MDS Routing Information), the MDS_MU will be returned to the routing APPN network node along with the SNA condition report.


Unrecoverable session failure. The MDS_SEND TP in the reporting node was unable to send the message because of an allocation error. Retries have been exhausted.


Unrecoverable TP failure in remote node. The MDS_SEND TP in the reporting node was unable to send the message because of a TP failure in a remote node. Retries have been exhausted.


Management services (MS) Application failure. The MDS router in the destination network addressable unit (NAU) is unable to communicate with the destination management services (MS) application program.


Unrecoverable transaction program (TP) failure in reporting node. The MDS router in the reporting node was unable to send the message because of a local TP failure.


Correlation error. An MDS_MU has been received that is not the first for a unit of work (First MDS Message indicator in the MDS Routing Information Message is OFF), but the unit of work correlator is unknown (does not match any active MDS transaction).


Management services (MS) application congestion. The MDS router in the destination NAU is unable to communicate with the destination management services (MS) application because of local congestion (implementation buffer space for queuing additional MDS_MUs has been exhausted).

08A9xxxx Multiple-Domain Support Transaction Failure

Explanation: The reporting MDS router or management services (MS) application has detected a condition that has impacted an outstanding unit of work (identified by the unit-of-work correlator of the MDS Error message) or MDS_MU.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Failure caused by outage of a CPSVCMG session.


Failure caused by outage of an SNASVCMG session. All retries have been exhausted.


Unit of work canceled by reporting management services (MS) application program. The unit of work was canceled because of a timeout in the reporting management services (MS) application program.


Unit of work canceled by reporting MDS Router. The unit of work was canceled by a garbage-collection timeout in the reporting MDS router.


MDS router internal failure. The unit of work was canceled because of an internal failure in the reporting MDS router.


MS Application internal error. The unit of work has been canceled either because the reporting MS application program was terminated or because another application program served by it was terminated. The type of program termination (normal or abnormal) is not indicated.


MS Application router re-initialization. The unit of work has been canceled by the reporting MDS router because of a reinitialization of the application-level router.

08AAxxxx Required GDS Variable Missing

Explanation: The management services (MS) MDS_MU is missing a required generalized data stream (GDS) variable.

Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain sense-code-specific information:


Bytes 2 and 3 following the sense code contain the ID of the missing GDS variable.

08B40000 CP-CP Sessions Not Required

Explanation: This sense data is sent from one APPN control point to another to deactivate CP-CP session between them, because the sender does not currently need CP-CP sessions, and the TG carrying the sessions is a limited resource.

This sense data is carried within the control vector (CV) X'35' portion of the UNBIND request (type X'01').

08B50000 Network Node Server Not Required

Explanation: This sense data is sent by an APPN end node control point (1) to deactivate CP-CP sessions with the NNCP, or (2) to reject a CP-CP session BIND request from the NNCP. The APPN end node no longer requires APPN network node services from the receiver.

This sense data is carried within the control vector (CV) X'35' portion of the UNBIND request (type X'01') for case (1) above, or on an UNBIND request (type X'FE') for case (2).

08B60000 CP-CP Sessions Not Supported

Explanation: This sense data is sent by an APPN network node control point to reject a CP-CP session BIND from another APPN control point; support for CP-CP sessions on that TG was removed since the time when the TG was first activated.

This sense data is carried within the control vector (CV) X'35' portion of the UNBIND request (type X'01').

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