Every CPI-C call has a return code as its last parameter. The return code reports back from CPI-C on what happened on a call. Return codes don't just report success or failure; sometimes they report the arrival of a message from the partner, such as when the partner has issued a Send_Error() call.
When using the APPC protocol and you encounter communications error code 30081, the error tokens for the 30081 message list the CPI-C function that returned the error, and the return code from the CPI-C function call.
The following is a description for each CPI-C return code. The return codes are listed in numerical order, since many CPI-C programs and utilities display or log the return code number and not its accompanying name.
After all the descriptions is a table that lets you map in the other direction; it lists the CPI-C return code names in alphabetical order, followed by their numerical value in decimal (and hexadecimal).
Note: | This information can also be found in Appendix A of the book CPI-C Programming in C: An Application Developer's Guide to APPC, published by McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, ISBN 0-07-911733-3. |