Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide
The following tables are defined for Information Catalog
Manager system usage:
- Attachment Relation table: FLG.ATCHREL
- Check Point Working table: FLG.CHECKPT
- Comments table: FLG.COMMENTS
- Exchange table: FLG.EXCHANGE
- History table: FLG.HISTORY
- Object Name Instance table: FLG.NAMEINST
- Object Type Register table: FLG.OBJTYREG
- Long Description Overflow table: FLG.OVERDESC
- System Parameter table: FLG.PARMS
- Programs table: FLG.PROGRAMS
- Object Type Property table: FLG.PROPERTY
- Relation Instance table: FLG.RELINST
- Users table: FLG.USERS
- Windows Icons table: FLG.WINICON
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