Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide


The ISV_Sample program reads metadata from ODBC data sources and generates Data Warehouse Center objects from the metadata. The ISV_Sample program runs on Windows NT and Windows 2000.

Table 123 shows the parameter list for the ISV_Sample program.

No predefined tokens exist for the parameters.

Table 123. Parameters for ISV_Sample
Order Description
1 ODBC DSN from which to extract metadata
2 ODBC user ID
3 ODBC password

The following example shows how to start the ISV_Sample program:

ISV_Sample SAMPLE labriejj mypass

The ODBC DSN from which to read metadata

The user ID used to access the ODBC DSN

The password used to access the ODBC DSN

The ISV_Sample program uses the ISV_VWP program. Steps call the ISV_VWP program to write the input parameters to an output file.

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