Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide


Identifies a commit point. Requests that the Information Catalog Manager commit the current changes to the database.

If the Information Catalog Manager encounters an error while importing a tag language file, it rolls back all changes that are made to the information catalog since the last time changes were committed.

Include COMMIT checkpoints at regular intervals so that you import Information Catalog Manager tag language files more efficiently.

Including COMMIT checkpoints before and after defining or deleting object types, sets of objects, and sets of relationships can help maintain the integrity of your descriptive data.

Regular COMMIT checkpoints limit the number of changes that the Information Catalog Manager cancels when it rolls back the information catalog.

Frequent COMMIT checkpoints make the echo file easier to read if there are errors in the tag language file. When the COMMIT tag is processed successfully, the Information Catalog Manager clears the echo file of the tags that were processed before the COMMIT tag. The echo file then contains only tags that describe uncommitted changes.


Place this tag after one or more complete action specifications (a set of ACTION, OBJECT, RELTYPE, and INSTANCE tags).



Figure 48. Example of a COMMIT tag



Required keyword.

An identifier that the Information Catalog Manager saves when it processes a COMMIT tag.

If the import of a tag language file fails after a COMMIT tag processes successfully, you need to import the rest of the tag language file starting at the last checkpoint. This option is available with the import function. The Information Catalog Manager uses the stored checkpt_id to locate the proper COMMIT tag.

The value of checkpt_id must be unique within each tag language file. Otherwise, the results of restart processing are unpredictable.

The maximum length of checkpt_id is 26 characters.

checkpt_id is not case-sensitive.


Specify a COMMIT tag when the data is consistent.

To prevent the target information catalog transaction log from filling up, specify COMMIT tags at regular intervals in the tag language file.

An ACTION tag must follow the COMMIT tag, if additional data in the same tag language file needs to be processed.

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