Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide


Use this template to define a star schema as a mechanism to group tables that are related. The star schema can be used to relate tables within the same physical database (for further use by the DB2 OLAP Integration Server) or for logical grouping by relating tables from multiple databases.


Table 22 provides information about each token in the template.

Table 22. StarSchema.tag tokens
Token Description Allowed values
Entity parameters
*StarSchemaName The unique name of the star schema that is being created or related. A text string, up to 80 bytes in length.
*StarSchemaDescription A description that is associated with the star schema. A text string, up to 254 bytes in length.
*StarSchemaNotes The long description that is associated with the step. A text string, up to 32,700 bytes in length.
*StarSchemaContact The name of a person or group to contact for questions or concerns about this step. A text string.
*StarSchemaDBName The business name of the database that is being created. A text string.
Relationship parameters
*CurrentCheckPointID++ An index, starting with 0, that increases each time that it is substituted in a token.

This token is required.

A numeric value.

Examples of values

Table 23 provides example values for each token to illustrate the kind of metadata that you might provide for each token.

Table 23. Example values for StarSchema.tag tokens
Token Example value
*StarSchemaName Marketing schema
*StarSchemaDescription This star schema represents the marketing division's internal databases
*StarSchemaNotes Tables used for the marketing division
*StarSchemaContact Marketing group
*StarSchemaDBName Marketing
*CurrentCheckPointID++ 3

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