Data Warehouse Center Application Integration Guide

Passing parameters

At run time, the Data Warehouse Center generates a command-line parameter list that it passes as input to your program. Whenever possible, test your program from the command line before using it in a step.

Example: The Data Warehouse Center program VW 5.2 DB2 load replace (VWPLOADR) selects data from a file and loads the data into a database. It uses the following parameters:

The program gets the parameters as shown in Figure 75:

Figure 75. Reading parameters from the command line

char * sourceFile;
     sourceFile = argv[1]:
     char * dbName;
     dbName = argv[2];
     char * dbUser;
     dbUser = argv[3];
     char * dbPassword
     dbPassword = argv[4];
     char * dbTable;
     dbTable = argv[5]
     char * fileMod;
     if(argc>6) fileMod = argv[6];
     else fileMod = NULL;

The program uses the target parameters to connect to the target database, as shown in Figure 76:

Figure 76. Connecting to the target database

rc = SQLConnect (hdbc, (SQLCHAR *)dbName, SQL_NTS,
           (SQLCHAR *)dbUser, SQL_NTS,       /* UID */
           (SQLCHAR *)dbPassword, SQL_NTS);  /* Password */

The program then uses the DB2 load utility to load data into the database.

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