Application Development Guide

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ is a collection of management tools and wizards that plug into the Visual C++ component of Visual Studio IDE. The tools and wizards automate and simplify the various tasks involved in developing applications for DB2 using embedded SQL.

You can use the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ to develop, package, and deploy

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ allows you to focus on the design and logic of your DB2 applications rather than the actual building and deployment of it.

Some of the tasks performed by the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ include:

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ is presented in the form of a toolbar. The toolbar buttons include:

DB2 Project Properties
Manages the project properties (development database and code-generation options)

New DB2 Object
Adds a new embedded SQL module, imported stored procedure, or exported stored procedure

DB2 Embedded SQL Modules
Manages the list of embedded SQL modules and their precompiler options

DB2 Imported Stored Procedures
Manages the list of imported stored procedures

DB2 Exported Stored Procedures
Manages the list of exported stored procedures

Package DB2 Project
Packages the DB2 external project files

Deploy DB2 Project
Deploys the packaged DB2 external project files

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ also has the following three hidden buttons that can be made visible using the standard Visual C++ tools customization options:

New DB2 Embedded SQL Module
Adds a new C/C++ embedded SQL module

New DB2 Imported Stored Procedure
Imports a new database stored procedure

New DB2 Exported Stored Procedure
Exports a new database stored procedure

The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ can automatically generate the following code elements:

Terminology associated with the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++

IDE project
The standard Visual C++ project

DB2 project
The collection of DB2 project objects that are inserted into the IDE project. DB2 project objects can be inserted into any Visual C++ project. The DB2 project allows you to manage the various DB2 objects such as embedded SQL modules, imported stored procedures, and exported stored procedures. You can add, delete, and modify these objects and their properties.

A C/C++ source code file that might contain SQL statements.

development database
The database that is used to compile embedded SQL modules. The development database is also used to look up the list of importable database stored procedure definitions.

embedded SQL module
A C/C++ source code file that contains embedded static or dynamic SQL.

imported stored procedure
A stored procedure, already defined in the database, that the project invokes.

exported stored procedure
A database stored procedure that is built and defined by the project.

Activating the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++

To activate the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Register the add-in, if you have not already done so, by entering:

db2vccmd register

on the command line.

Step  2.

Select Tools --> Customize. The Customize notebook opens.

Step  3.

Select the Add-ins and Macro Files tab. The Add-ins and Macro Files page opens.

Step  4.

Select the IBM DB2 Project Add-In check box.

Step  5.

Click OK. A floating toolbar will be created.

Note:If the toolbar is accidentally closed, you can either deactivate then reactivate the add-in or use the Microsoft Visual C++ standard customization options to redisplay the toolbar.

Activating the IBM DB2 Universal Database Tools Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++

The DB2 Tools Add-In is a toolbar that enables the launch of some of the DB2 administration and development tools from within the Visual C++ integrated development environment.

To activate the IBM DB2 Universal Database Tools Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Register the add-in, if you have not already done so, by entering:

db2vccmd register

on the command line.

Step  2.

Select Tools --> Customize. The Customize notebook opens.

Step  3.

Select the Add-ins and Macro Files tab.

Step  4.

Select the IBM DB2 Tools Add-In check box.

Step  5.

Click OK. A floating toolbar will be created.

Note:If the toolbar is accidentally closed, you can either deactivate then reactivate the add-in or use the Visual C++ standard customization options to redisplay the toolbar.

For more information on the IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++, refer to:

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