Application Development Guide

Advantages of Static SQL

Programming using static SQL requires less effort than using embedded dynamic SQL. Static SQL statements are simply embedded into the host language source file, and the precompiler handles the necessary conversion to database manager run-time services API calls that the host language compiler can process.

Because the authorization of the person binding the application is used, the end user does not require direct privileges to execute the statements in the package. For example, an application could allow a user to update parts of a table without granting an update privilege on the entire table. This can be achieved by restricting the static SQL statements to allow updates only to certain columns or a range of values.

Static SQL statements are persistent, meaning that the statements last for as long as the package exists. Dynamic SQL statements are cached until they are either invalidated, freed for space management reasons, or the database is shut down. If required, the dynamic SQL statements are recompiled implicitly by the DB2 SQL compiler whenever a cached statement becomes invalid. For information on caching and the reasons for invalidation of a cached statement, refer to the SQL Reference.

The key advantage of static SQL, with respect to persistence, is that the static statements exist after a particular database is shut down, whereas dynamic SQL statements cease to exist when this occurs. In addition, static SQL does not have to be compiled by the DB2 SQL compiler at run time, while dynamic SQL must be explicitly compiled at run time (for example, by using the PREPARE statement). Because DB2 caches dynamic SQL statements, the statements do not need to be compiled often by DB2, but they must be compiled at least once when you execute the application.

There can be performance advantages to static SQL. For simple, short-running SQL programs, a static SQL statement executes faster than the same statement processed dynamically since the overhead of preparing an executable form of the statement is done at precompile time instead of at run time.
Note:The performance of static SQL depends on the statistics of the database the last time the application was bound. However, if these statistics change, the performance of equivalent dynamic SQL can be very different. If, for example, an index is added to a database at a later time, an application using static SQL cannot take advantage of the index unless it is re-bound to the database. In addition, if you are using host variables in a static SQL statement, the optimizer will not be able to take advantage of any distribution statistics for the table.

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