Table 49. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Sample Programs
Sample Program Name | Program Description |
sales | Demonstrates rollup queries on a Microsoft Excel sales spreadsheet (implemented in Visual Basic). |
names | Queries a Lotus Notes address book (implemented in Visual Basic). |
inbox | Queries Microsoft Exchange inbox e-mail messages through OLE/Messaging (implemented in Visual Basic). |
invoice | An OLE automation user-defined function that sends Microsoft Word invoice documents as e-mail attachments (implemented in Visual Basic). |
bcounter | An OLE automation user-defined function demonstrating a scratchpad using instance variables (implemented in Visual Basic). |
ccounter | A counter OLE automation user-defined function (implemented in Visual C++). |
salarysrv | An OLE automation stored procedure that calculates the median salary of the STAFF table of the sample database (implemented in Visual Basic). |
salarycltvc | A Visual C++ embedded SQL sample that calls the Visual Basic stored procedure, salarysrv. |
salarycltvb | A Visual Basic DB2 CLI sample that calls the Visual Basic stored procedure, salarysrv. |
testcli | An OLE automation embedded SQL client application that calls the stored procedure, tstsrv (implemented in Visual C++). |
tstsrv | An OLE automation stored procedure demonstrating the passing of various types between client and stored procedure (implemented in Visual C++). |
Table 50. Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) Table Functions
Sample Program Name | Program Description |
jet.db2 | Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51 Provider |
mapi.db2 | INTERSOLV Connect OLE DB for MAPI |
msdaora.db2 | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle |
msdasql.db2 | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers |
msidxs.db2 | Microsoft OLE DB Index Server Provider |
notes.db2 | INTERSOLV Connect OLE DB for Notes |
sampprov.db2 | Microsoft OLE DB Sample Provider |
sqloledb.db2 | Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server |