Application Development Guide

Supported SQL Data Types in REXX

Certain predefined REXX data types correspond to DB2 column types. Table 35 shows how SQLEXEC and SQLDBS interpret REXX variables in order to convert their contents to DB2 data types.
Note:There is no host variable support for the DATALINK data type in any of the DB2 host languages.

Table 35. SQL Column Types Mapped to REXX Declarations
SQL Column Type(TR1) REXX Data Type SQL Column Type Description

(500 or 501)

A number without a decimal point ranging from -32 768 to 32 767 16-bit signed integer

(496 or 497)

A number without a decimal point ranging from -2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647 32-bit signed integer

(480 or 481)

A number in scientific notation ranging from -3.40282346 x 1038 to 3.40282346 x 1038 Single-precision floating point

(480 or 481)

A number in scientific notation ranging from -1.79769313 x 10308 to 1.79769313 x 10308 Double-precision floating point

(484 or 485)

A number with a decimal point Packed decimal

(452 or 453)

A string with a leading and trailing quote ('), which has length n after removing the two quote marks

A string of length n with any non-numeric characters, other than leading and trailing blanks or the E in scientific notation

Fixed-length character string of length n where n is from 1 to 254

(448 or 449)

Equivalent to CHAR(n) Variable-length character string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 4000

(456 or 457)

Equivalent to CHAR(n) Variable-length character string of length n, where nranges from 1 to 32 700

(408 or 409)

Equivalent to CHAR(n) Large object variable-length character string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 2 147 483 647

CLOB locator variable(TR4)
(964 or 965)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE CLOB LOCATOR Identifies CLOB entities residing on the server

CLOB file reference variable(TR4)
(920 or 921)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE CLOB FILE Descriptor for file containing CLOB data

(404 or 405)

A string with a leading and trailing apostrophe, preceded by BIN, containing n characters after removing the preceding BIN and the two apostrophes. Large object variable-length binary string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 2 147 483 647

BLOB locator variable(TR4)
(960 or 961)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE BLOB LOCATOR Identifies BLOB entities on the server

BLOB file reference variable(TR4)
(916 or 917)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE BLOB FILE Descriptor for the file containing BLOB data

(384 or 385)

Equivalent to CHAR(10) 10-byte character string

(388 or 389)

Equivalent to CHAR(8) 8-byte character string

(392 or 393)

Equivalent to CHAR(26) 26-byte character string
Note:The following data types are only available in the DBCS environment.

(468 or 469)

A string with a leading and trailing apostrophe preceded by a G or N, containing n DBCS characters after removing the preceding character and the two apostrophes Fixed-length graphic string of length n, where n is from 1 to 127

(464 or 465)

Equivalent to GRAPHIC(n) Variable-length graphic string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 2000

(472 or 473)

Equivalent to GRAPHIC(n) Long variable-length graphic string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 16 350

(412 or 413)

Equivalent to GRAPHIC(n) Large object variable-length graphic string of length n, where n ranges from 1 to 1 073 741 823

DBCLOB locator variable(TR4)
(968 or 969)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE DBCLOB LOCATOR Identifies DBCLOB entities residing on the server

DBCLOB file reference variable(TR4)
(924 or 925)

DECLARE :var_name LANGUAGE TYPE DBCLOB FILE Descriptor for file containing DBCLOB data


  1. The first number under Column Type indicates that an indicator variable is not provided, and the second number indicates that an indicator variable is provided. An indicator variable is needed to indicate NULL values, or to hold the length of a truncated string.

  2. FLOAT(n) where 0 < n < 25 is a synonym for REAL. The difference between REAL and DOUBLE in the SQLDA is the length value (4 or 8).

  3. The following SQL types are synonyms for DOUBLE:
    • FLOAT
    • FLOAT(n) where 24 < n < 54 is

  4. This is not a column type but a host variable type.

Using Cursors in REXX

When a cursor is declared in REXX, the cursor is associated with a query. The query is associated with a statement name assigned in the PREPARE statement. Any referenced host variables are represented by parameter markers. The following example shows a DECLARE statement associated with a dynamic SELECT statement.

     CALL SQLEXEC 'PREPARE S1 FROM :prep_string'; 
     CALL SQLEXEC 'OPEN C1 USING :schema_name';

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