Application Development Guide

Error-Handling Considerations

In a partitioned environment, DB2 breaks up SQL statements into subsections, each of which are processed on the partition that contains the relevant data. As a result, an error may occur on a partition that does not have access to the application. This does not occur in a single-partition environment.

You should consider the following:

If an application ends abnormally because of a severe error, indoubt transactions may be left in the database. (An indoubt transaction pertains to global transactions when one phase completes successfully, but the system fails before the a subsequent can complete, leaving the database in an inconsistent state.) For information on handling them, see the Administration Guide.

Severe Errors

If a severe error occurs in DB2 Universal Database, one of the following will occur:

The severe error SQLCODE -1224 (SQLSTATE 55032) can occur for a variety of reasons. If you receive this message, check the SQLCA, which will indicate which node failed. Then check the db2diag.log file shared between the nodes for details. See Identifying the Partition that Returned the Error for additional information.

Merged Multiple SQLCA Structures

One SQL statement may be executed by a number of agents on different nodes, and each agent may return a different SQLCA for different errors or warnings. The coordinating agent also has its own SQLCA. In addition, the SQLCA also has fields that indicate global numbers (such as the sqlerrd fields that indicate row counts). To provide a consistent view for applications, all the SQLCA values are merged into one structure. This structure is described in SQL Reference.

Error reporting is as follows:

An application may receive a subsequent error or warning after the problem that caused the first error or warning is corrected. Errors are reported to the SQLCA to ensure that the first error detected is given priority over others. This ensures that an error caused by an earlier error cannot overwrite the original error. Severe errors and deadlock errors are given higher priority because they require immediate action by the coordinating agent.

Identifying the Partition that Returned the Error

If a partition returns an error or warning, its number is in the SQLERRD(6) field of the SQLCA. The number in this field is the same as that specified for the partition in the db2nodes.cfg file.

If an SQL statement or API call is successful, the partition number in this field is not significant.

For information about the SQLCA, see the SQL Reference.

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