Application Development Guide

Concurrent Transactions

Sometimes it is useful for an application to have multiple independent connections called concurrent transactions. Using concurrent transactions, an application can connect to several databases at the same time, and can establish several distinct connections to the same database.

The context APIs described in Multiple Thread Database Access allow an application to use concurrent transactions. Each context created in an application is independent from the other contexts. This means you create a context, connect to a database using the context, and run SQL statements against the database without being affected by the activities such as running COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements of other contexts.

For example, suppose you are creating an application that allows a user to run SQL statements against one database, and keeps a log of the activities performed in a second database. Since the log must be kept up to date, it is necessary to issue a COMMIT statement after each update of the log, but you do not want the user's SQL statements affected by commits for the log. This is a perfect situation for concurrent transactions. In your application, create two contexts: one connects to the user's database and is used for all the user's SQL; the other connects to the log database and is used for updating the log. With this design, when you commit a change to the log database, you do not affect the user's current unit of work.

Another benefit of concurrent transactions is that if the work on the cursors in one connection is rolled back, it has no affect on the cursors in other connections. After the rollback in the one connection, both the work done and the cursor positions are still maintained in the other connections.

Potential Pitfalls when Using Concurrent Transactions

An application that uses concurrent transactions can encounter some problems that cannot arise when writing an application that uses a single connection. When writing an application with concurrent transactions, exercise caution with the following:

Preventing Deadlocks for Concurrent Transactions

Because the database manager cannot detect deadlocks between contexts, you must design and code your application in a way that will prevent deadlocks (or at least avoids deadlocks). In the above example, you can avoid the deadlock in several ways:

The techniques for avoiding deadlocks are shown in terms of the above example, but you can apply them to all applications which use concurrent transactions.

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