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Appendix E. About the DB2 Family of Products

The DB2 Family of Products consists of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) and DB2 Connect, as well as some associated DB2 products. Each product is available in different versions that address the needs of today's marketplace. This section provides a brief description of the IBM DB2 Family of Products:

DB2 Universal Database

DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition
DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition provides a relational database management system that is web-enabled with Java support; scalable from single processors to symmetric multiprocessors; and multimedia capable with image, audio, video, and text support. With DB2 Universal Database, local and remote client applications can create, update, control, and manage relational databases using Structured Query Language (SQL), DB2 APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), SQLJ (Embedded SQL for Java), or DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface).

DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition offers the ability to partition a database across multiple independent machines of a common platform. To the end-user and application developer, the partitioned database still appears as a single database on a single machine. This fully scalable database system enables an application to use multiple machines for a database that is too large for a single machine to handle efficiently. SQL operations and utilities can execute in parallel both within and between the individual database partitions, which can speed up the execution time of a single query or command.

DB2 Universal Database Enterprise - Extended Edition includes DB2 Connect functionality that allows access to DB2 databases on AS/400, MVS/ESA, OS/390, VM, or VSE systems. This product also includes the Federated Database Object Support feature which provides transparent read access to a collection of heterogeneous and semiautonomous data sources, and the ability to perform Distributed Requests.

This product is currently available for AIX, Solaris, and Windows NT operating systems.

DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition
DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition provides a relational database management system that is web-enabled with Java support; scalable from single processors to symmetric multiprocessors; and multimedia capable with image, audio, video, and text support. With DB2 Universal Database, local and remote client applications can create, update, control, and manage relational databases using Structured Query Language (SQL), DB2 APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), SQLJ (Embedded SQL for Java), or DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface).

DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition also includes the DB2 Connect functionality that allows access to DB2 databases on AS/400, MVS/ESA, OS/390, VM, and VSE systems. This product also includes the Federated Database Object Support feature which provides transparent read access to a collection of heterogeneous and semiautonomous data sources, and the ability to perform Distributed Requests.

This product is currently available on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, OS/2, Solaris and Windows NT operating systems.

DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Edition
DB2 UDB Workgroup Edition provides a relational database management system that is web-enabled with Java support; scalable from single processors to symmetric multiprocessors; and multimedia capable with image, audio, video, and text support. With DB2 Universal Database, local and remote client applications can create, update, control, and manage relational databases using Structured Query Language (SQL), DB2 APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), SQLJ (Embedded SQL for Java), or DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface).

This product is currently available for Linux, OS/2, and Windows NT.

DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition
DB2 UDB Personal Edition provides a relational database management system that is web-enabled with Java support; and multimedia capable with image, audio, video, and text support. DB2 Universal Database enables local applications to create, update, control, and manage relational databases using the same rich set of APIs as DB2 Enterprise Edition.

DB2 Personal Edition can also act as a client to access remote DB2 servers and can accept inbound Administration Client requests to remotely manage its resources.

This product is currently available for OS/2, Linux, Windows 9x, and Windows NT.

DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition
DB2 Satellite Edition is a small-footprint version of DB2 Universal Database that is appropriate for single-user systems, both mobile and branch offices, that occasionally connect to a DB2 control server to exchange data with corporate systems. Administration of DB2 Satellite Edition is scalable, and can be performed through batch jobs that are stored in a control database that resides on a DB2 Workgroup, DB2 Enterprise, or DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition server.

This product is currently available for Windows 9x and Windows NT.

DB2 Connect

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is a connectivity server that concentrates and manages connections from multiple desktop clients and web applications to DB2 database servers running on host or AS/400 systems. IBM's DB2 for AS/400, DB2 for OS/390, and DB2 for VSE & VM databases continue to be the systems of choice for managing most critical data for the world's largest organizations. While these host and AS/400 databases manage the data, there is a great demand to integrate this data with applications running on Windows, UNIX, OS/2 and Apple workstations.

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition enables local and remote client applications to create, update, control, and manage DB2 databases and host systems using Structured Query Language (SQL), DB2 APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), SQLJ (Embedded SQLJ for Java), or DB2 CLI (Call Level Interface). In addition, DB2 Connect supports Microsoft Windows data interfaces such as ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Remote Data Objects (RDO), and OLE DB.

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition is currently available for AIX, HP-UX, Linux, OS/2, Solaris, and Windows NT operating systems. These servers provide support for applications running on Windows 3.1, Windows 9x, Windows NT, UNIX (AIX, SCO UnixWare 7, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, Silicon Graphics IRIX, SINIX), OS/2, and Apple Macintosh workstations.

DB2 Connect Personal Edition

DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides access from a single workstation to DB2 databases residing on servers such as MVS/ESA, OS/390, OS/400, VM and VSE, as well as to DB2 Universal Database servers on Windows NT, UNIX, and OS/2. DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides the same rich set of APIs as DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, and also features integrated SNA support on all Windows platforms.

This product is currently available for OS/2, Linux, Windows 9x, and Windows NT operating systems.

Associated DB2 Products

DB2 Universal Developer's Edition
DB2 Universal Developer's Edition provides all the tools and software you need to create and test multimedia database client/server applications that can run on any DB2 UDB product.

DB2 Universal Developer's Edition contains a collection of DB2 Universal Database servers, DB2 clients, DB2 Connect products, DB2 Software Developer's Kits, extenders for audio, video, image, and text, and application development tools for all supported operating systems.

DB2 Personal Developer's Edition
DB2 Personal Developer's Edition provides all the tools and software you need to create and test multimedia database applications that run only on DB2 UDB Personal Edition products.

The DB2 Personal Developer's Edition contains a collection of DB2 Universal Database servers, DB2 clients, DB2 Connect Personal Edition, DB2 Software Developer's Kits, extenders for audio, video, image, and text, and application development tools for all supported operating systems.

DB2 Run-Time Client CD-ROMs
DB2 Run-Time Client CD-ROMs contain all the latest DB2 Run-Time Clients. A DB2 Run-Time Client provides the ability for workstations from a variety of platforms to access DB2 databases. These workstations are known as DB2 Run-Time Clients.

DB2 Run-Time Client CD-ROMs are included with all DB2 server and DB2 Developer's Edition product packages.

DB2 Administration Client CD-ROMs
DB2 Administration CD-ROMs contain all the latest DB2 Administration Clients.

A DB2 Administration Client provides the ability for workstations from a variety of platforms to access and administer DB2 databases. These workstations are known as DB2 Administration Clients. The DB2 Administration Client that matches the operating system of the DB2 product that is installed is included as a component with all DB2 Universal Database and DB2 Connect products.

The DB2 Administration Client has all of the features of the DB2 Run-Time Client and also includes all the DB2 Administration GUI tools, documentation, and support for Thin Clients. The DB2 Administration Client CD-ROMs are included with all DB2 server and DB2 Developer's Edition product packages.

DB2 DataJoiner
DB2 DataJoiner allows you to access data residing on multiple and diverse platforms, both IBM and multi-vendor, relational and non-relational, as a single database image. With DB2 DataJoiner, you can access all the data in your enterprise as if it were local.

DB2 Data Links Manager
DB2 Data Links Manager manages data files that are not normally found in a database (for example, engineering blueprints or medical x-rays). These data files can be on a file system outside of the database. Manipulation of this data is managed and controlled by DATALINK values in a DB2 database. Use DB2 Data Links Manager to control access to files that are external to a DB2 database.

This product is currently available for AIX and Windows NT operating systems.

DB2 Query Patroller
DB2 Query Patroller provides query and resource management for decision support systems enabling the success of highly scalable data warehouses. As an application, it takes ODBC queries from a client, analyzes them and then dynamically distributes the workload across different nodes on the DB2 UDB Enterprise - Extended Edition installation.

This product is currently available for AIX and Solaris operating systems.

DB2 Net.Data
IBM Net.Data is an application that allows Web developers to easily build dynamic Internet applications using "Web Macros". Net.Data Web Macros have the simplicity of HTML and the power of dynamic SQL. Net.Data provides database connectivity to a variety of data sources including information stored in relational databases and flat files. Data sources, such as DB2, Oracle, and Sybase, and DRDA enabled data sources, can be on a wide range of platforms.

Figure hint not displayed.

DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition, DB2 Enterprise Edition, and DB2 Workgroup Edition are commonly referred to as servers or DB2 servers throughout this book.

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