IBM Books

SQL Reference

Timestamp Strings

A string representation of a timestamp is a character string that starts with a digit and has a length of at least 16 characters. The complete string representation of a timestamp has the form Trailing blanks may be included. Leading zeros may be omitted from the month, day, and hour part of the timestamp, and microseconds may be truncated or entirely omitted. If any trailing zero digits are omitted in the microseconds portion, an implicit specification of 0 is assumed for the missing digits. Thus, 1991-3-2-8.30.00 is equivalent to 1991-03-02-

SQL statements also support the ODBC string representation of a timestamp as an input value only. The ODBC string representation of a timestamp has the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.nnnnnn. See the CLI Guide and Reference for more information on ODBC.

MBCS Considerations

Date, time and timestamp strings must contain only single-byte characters and digits.

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