IBM Books

SQL Reference

Table Check Constraints

A table check constraint is a rule that specifies the values allowed in one or more columns of every row of a table. They are optional and can be defined using the SQL statements CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. The specification of table check constraints is a restricted form of a search condition. One of the restrictions is that a column name in a table check constraint on table T must identify a column of T.

A table can have an arbitrary number of table check constraints. They are enforced when:

A table check constraint is enforced by applying its search condition to each row that is inserted or updated. An error occurs if the result of the search condition is false for any row.

When one or more table check constraints are defined in the ALTER TABLE statement for a table with existing data, the existing data is checked against the new condition before the ALTER TABLE statement succeeds. The table can be placed in check pending state which will allow the ALTER TABLE statement to succeed without checking the data. The SET INTEGRITY statement is used to place the table into check pending state. It is also used to resume the checking of each row against the constraint.

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