IBM Books

SQL Reference


The ALTER BUFFERPOOL statement is used to do the following:


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared. However, if the bind option DYNAMICRULES BIND applies, the statement cannot be dynamically prepared (SQLSTATE 42509).


The authorization ID of the statement must have SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority.


      | '-NODE--node-number--'                         |
      +-+-NOT EXTENDED STORAGE-+-----------------------+
      | '-EXTENDED STORAGE-----'                       |
      '-ADD NODEGROUP--nodegroup-name------------------'


Names the buffer pool. This is a one-part name. It is an SQL identifier (either ordinary or delimited). It must be a buffer pool described in the catalog.

NODE node-number
Specifies the partition on which size of the buffer pool is modified. The partition must be in one of the nodegroups for the buffer pool (SQLSTATE 42729). If this clause is not specified, then the size of the buffer pool is modified on all partitions on which the buffer pool exists that used the default size for the buffer pool (did not have a size specified in the except-on-nodes-clause of the CREATE buffer pool statement).

SIZE number-of-pages
The size of the buffer pool specified as the number of pages. 52

If the extended storage configuration is turned on 53 , pages that are being migrated out of this buffer pool, will be cached in the extended storage.

Even if the extended storage configuration is turned on, pages that are being migrated out of this buffer pool, will NOT be cached in the extended storage.

ADD NODEGROUP nodegroup-name
Adds this nodegroup to the list of nodegroups to which the buffer pool definition is applicable. Tables spaces in nodegroup-name may specify this buffer pool. The nodegroup must currently exist in the database (SQLSTATE 42704).



The size can be specified with a value of (-1) which will indicate that the buffer pool size should be taken from the BUFFPAGE database configuration parameter.

Extended storage configuration is turned on by setting the database configuration parameters NUM_ESTORE_SEGS and ESTORE_SEG_SIZE to non-zero values. See Administration Guide for details.

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