IBM Books

SQL Reference


The ALTER NODEGROUP statement is used to:


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared. However, if the bind option DYNAMICRULES BIND applies, the statement cannot be dynamically prepared (SQLSTATE 42509).


The authorization ID of the statement must have SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority.


>>-ALTER NODEGROUP--nodegroup-name------------------------------>
      V                                                                          |
>---------+-ADD--+-NODE--+---| nodes-clause |--+----------------------------+-+--+>
          |      '-NODES-'                     +-LIKE NODE----node-number---+ |
          |                                    '-WITHOUT TABLESPACES--------' |
          '-DROP--+-NODE--+---| nodes-clause |--------------------------------'
         V                                        |


Names the nodegroup. This is a one-part name. It is an SQL identifier (either ordinary or delimited). It must be a nodegroup described in the catalog. IBMCATGROUP and IBMTEMPGROUP cannot be specified (SQLSTATE 42832).

Specifies the specific partition or partitions to add to the nodegroup. NODES is a synonym for NODE. Any specified partition must not already be defined in the nodegroup (SQLSTATE 42728).

Specifies the specific partition or partitions to drop from the nodegroup. NODES is a synonym for NODE. Any specified partition must already be defined in the nodegroup (SQLSTATE 42729).

Specifies the partition or partitions to be added or dropped.

Specify a specific partition number.

TO node-number2
Specify a range of partition numbers. The value of node-number2 must be greater than or equal to the value of node-number1 (SQLSTATE 428A9).

LIKE NODE node-number
Specifies that the containers for the existing table spaces in the nodegroup will be the same as the containers on the specified node-number. The partition specified must be a partition that existed in the nodegroup prior to this statement and is not included in a DROP NODE clause of the same statement.

Specifies that the default table spaces are not created on the newly added partition or partitions. The ALTER TABLESPACE using the FOR NODE clause must be used to define containers for use with the table spaces that are defined on this nodegroup. If this option is not specified, the default containers are specified on newly added partitions for each table space defined on the nodegroup.




Assume that you have a six-partition database that has the following partitions: 0, 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8. Two partitions are added to the system with partition numbers 3 and 6.

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