IBM Books

SQL Reference


The ALTER TABLESPACE statement is used to modify an existing table space in the following ways.


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared. However, if the bind option DYNAMICRULES BIND applies, the statement cannot be dynamically prepared (SQLSTATE 42509).


The authorization ID of the statement must have SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority.


      V                                                                         |
>---------+-ADD--+-| database-container-clause |--+----------------------+-+-+--+>
          |      |                                '-| on-nodes-clause |--' | |
          |      '-| system-container-clause |--| on-nodes-clause |--------' |
          |               '-integer--+-K-+--'                                |
          |                          +-M-+                                   |
          |                          '-G-'                                   |
          +-DROPPED TABLE RECOVERY--+-ON--+----------------------------------+
          |                         '-OFF-'                                  |
          '-SWITCH ONLINE----------------------------------------------------'
       V                                                          |
           '-DEVICE-'                        '-integer--+-K-+--'
       V                      |
      V                                        |


Names the table space. This is a one-part name. It is a long SQL identifier (either ordinary or delimited).

ADD specifies that a new container is to be added to the table space.

Adds one or more containers to a DMS table space. The table space must identify a DMS table space that already exists at the application server. See the description of container-clause on page ***.

Adds one or more containers to an SMS table space on the specified partitions or nodes. The table space must identify an SMS table space that already exists at the application server. There must not be any containers on the specified partitions for the table space. (SQLSTATE 42921). See the description of system-containers on page ***.

Specifies the partition or partitions for the added containers. See the description of on-nodes-clause on page ***.

PREFETCHSIZE number-of-pages
Specifies the number of PAGESIZE pages that will be read from the table space when data prefetching is being performed. The prefetch size value can also be specified as an integer value followed by K (for kilobytes), M (for megabytes), or G (for gigabytes). If specified in this way, the floor of the number of bytes divided by the pagesize is used to determine the number of pages value for prefetch size. Prefetching reads in data needed by a query prior to it being referenced by the query, so that the query need not wait for I/O to be performed.

BUFFERPOOL bufferpool-name
The name of the buffer pool used for tables in this table space. The buffer pool must currently exist in the database (SQLSTATE 42704). The nodegroup of the table space must be defined for the bufferpool (SQLSTATE 42735).

OVERHEAD number-of-milliseconds
Any numeric literal (integer, decimal, or floating point) that specifies the I/O controller overhead and disk seek and latency time, in milliseconds. The number should be an average for all containers that belong to the table space, if not the same for all containers. This value is used to determine the cost of I/O during query optimization.

TRANSFERRATE number-of-milliseconds
Any numeric literal (integer, decimal, or floating point) that specifies the time to read one page (4K or 8K) into memory, in milliseconds. The number should be an average for all containers that belong to the table space, if not the same for all containers. This value is used to determine the cost of I/O during query optimization.

Dropped tables in the specified table space may be recovered using the RECOVER DROPPED TABLE ON option of the ROLLFORWARD command.

Table spaces in OFFLINE state are brought online if the containers have become accessible. If the containers are not accessible an error is returned (SQLSTATE 57048).



Example 1:  Add a device to the PAYROLL table space.

      ADD (DEVICE '/dev/rhdisk9' 10000)

Example 2:  Change the prefetch size and I/O overhead for the ACCOUNTING table space.

      OVERHEAD 19.3

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