IBM Books

SQL Reference


The CURRENT DEGREE special register

specifies the degree of intra-partition parallelism for the execution of dynamic SQL statements. 16 The data type of the register is CHAR(5). Valid values are 'ANY ' or the string representation of an integer between 1 and 32 767, inclusive.

If the value of CURRENT DEGREE represented as an integer is 1 when an SQL statement is dynamically prepared, the execution of that statement will not use intra-partition parallelism.

If the value of CURRENT DEGREE represented as an integer is greater than 1 and less than or equal to 32 767 when an SQL statement is dynamically prepared, the execution of that statement can involve intra-partition parallelism with the specified degree.

If the value of CURRENT DEGREE is 'ANY' when an SQL statement is dynamically prepared, the execution of that statement can involve intra-partition parallelism using a degree determined by the database manager.

The actual runtime degree of parallelism will be the lower of:

If the intra_parallel database manager configuration parameter is set to NO, the value of the CURRENT DEGREE special register will be ignored for the purpose of optimization, and the statement will not use intra-partition parallelism.

See the Administration Guide for a description of parallelism and a list of restrictions.

The value can be changed by executing the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement (see SET CURRENT DEGREE for information on this statement).

The initial value of CURRENT DEGREE is determined by the dft_degree database configuration parameter. See the Administration Guide for a description of this configuration parameter.


For static SQL, the DEGREE bind option provides the same control.

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