IBM Books

SQL Reference

Manipulating Large Objects (LOBs) with Locators

Since LOB values can be very large, the transfer of these values from the database server to client application program host variables can be time consuming. However, it is also true that application programs typically process LOB values a piece at a time, rather than as a whole. For those cases where an application does not need (or want) the entire LOB value to be stored in application memory, the application can reference a LOB value via a large object locator (LOB locator).

A large object locator or LOB locator is a host variable with a value that represents a single LOB value in the database server. LOB locators were developed to provide users with a mechanism by which they could easily manipulate very large objects in application programs without requiring them to store the entire LOB value on the client machine where the application program may be running.

For example, when selecting a LOB value, an application program could select the entire LOB value and place it into an equally large host variable (which is acceptable if the application program is going to process the entire LOB value at once), or it could instead select the LOB value into a LOB locator. Then, using the LOB locator, the application program can issue subsequent database operations on the LOB value (such as applying the scalar functions SUBSTR, CONCAT, VALUE, LENGTH, doing an assignment, searching the LOB with LIKE or POSSTR, or applying UDFs against the LOB) by supplying the locator value as input. The resulting output of the locator operation, for example the amount of data assigned to a client host variable, would then typically be a small subset of the input LOB value.

LOB locators may also represent more than just base values; they can also represent the value associated with a LOB expression. For example, a LOB locator might represent the value associated with:

    SUBSTR( <lob 1> CONCAT <lob 2> CONCAT <lob 3>, <start>, <length> )

For normal host variables in an application program, when a null value is selected into that host variable, the indicator variable is set to -1, signifying that the value is null. In the case of LOB locators, however, the meaning of indicator variables is slightly different. Since a locator host variable itself can never be null, a negative indicator variable value indicates that the LOB value represented by the LOB locator is null. The null information is kept local to the client by virtue of the indicator variable value -- the server does not track null values with valid locators.

It is important to understand that a LOB locator represents a value, not a row or location in the database. Once a value is selected into a locator, there is no operation that one can perform on the original row or table that will affect the value which is referenced by the locator. The value associated with a locator is valid until the transaction ends, or until the locator is explicitly freed, whichever comes first. Locators do not force extra copies of the data in order to provide this function. Instead, the locator mechanism stores a description of the base LOB value. The materialization of the LOB value (or expression, as shown above) is deferred until it is actually assigned to some location -- either into a user buffer in the form of a host variable or into another record's field value in the database.

A LOB locator is only a mechanism used to refer to a LOB value during a transaction; it does not persist beyond the transaction in which it was created. Also, it is not a database type; it is never stored in the database and, as a result, cannot participate in views or check constraints. However, since a locator is a client representation of a LOB type, there are SQLTYPEs for LOB locators so that they can be described within an SQLDA structure that is used by FETCH, OPEN and EXECUTE statements.

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