>>-DLVALUE--(--data-location------------------------------------> >----+---------------------------------------------+--)-------->< '-,--linktype-string--+--------------------+--' '-,--comment-string--'
The schema is SYSIBM.
The DLVALUE function returns a DATALINK value. When the function is on the right hand side of a SET clause in an UPDATE statement or is in a VALUES clause in an INSERT statement, it usually also creates a link to a file. However, if only a comment is specified (in which case the data-location is a zero-length string), the DATALINK value is created with empty linkage attributes so there is no file link.
The result of the function is a DATALINK value. If any argument of the DLVALUE function can be null, the result can be null; If the data-location is null, the result is the null value.
When defining a DATALINK value using this function, consider the maximum length of the target of the value. For example, if a column is defined as DATALINK(200), then the maximum length of the data-location plus the comment is 200 bytes.
EXEC SQL INSERT INTO HOCKEY_GOALS VALUES('Maurice Richard', 'Montreal Canadien', '?', 'Boston Bruins, '1952-04-24', 'Winning goal in game 7 of Stanley Cup final', DLVALUE(:url_article), DLVALUE(:url_snapshot, 'URL', :url_snapshot_comment), DLVALUE('', 'URL', :url_movie_comment) );