SQL Reference
The CREATE NICKNAME statement creates a nickname for a data source table or
This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued through
the use of dynamic SQL statements. It is an executable statement that
can be dynamically prepared. However, if the bind option DYNAMICRULES BIND applies, the statement
cannot be dynamically prepared (SQLSTATE 42509).
The privileges held by the authorization ID of the statement must include
at least one of the following:
- SYSADM or DBADM authority
- IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority on the federated database, if the implicit or
explicit schema name of the nickname does not exist
- CREATEIN privilege on the schema, if the schema name of the nickname
In addition, the user's authorization ID at the data source must hold
the privilege to select from the data source catalog the metadata about the
table or view for which the nickname is being created.
>>-CREATE NICKNAME------nickname-----FOR--remote-object-name---><
- nickname
- Names the federated server's identifier for the table or view that is
referenced by remote-object-name. The nickname, including the
implicit or explicit qualifier, must not identify a table, view, alias, or
nickname described in the catalog. The schema name must not begin with
- remote-object-name
- Names a three-part identifier with this format:
- data-source-name
- Names the data source that contains the table or view for which the
nickname is being created. The data-source-name is the same name that was assigned to
the data source in the CREATE SERVER statement.
- remote-schema-name
- Names the schema to which the table or view belongs.
- remote-table-name
- Names either of the following identifiers:
- The name or an alias of a DB2 family table or view
- The name of an Oracle table or view
- The table or view that the nickname references must already exist at the
data source denoted by the first qualifier in
- The federated server does not support those data source data types that
correspond to the following DB2 data types: LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, DATALINK, large object (LOB) types,
and user-defined types. When a nickname is defined for a data source table or view, only
those columns in the table or view that have supported data types will be
defined to, and can be queried from, the federated database. When the
CREATE NICKNAME statement is run against a table or view that has columns with
unsupported data types, an error is issued.
- Because data types might be incompatible between data sources, the
federated server makes minor adjustments to store remote catalog data locally
as needed. Refer to the Application Development
Guide for details.
- The maximum allowable length of DB2 index names is 18 characters.
If a nickname is being created for a table that has an index whose name
exceeds this length, the entire name is not cataloged. Rather, DB2
truncates it to 18 characters. If the string formed by these characters
is not unique within the schema to which the index belongs, DB2 attempts to
make it unique by replacing the last character with 0. If the result is
still not unique, DB2 changes the last character to 1. DB2 repeats this
process with numbers 2 through 9, and if necessary, with numbers 0 through 9
for the name's seventeenth character, sixteenth character, and so on,
until a unique name is generated. To illustrate: The index of a
data source table is named ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. The names
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ0 already exist in the schema to which
this index belongs. The new name is over 18 characters; therefore, DB2
truncates it to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR. Because this name already exists in
the schema, DB2 changes the truncated version to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ0.
Because this latter name exists, too, DB2 changes the truncated version to
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ1. This name does not already exist in the schema, so
DB2 now accepts it as a new name.
- When a nickname is created for a table or view, DB2 stores the names of
the table's or view's columns in the catalog. If a name
exceeds the maximum allowable length for DB2 column names--128
characters--DB2 truncates the name to this length. If the
truncated version is not unique among the other names of the table's or
view's columns, DB2 makes it unique by following the procedure described
in the preceding paragraph.
Example 1: Create a nickname for a view, DEPARTMENT,
that is in a schema called HEDGES. This view is stored in a DB2
Universal Database for OS/390 data source called OS390A.
Example 2: Select all records from the view for which
a nickname was created in Example 1. The view must be referenced by its
nickname. (It can be referenced it by its own name only in pass-through
| Invalid
| Valid after nickname DEPT is created
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