IBM Books

SQL Reference

String Assignments

There are two types of assignments:

The rules for string assignment differ based on the assignment type.

Storage Assignment

The basic rule is that the length of the string assigned to a column or function parameter must not be greater than the length attribute of the column or the function parameter. When the length of the string is greater than the length attribute of the column or the function parameter, the following actions may occur:

When a string is assigned to a fixed-length column and the length of the string is less than the length attribute of the target, the string is padded to the right with the necessary number of blanks. The pad character is always a blank even for columns defined with the FOR BIT DATA attribute.

Retrieval Assignment

The length of a string assigned to a host variable may be longer than the length attribute of the host variable. When a string is assigned to a host variable and the length of the string is longer than the length attribute of the variable, the string is truncated on the right by the necessary number of characters (or bytes). When this occurs, a warning is returned (SQLSTATE 01004) and the value 'W' is assigned to the SQLWARN1 field of the SQLCA.

Furthermore, if an indicator variable is provided, and the source of the value is not a LOB, the indicator variable is set to the original length of the string.

When a character string is assigned to a fixed-length variable and the length of the string is less than the length attribute of the target, the string is padded to the right with the necessary number of blanks. The pad character is always a blank even for strings defined with the FOR BIT DATA attribute.

Retrieval assignment of C NUL-terminated host variables is handled based on options specified with the PREP or BIND command. See the section on programming in C and C++ in the Application Development Guide for details.

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