This tool facilitates the movement of large numbers of tables between DB2 databases located on workstations. The tool queries the system catalog tables for a particular database and compiles a list of all user tables. It then exports these tables in PC/IXF format. The PC/IXF files can be imported or loaded to another local DB2 database on the same system, or can be transferred to another workstation platform and imported or loaded to a DB2 database on that platform.
This tool calls the DB2 export, import, and load APIs, depending on the action requested by the user. Therefore, the requesting user ID must have the correct authorization required by those APIs, or the request will fail.
Command Syntax
.-----------. V | >>-db2move--dbname--action-------+-----+--+-------------------->< +--tc-+ +--tn-+ +--io-+ +--lo-+ +--l--+ +--u--+ '--p--'
Command Parameters
This is an EXPORT action only. If specified, only those tables created by the creators listed with this option are exported. If not specified, the default is to use all creators. When specifying multiple creators, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are allowed between creator IDs. The maximum number of creators that can be specified is 10. This option can be used with the "-tn" table-names option to select the tables for export.
An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character that can be placed anywhere in the string.
This is an EXPORT action only. If specified, only those tables whose names match exactly those in the specified string are exported. If not specified, the default is to use all user tables. When specifying multiple table names, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are allowed between table names. The maximum number of table names that can be specified is 10. This option can be used with the "-tc" table-creators option to select the tables for export. db2move will only export those tables whose names are matched with specified table names and whose creators are matched with specified table creators.
An asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard character that can be placed anywhere in the string.
Valid options are: INSERT and REPLACE.
This option specifies the absolute path names where LOB files are created (as part of EXPORT) or searched for (as part of IMPORT or LOAD). When specifying multiple LOB paths, each must be separated by commas; no blanks are allowed between LOB paths. If the first path runs out of space (during EXPORT), or the files are not found in the path (during IMPORT or LOAD), the second path will be used, and so on.
If the action is EXPORT, and LOB paths are specified, all files in the LOB path directories are deleted, the directories are removed, and new directories are created. If not specified, the current directory is used for the LOB path.
Both user ID and password are optional. However, if one is specified, the other must be specified. If the command is run on a client connecting to a remote server, user ID and password should be specified.
Both user ID and password are optional. However, if one is specified, the other must be specified. If the command is run on a client connecting to a remote server, user ID and password should be specified.
This will export all tables in the SAMPLE database; default values are used for all options.
This will export all tables created by "userid1" or user IDs LIKE "us%rid2", and with the name "tbname1" or table names LIKE "%tbname2".
This example is applicable to OS/2 or the Windows operating system only. The command will import all tables in the SAMPLE database; LOB paths "D:\LOBPATH1" and "C:\LOBPATH2" are to be searched for LOB files.
This example is applicable to UNIX based systems only. The command will load all tables in the SAMPLE database; both the /home/userid/lobpath subdirectory and the tmp subdirectory are to be searched for LOB files.
This will import all tables in the SAMPLE database in REPLACE mode; the specified user ID and password will be used.
Usage Notes
This tool exports, imports, or loads user-created tables. If a database is to be duplicated from one operating system to another operating system, db2move facilitates the movement of the tables. It is also necessary to move all other objects associated with the tables, such as: aliases, views, triggers, user-defined functions, and so on. db2look - DB2 Statistics Extraction Tool can facilitate the movement of some of these objects by extracting the data definition language (DDL) statements from the database.
When export, import, or load APIs are called by db2move, the FileTypeMod parameter is set to lobsinfile. That is, LOB data is kept in separate files from PC/IXF files. There are 26 000 file names available for LOB files.
The LOAD action must be run locally on the machine where the database and the data file reside. When the load API is called by db2move, the CopyTargetList parameter is set to NULL; that is, no copying is done. If logretain is on, the load operation cannot be rolled forward later. The table space where the loaded tables reside is placed in backup pending state, and is not accessible. A full database backup, or a table space backup, is required to take the table space out of backup pending state.
Files Required/Generated When Using EXPORT:
"nnn" is the table number. "c" is a letter of the alphabet. "yyy" is a number ranging from 001 to 999.
These files are created only if the table being exported contains LOB data. If created, these LOB files are placed in the "lobpath" directories. There are a total of 26 000 possible names for the LOB files.
Files Required/Generated When Using IMPORT:
Files Required/Generated When Using LOAD: