IBM Books

Command Reference


Resets the configuration of a specific database to the system defaults.


This command only affects the node on which it is executed.


One of the following:

Required Connection

Instance. An explicit attachment is not required. If the database is listed as remote, an instance attachment to the remote node is established for the duration of the command.

Command Syntax

            '-DB-------'   +-CONFIG--------+

Command Parameters

FOR database-alias
Specifies the alias of the database whose configuration is to be reset to the system defaults.

Usage Notes

To view or print a list of the database configuration parameters, use GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION.

To change the value of a configurable parameter, use UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION.

For more information about these parameters, see the Administration Guide.

Changes to the database configuration file become effective only after they are loaded into memory. All applications must disconnect from the database before this can occur.

If an error occurs, the database configuration file does not change.

The database configuration file cannot be reset if the checksum is invalid. This may occur if the database configuration file is changed without using the appropriate command. If this happens, the database must be restored to reset the database configuration file.

See Also



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