IBM Books

Command Reference


Converts previous (Version 2.x or higher) versions of DB2 databases to current formats.

Attention: The database pre-migration tool, db2ckmig - Database Pre-migration Tool, must be run prior to DB2 Version 6 installation (on OS/2 or the Windows operating system), or before instance migration (on UNIX based systems), because it cannot be executed on DB2 Version 6. Backup all databases prior to migration, and prior to DB2 Version 6 installation on OS/2 or the Windows operating system.

For detailed information about database migration, see one of the Quick Beginnings books.



Required Connection

This command establishes a database connection.

Command Syntax


Command Parameters

DATABASE database-alias
Specifies the alias of the database to be migrated to the currently installed version of the database manager.

USER username
Identifies the user name under which the database is to be migrated.

USING password
The password used to authenticate the user name. If the password is omitted, but a user name was specified, the user is prompted to enter it.


The following example migrates the database cataloged under the database alias sales:

   db2 migrate database sales

Usage Notes

This command will only migrate a database to a newer version, and cannot be used to convert a migrated database to its previous version.

The database must be cataloged before migration.

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