IBM Books

Command Reference


Reports the authorities of the current user from values found in the database configuration file and the authorization system catalog view (SYSCAT.DBAUTH).



Required Connection

Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.

Command Syntax

>>-GET AUTHORIZATIONS------------------------------------------><

Command Parameters



The following is sample output from GET AUTHORIZATIONS:

 Administrative Authorizations for Current User
 Direct SYSADM authority              = NO
 Direct SYSCTRL authority             = NO
 Direct SYSMAINT authority            = NO
 Direct DBADM authority               = YES
 Direct CREATETAB authority           = YES
 Direct BINDADD authority             = YES
 Direct CONNECT authority             = YES
 Direct CREATE_NOT_FENC authority     = YES
 Direct IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority     = YES
 Indirect SYSADM authority            = YES
 Indirect SYSCTRL authority           = NO
 Indirect SYSMAINT authority          = NO
 Indirect DBADM authority             = NO
 Indirect CREATETAB authority         = YES
 Indirect BINDADD authority           = YES
 Indirect CONNECT authority           = YES
 Indirect CREATE_NOT_FENC authority   = NO
 Indirect IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority   = YES

Usage Notes

Direct authorities are acquired by explicit commands that grant the authorities to a user ID. Indirect authorities are based on authorities acquired by the groups to which a user belongs.
Note:PUBLIC is a special group to which all users belong.

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