Reports the authorities of the current user from values found in the database configuration file and the authorization system catalog view (SYSCAT.DBAUTH).
Required Connection
Database. If implicit connect is enabled, a connection to the default database is established.
>>-GET AUTHORIZATIONS------------------------------------------><
Command Parameters
The following is sample output from GET AUTHORIZATIONS:
Administrative Authorizations for Current User Direct SYSADM authority = NO Direct SYSCTRL authority = NO Direct SYSMAINT authority = NO Direct DBADM authority = YES Direct CREATETAB authority = YES Direct BINDADD authority = YES Direct CONNECT authority = YES Direct CREATE_NOT_FENC authority = YES Direct IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority = YES Indirect SYSADM authority = YES Indirect SYSCTRL authority = NO Indirect SYSMAINT authority = NO Indirect DBADM authority = NO Indirect CREATETAB authority = YES Indirect BINDADD authority = YES Indirect CONNECT authority = YES Indirect CREATE_NOT_FENC authority = NO Indirect IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority = YES |
Usage Notes
Direct authorities are acquired by explicit commands that grant the authorities to a user ID. Indirect authorities are based on authorities acquired by the groups to which a user belongs.
Note: | PUBLIC is a special group to which all users belong. |