SQL4100I The "<sqlflag-type>" SQL language syntax is used for syntax checking by the flagger.
Explanation: The SQL statements that have passed the precompiler checking will be subject to checking against the specified syntax by the flagger. Warning message will be issued against the statement when there is a syntax deviation.
Processing continues.
User Response: None. This is an informational message only.
SQL4102W An SQL syntax deviation has occurred at the token starting with the text "<text>".
Explanation: The flagger has detected a deviation from the SQL language syntax specified in the SQLFLAG precompiler option.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4103W A data definition statement is not within a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Explanation: The FIPS standard requires that all data definition statements are contained within a CREATE SCHEMA statement.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4104W There is a non-standard embedded comment.
Explanation: A comment embedded in an SQL statement does not meet the requirements of the standard being flagged. The comment does not begin with at least two consecutive hyphens
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4105W An SQL syntax deviation has occurred. The statement is not complete.
Explanation: The SQL statement has terminated before all required elements have been found.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4106W The identifier "<identifier>" is more than 18 characters.
Explanation: Authorization identifier, table identifier, column name, correlation name, module name, cursor name, procedure name, or parameter name has a length of more than 18 characters.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4107W Column "<column>" has an invalid length, precision, or scale attribute.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4108W An indicator variable has data type other than exact numeric, or has a non-zero scale.
Explanation: Data type of an indicator variable should be exact numeric with a scale of zero.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4109W The SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION references column "<column>".
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4110W A VALUE EXPRESSION containing "<column>" cannot include operators.
Explanation: A VALUE EXPRESSION cannot include operators in an OUTER REFERENCE COLUMN REFERENCE.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4111W The COLUMN REFERENCE is missing or is invalid for the ALL column function "<function>".
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4112W Column "<column>" is not unique and requires qualification.
Explanation: The specified column is not unique within the current scope. Qualification must be given to uniquely identify the required column.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4114W Column "<column>" does not identify a column of a table within the current scope.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4115W A column function that contains the OUTER REFERENCE column "<column>" is not in the subquery of a HAVING clause.
Explanation: A column function must be contained in a subquery of a HAVING clause if it contains an OUTER REFERENCE COLUMN REFERENCE.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4116W The result of a SUM or AVG function cannot be a character string.
Explanation: Character string is not valid for the result of a SUM or AVG SET FUNCTION SPECIFICATION.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4117W Operator "<operator>" is invalid in this context.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4118W The "<exptype>" EXPRESSION is comparing incompatible data types.
Explanation: The data types of one of the following (identified by exptype) do not match:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4119W The operand in the LIKE predicate is not a character string.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4120W The ESCAPE character must be a one-byte character string.
Explanation: Escape character in a LIKE predicate must have the data type of character string with a length of 1.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4121W The WHERE clause, GROUP BY clause, or HAVING clause is invalid for the grouped view "<schema-name>"."<view>".
Explanation: If the table identified in the FROM clause is a grouped view, then the TABLE EXPRESSION must not contain a WHERE clause, GROUP BY clause, or HAVING clause.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4122W "<schema-name>"."<name>" occurs more than once in a FROM clause.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4123W Only one table reference is allowed in the FROM clause for a GROUPed view.
Explanation: If the table identified by table name is a GROUPed view, then the FROM clause must contain exactly one table reference.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4124W A reference to column "<column>" derived from a column function is invalid in a WHERE clause.
Explanation: A VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION of a WHERE clause must not include a reference to a column derived from a column function.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4125W A HAVING clause must contain the WHERE clause when the WHERE clause has a column function.
Explanation: If a VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION is a column function, then the WHERE clause must be contained in a HAVING clause.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4126W The COLUMN REFERENCE for "<column>" must be an OUTER REFERENCE.
Explanation: If a VALUE EXPRESSION directly contained in the SEARCH CONDITION is a function, then the COLUMN REFERENCE in the column function expression must be an OUTER REFERENCE.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4127W Column "<column>" is duplicated within the current scope.
Explanation: The specified column is duplicated within the current scope.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4128W The COLUMN REFERENCE for "<column name>" should be a grouping column or should be specified within a column function.
Explanation: Each COLUMN REFERENCE contained in a subquery in the SEARCH CONDITION of a HAVING clause must reference a grouping column or be specified within a column function.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4129W DEGREE of table "<schema-name>"."<table>" should be 1 when using a SELECT LIST of *.
Explanation: The DEGREE of the TABLE EXPRESSION must be 1 if a SELECT LIST of * is specified in a subquery of any predicate other than an EXISTS predicate.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4130W The column function is not valid for the TABLE EXPRESSION beginning with table "<schema-name>"."<table>".
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4131W The COLUMN REFERENCE for "<column>" is invalid.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4132W DISTINCT is specified more than once.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4133W The COMPARISON PREDICATE subquery cannot contain a GROUP BY or HAVING clause.
Explanation: If a subquery is specified in a COMPARISON PREDICATE, then the TABLE EXPRESSION whose FROM clause identifies the named table must not contain a GROUP BY clause or a HAVING clause.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4134W The COMPARISON PREDICATE subquery cannot identify a GROUPed view.
Explanation: If a subquery is specified in a COMPARISON PREDICATE, then the TABLE EXPRESSION whose FROM clause identifies the named table must not identify a GROUPed view.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4135W There is an invalid AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFIER "<authid>".
Explanation: The AUTHORIZATION IDENTIFIER prefixed to the table name is invalid.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4136W Table or view "<schema-name>"."<name>" already exists.
Explanation: The table name or view name specified already exists in the catalog.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4137W The COLUMN DEFINITION is missing.
Explanation: At least one COLUMN DEFINITION should be specified for a CREATE TABLE.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4138W The data type "<type1>" of the target is not compatible with the data type "<type2>" of the source.
Explanation: Data types should match:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4139I You must specify a VIEW COLUMN LIST for "<schema-name>"."<table>".
Explanation: If any two columns in the table specified by the QUERY SPECIFICATION have the same column name, or if any column of that table is an unnamed column, then a VIEW COLUMN LIST must be specified.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4140W An error has occurred causing the flagger to stop. Module name = "<module-name>". Internal error code = "<error code>".
Explanation: The flagger has encountered an internal error. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.
User Response: Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.
SQL4141W An error has occurred when attempting to produce message "<message number>" in module "<module name>".
Explanation: The FLAGGER has attempted to produce an undefined message.
Processing continues.
User Response: Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.
SQL4142W There is not enough memory for flagger operation. Internal error code = "<error code>".
Explanation: There is not enough memory for the flagger to operate. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.
User Response: Ensure that your system has sufficient real and virtual memory, and remove any unnecessary background processes.
SQL4143W An error has occurred when releasing flagger memory. Internal error code = "<error code>".
Explanation: The flagger cannot release allocated memory. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.
User Response: Restart precompilation if flagging is required.
SQL4144W Internal error on call to the FLAGGER found in module "<module-name>". Internal error code = "<error code>".
Explanation: The FLAGGER encountered an internal error.
Preprocessing continues but FLAGGER operation is discontinued.
User Response: Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.
SQL4145W Error during FLAGGER access to the system catalog. Flagging continues to check syntax only. SQLCODE = "<nnn>" SQLERRP = "<modname>" SQLERRD = "<nnn>" Creator = "<creatorname>" Table = "<tablename>"
Explanation: An internal error has occurred during FLAGGER access to the system catalog.
Processing continues but with flagger syntax checking only.
User Response: Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.
SQL4146W Internal error occurred causing the semantics processing to stop. Module name = "<module name>". Internal error code = "<error code>".
Explanation: The FLAGGER has encountered a severe internal error in a semantics analysis routine.
Processing continues but with flagger syntax checking only.
User Response: Record this message number (SQLCODE), module name and error code in the message. Contact your technical service representative with the information.
SQL4147W Invalid flagger version number.
Explanation: An invalid flagger version number is passed to the Precompiler Services COMPILE SQL STATEMENT API. If the syntax, bindfile or package option is also specified, processing continues but flagger operation is discontinued. Otherwise, processing is terminated.
User Response: Provide a valid flagger version number. Refer to the Command Reference manual.
SQL4170W You must declare column "<column>" as NOT NULL.
Explanation: All columns identified as UNIQUE must be defined with the NOT NULL option.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4171W The viewed table "<schema-name>"."<table>" must be updateable.
Explanation: When the WITH CHECK OPTION clause is specified then the viewed table must be updateable.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4172W Invalid number of column names.
Explanation: The number of column names in the VIEW COLUMN LIST should be the same as the DEGREE of the table specified by the QUERY SPECIFICATION.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4173W You must declare cursor "<cursor>" before using it.
Explanation: The cursor specified has not been declared in a DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4174W Cursor "<cursor>" is already declared.
Explanation: Cursor specified has already been declared in a DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4175W Only * or column names are valid in this context.
Explanation: When UNION is specified, the SELECT LIST for the specification of the two TABLE EXPRESSIONs identified by the QUERY EXPRESSION and QUERY TERM should consist of * or COLUMN REFERENCE(s).
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4176W The descriptions of tables identified by the QUERY EXPRESSION beginning with "<schema-name1>"."<table1>" and the QUERY TERM beginning with "<schema-name2>"."<table2>" should be identical.
Explanation: When UNION is specified, the descriptions of the two tables should be identical, except for the column names.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4177W The SORT SPECIFICATION "<number>" is outside the DEGREE of cursor "<cursor>".
Explanation: If the SORT SPECIFICATION contains an unsigned integer, it should be greater than 0 and not greater than the number of columns in the table.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4178W Table "<schema-name>"."<table>" is a read-only table.
Explanation: A DELETE, an INSERT, or an UPDATE was specified on a read-only table.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4179W Table "<schema-name>"."<table>" must not be identified in a FROM clause of any subquery contained in a SEARCH CONDITION.
Explanation: A table specified in a DELETE or an UPDATE cannot be used in a FROM clause of any subquery contained in its SEARCH CONDITION.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4180W Table "<schema-name1>"."<table1>" is not the first table "<schema-name2>"."<table2>" specified in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Explanation: Table specified in a DELETE or an UPDATE statement should be the first table specified in the FROM clause of the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4181W The number of TARGET SPECIFICATIONs does not match the DEGREE of cursor "<cursor>".
Explanation: The number of TARGET SPECIFICATIONs in the FETCH statement does not match the DEGREE of the table specified.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4182W Target table "<schema-name>"."<table>" of the INSERT statement is also in the FROM clause or in the subquery.
Explanation: The named table must not be identified in a FROM clause of a QUERY SPECIFICATION or of any subquery contained in the QUERY SPECIFICATION.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4183W The number of columns specified does not match the number of values specified.
Explanation: In an INSERT statement, the number of columns specified does not match the number of values specified.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4184W The number of columns specified does not match the DEGREE of the QUERY SPECIFICATION beginning with table "<schema-name>"."<table>".
Explanation: In an INSERT statement, the number of columns specified does not match the DEGREE of the table specified in the QUERY SPECIFICATION
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4185W There is a data type or length mismatch between column "<column>" and the INSERT or UPDATE item.
Explanation: One of the following conditions has not been met:
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4186W You cannot use a GROUP BY or HAVING clause or identify a GROUPed view in this context.
Explanation: The table identified in the FROM clause of the TABLE EXPRESSION in a SELECT statement should not include a GROUP BY or HAVING clause and should not identify a GROUPed view.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4187W The number of elements specified in the SELECT LIST should match the number in the SELECT TARGET LIST.
Explanation: In the SELECT statement, the number of elements specified in the SELECT LIST should match the number of elements in the SELECT TARGET LIST.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4188W A column function is not allowed in a SET clause of an UPDATE statement.
Explanation: A VALUE EXPRESSION in a SET clause of an UPDATE statement should not include a column function.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4189W You cannot specify NULL for NOT NULL column "<column>".
Explanation: If NULL is specified in the SET clause of the UPDATE statement, then the corresponding column should allow nulls.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4190W A host variable of an unrecognized data type is referenced. Host variable position is "<position>".
Explanation: The host variable reference at position "<position>" is of a data type not recognized by the standard.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4191W The data type of column "<column name>" is not recognized.
Explanation: The data type of the column is not recognized by the standard.
Processing continues.
User Response: Correct the SQL statement.
SQL4192W Table "<schema-name>"."<table>" is not found in the catalog.
Explanation: The named table or view does not exist in the system catalog.