SQL3901N A non-severe system error occured. Reason code "<reason-code>".
Explanation: Processing ended because of a non-severe system error.
User Response: If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:
SQL3902C A system error occurred. Further processing is not possible. Reason code = "<reason-code>".
Explanation: A system error occurred.
User Response: If trace was active, invoke the Independent Trace Facility at the operating system command prompt. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your technical service representative with the following information:
SQL3910I Synchronization session completed successfully.
User Response:
SQL3911I Test synchronization session completed successfully.
User Response:
SQL3912I STOP completed successfully.
User Response:
SQL3913I STOP issued, but no synchronization session is currently active.
User Response:
SQL3914I A user interrupt was issued. The synchronization session stopped successfully.
User Response:
SQL3915I A user interrupt was issued before the results were uploaded to the satellite control server. The results will be uploaded during the next synchronization session.
User Response:
SQL3916I A STOP request was received. Synchronization session stopped successfully.
User Response:
SQL3917I A STOP request was received before the results were uploaded to the satellite control server. The results will be uploaded during the next synchronization session.
User Response:
SQL3918I Synchronization progress information was obtained successfully.
User Response:
SQL3919I A STOP request was received before the satellite could contact the satellite control server. Synchronization stopped successfully.
User Response:
SQL3920I The application version on this satellite does not match one that is available for the group of this satellite. Synchronization cannot occur.
Explanation: The application version reported by the satellite does not exist at the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3921I This satellite is disabled at the satellite control server. Synchronization cannot occur.
Explanation: When disabled, the satellite cannot synchronize.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3930W There are no synchronization scripts to execute.
Explanation: No synchronization scripts were downloaded to the satellite for execution.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator to ensure that synchronization scripts are available on the satellite control database for this satellite.
SQL3931W The test synchronization session completed successfully. The satellite ID, however, could not be found in the satellite control database.
Explanation: Either the satellite ID is not defined correctly on the satellite or this satellite has not been defined in the satellite control database.
User Response: If you use the DB2SATELLITEID registry variable, ensure that it is set to the unique ID for the satellite. If you are using the operating system logon ID as the satellite ID, ensure you log on using it.
SQL3932W The test synchronization session completed successfully. The satellite's application version, however, is not set locally, or does not exist for this satellite's group at the satellite control server.
Explanation: The application version on the satellite is different from any that are available for this satellite's group.
User Response: Ensure that the application version on the satellite is set to the correct value.
SQL3933W The test synchronization session completed successfully. The release level of the satellite, however, is not supported by the release level of the satellite control server.
Explanation: The release level of the satellite must be within the range of one level above to two levels below that of the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3934W The test synchronization session completed successfully. This satellite, however, is disabled at the satellite control server.
Explanation: The satellite has been placed in the disabled state at the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3935W The test synchronization session completed successfully. This satellite, however, is in the failed state at the satellite control server.
Explanation: The satellite is in the failed state at the control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3936W No progress information is available.
Explanation: The synchronization session has not reached a stage where the progress information has been logged, or there is no active synchronization session for this satellite.
User Response: Ensure the synchronication session is active, or try querying for progress information later.
SQL3937W The application version for this satellite does not match one that is available for this satellite's group.
Explanation: A satellite can only synchronize with a particular application version for its group. The application version for this satellite is not available for the satellite's group at the control server.
User Response: Ensure that the application version on the satellite is set to the correct value.
SQL3938W An interrupt was issued during script execution. The synchronization session was stopped, but the satellite may be in an inconsistent state.
Explanation: An interrupt was issued while the script execution phase of the synchronization process was being performed. The synchronization session was stopped but the satellite may be in an inconsistent state because a script may have been halted at an inappropriate place.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3942I Synchronization session identifier was set successfully for the satellite.
Explanation: The session identifier was set successfully for the satellite.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL3943N Synchronization session identifier exceeds the maximum length of "<length>" characters.
Explanation: The specifed synchronization session identifier is longer than the allowed length of "<length>" characters.
User Response: Ensure that the identifier is no more than nnn characters.
SQL3944I Synchronization session identifier was reset successfully for the satellite.
Explanation: The session identifier was reset successfully for the satellite.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL3945I Synchronization session identifier for the satellite was retrieved successfully.
Explanation: The session identifier for this satellite was found and returned successfully.
User Response: No action is required.
SQL3946N Synchronization session identifier operation failed.
Explanation: The synchronization session identifer operation has failed for an unknown reason.
User Response: Ensure that the product is installed correctly. If the failure persists, contact DB2 service.
SQL3950N A synchronization session is active. Only one synchronization session can be active.
Explanation: Only one synchronization session can be active at a time.
User Response: Wait until the current synchronization session completes successfully before initiating another session.
SQL3951N The satellite ID cannot be found locally.
Explanation: Either the operating system logon was bypassed or the DB2SATELLITEID registry variable was not set.
User Response: If you are using the operating system logon ID as the satellite ID, log on to the operating system. If you use the DB2SATELLITEID registry variable, ensure that it is set to the unique ID for the satellite.
SQL3952N The satellite ID could not be found at the satellite control server.
Explanation: Either the satellite ID is not defined correctly on this satellite or this satellite has not been defined at the satellite control server.
User Response: If you use the DB2SATELLITEID registry variable, ensure that it is set to the unique ID for the satellite. If you are using the operating system logon ID as the satellite ID, ensure you log on using it. Otherwise, contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3953N This satellite has been disabled at the satellite control server.
Explanation: The satellite ID has been disabled at the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3954N This satellite is in the failed state at the satellite control server.
Explanation: The satellite is in the failed state because a previous synchronization session failed.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3955N The satellite control database name its alias could not be found.
Explanation: The satellite control database is not cataloged correctly.
User Response: Contact the help desk or you system administrator.
SQL3956N The application version for this satellite is not defined locally.
Explanation: The application version is not defined locally on this satellite or is not defined correctly.
User Response: Ensure that the application version is set to the correct value.
Cannot connect to the satellite control server because of a communication
SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>",
tokens="<token1>", "<token2>",
Explanation: An error has been detected by the communication subsystem. Refer to "<sqlcode>" for more details.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3958N Error occurred during synchronization session: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: An unknown error has been detected by the communication subsystem. Refer to "<sqlcode>" for more details.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3959N Synchronization session cannot start because of a communication failure: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: An error has been detected by the communication subsystem. Refer to "<sqlcode>" for more details.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3960N Cannot upload results to the satellite control server because of a communication failure: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: An error has been detected by the communication subsystem. Refer to "<sqlcode>" for more details.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3961N Cannot authenticate with the satellite control server.
Explanation: An authentication error was detected while trying to connect to the satellite control database.
User Response: Either the remote administrative user ID or the password required to connect to the satellite control database was not correct, or both. Either provide the correct user ID and password, or contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3962N Synchronization could not be started because of a database error: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: An error preventing synchronization occurred at the satellite control server.
User Response: Attempt to synchronize again. If failure persists, contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3963N Results cannot be uploaded because of a database error: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: An error occurred while uploading results to the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3964N Synchronization failed because the release level of the satellite is not supported by the satellite control server.
Explanation: The release level of the satellite must be within the range of one level above to two levels below that of the satellite control server.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3965N Cannot download the synchronization scripts because of a satellite control server failure: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE="<sqlstate>", tokens="<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>".
Explanation: The satellite cannot download the scripts that are required to synchronize the satellite. One possible reason for this failure is that the control server cannot instantiate parameterized scripts with the attributes of the satellite. Another reason is that the satellite control server was temporarily unable to complete the request because of resource constraints.
User Response: Try the request again. If the failure persists, contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3966N Synchronization session failed. Reason code "<reason-code>".
Explanation: The synchronization session failed to complete for one of the following reasons:
User Response: Try the request again. If failure persists, contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3967N Progress information cannot be retrieved.
Explanation: Progress on this satellite's synchronization session cannot be retrieved. Either the data is corrupt, or it does not exist.
User Response: If a synchronization session is active and no progress information is available, contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3968N Synchronization failed to complete successfully because of a script failure. The results of the execution, however, were sent to the satellite control server.
Explanation: One of the synchronization scripts failed during execution. Either a return code was not in the defined success code set, or the script failed to execute.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3969N Synchronization failed because an interrupt was received during script execution.
Explanation: Script execution fails when an interrupt is received. An abnormal termination of this type will cause the synchronization session to fail because the system may be in an inconsistent state.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.
SQL3970N Synchronization session failed with, SQLCODE "<sqlcode>" SQLSTATE "<sqlatate>" The error was detected at location "<location>".
Explanation: Script execution failed because of an unknown error.
User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.