IBM Books

Message Reference

SQL3200 - SQL3299

SQL3201N The specified table cannot be replaced because another table is dependent on it.

Explanation: A table that is a parent in a relationship with another table cannot be replaced.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Select a different option, such as INSERT, or select a different target for the utility operation.

SQL3203N The INSERT_UPDATE option is not permitted for the specified target because it has no primary key or all columns are in the primary key.

Explanation: The INSERT_UPDATE option is only valid when the target table has a primary key and the target columns include all columns of the primary key. In addition, the target table should contain at least one column that is not part of the primary key.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Select a different option such as INSERT, or choose a different target for the utility operation.

SQL3204N The INSERT_UPDATE option may not be applied to a view.

Explanation: The INSERT_UPDATE option is not valid for views and a view has been selected as the target of the utility operation.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Select a different option such as INSERT, or choose a different target for the utility operation.

SQL3205N The specified view cannot be replaced because the base table has a dependent.

Explanation: A view whose base table is a parent table in a referential relationship with any table (including itself) cannot be replaced.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Select a different option such as INSERT, or choose a different target for the utility operation.

SQL3206N The specified view cannot be replaced because its definition involves a subquery.

Explanation: A view whose definition involves a subquery cannot be replaced. If the view definition depends on the definition of other views, the other views cannot contain subqueries. The use of a subquery anywhere in the definition of any view on which the target view is based prohibits the REPLACE option.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Select a different option, such as INSERT, or choose a different target for the utility operation.

SQL3207N Invalid table-list provided. Reason code "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The traversal-order-list/subtable-list provided is invalid.The explanation for the reason code is:

  1. Tables specified in the traversal-order-list are not in PRE-ORDER fashion.

  2. Tables specified in the traversal-order-list are not connected.

  3. Mismatch of schema name found in traversal-order-list/subtable-list.

  4. With REPLACE option, some subtables are missing in the traversal-order-list.

  5. Subtable-list is not equal to or a subset of the traversal-order-list.

User Response: The user action, based on the reason code, is:

  1. Make sure the traversal-order-list is in PRE-ORDER fashion.

  2. Make sure all tables in the traversal-order-list are connected.

  3. Make sure schema names are consistent.

  4. When REPLACE option is used, make sure all subtables in the hierarchy are included.

  5. Make sure subtable-list is equal to or is a subset of the traversal-order-list.

SQL3208W Importing data from typed tables into regular table.

Explanation: User specified to import data from typed tables into regular table. Please note, object_id column will not be cast while importing.

User Response: Please make sure such operation is intentional.

SQL3209N Import with CREATE option does not allow renaming subtable name nor attribute names.

Explanation: When CREATE option is used, neither subtable name nor attribute names can be renamed.

User Response: Please check your IMPORT command and make sure no subtable-list is specified.

SQL3210N Option "<option>" is not compatible with hierarchy in "<command-name>".

Explanation: "<option>" is not compatible with hierarchy in EXPORT, IMPORT, or LOAD.

User Response: Please check the command syntax for hierarchical support.

SQL3211N LOAD does not support typed tables.

Explanation: LOAD does not support typed tables. Please consider IMPORT instead.

User Response: Please use IMPORT to bring hierarchical data into the database.

SQL3212N The TERMINATE option of the LOAD command is not currently supported for tables with DATALINK column(s), or table spaces in delete pending state.

Explanation: An attempt was made to terminate a crashed, interrupted, or forced LOAD operation against a table which contains DATALINK column(s), or a table which resides in table space(s) in delete pending state. These are not currently supported.

User Response: Use the RESTART option of the LOAD command to recover a crashed, interrupted, or forced LOAD operation.

SQL3213I The indexing mode is "<mode>".

Explanation: The indexing mode values are a follows:

indexes will be completely rebuilt

indexes will be extended

indexes will not be updated, but will be marked as requiring refresh prior to next access.

User Response: No action is required.

SQL3214N The LOAD utility does not support deferred indexing for tables with unique indexes.

Explanation: An indexing mode of DEFERRED was specified for a table that has unique indexes. This is not valid.

User Response: Specify an indexing mode of AUTOSELECT, REBUILD or INCREMENTAL, and reissue the command.

SQL3215W The Load utility currently does not support INCREMENTAL indexing when loading into a DMS table space on tables where the table's index object resides in the same table space as any of the other target table's objects, and the COPY option is also specified. The REBUILD indexing mode will be used instead.

Explanation: INCREMENTAL indexing mode is not supported for this operation. REBUILD indexing mode is used instead.

User Response: The user can avoid this warning by defining the index in a table space that is not shared by other objects in the table to be loaded. Alternatively, avoid use of the COPY option. Please refer to the DB2 documentation for a full list of alternatives to the COPY option.

SQL3216W The table's index object was not consistent at the time the load utility began. INCREMENTAL indexing cannot be performed during this load utility operation. The REBUILD indexing mode will be used instead.

Explanation: INCREMENTAL indexing can only be used on tables that have a consistent index object at the time the load utlity begins. Loading with indexing mode REBUILD causes the table index to be rebuilt in a consistent manner.

User Response: No action required.

SQL3217W The INCREMENTAL indexing mode is supported only when using LOAD to append data using the INSERT INTO action. The current LOAD action is "<action>". The utility will use indexing mode of "<mode>" instead.

Explanation: INCREMENTAL indexing can only be used when appending data to a table using the load INSERT action. This feature is not supported with when loading with REPLACE, RESTART, or TERMINATE actions.

User Response: No action necessary.

SQL3220W Volume <volume-name> was not found in the <directory-name> directory. Copy the volume into this directory and continue the LOAD/IMPORT.

Explanation: An attempt to LOAD/IMPORT a multiple IXF file was made, but one of the files is missing from the directory specified. LOAD/IMPORT tries to find the parts in the same directory as the first part.

The import will terminate.

User Response:

SQL3221W ...Begin COMMIT WORK. Input Record Count = <count>

Explanation: The import is about to attempt a COMMIT of the work performed.

User Response: If the SQL3222W message is not printed immediately after this message, then the COMMIT failed and you will need to check your table or view to see which records have been imported. You can then start the import again with a RESTARTCOUNT set to the number of records successfully imported to skip those rows and import the rest of the file. (If you had been doing a CREATE or REPLACE_CREATE or REPLACE, call the second import with INSERT option.)

SQL3222W ...COMMIT of any database changes was successful.

Explanation: The COMMIT was successful.

User Response: None necessary if you get this message.

SQL3223N The parameter of type pointer to <parameter> is not specified properly.

Explanation: The parameter of type <parameter> is not specified properly. The types are one of "struct sqluimpt_in", "struct sqluimpt_out", "struct sqluexpt_out", "struct sqluload_in", "struct sqluload_out", "struct sqluunld_in", or "struct sqluunld_out". The pointer should be either a NULL pointer or should point to the appropriate structure and its sizeOfStruct field should be initialized to one of SQLUIMPT_IN_SIZE for struct sqluimpt_in, SQLUIMPT_OUT_SIZE for struct sqluimpt_out, SQLUEXPT_OUT_SIZE for struct sqluexpt_out, SQLULOAD_IN_SIZE for struct sqluload_in, SQLULOAD_OUT_SIZE for struct sqluload_out, SQLUUNLD_IN_SIZE for struct sqluunld_in or SQLUUNLD_OUT_SIZE for struct sqluunld_out.

The command cannot be processed.

User Response: Call the utility again with a proper parameter.

SQL3225N The RESTARTCOUNT value is greater than the number of rows in the file. No rows were loaded.

Explanation: The utility was called with a RESTARTCOUNT value which was greater than the number of rows in the input file resulting in no rows being loaded into the table/view.

User Response: Ensure that the RESTARTCOUNT value is correct or call the utility again with the REPLACE or INSERT option and a correct RESTARTCOUNT value.

SQL3227W Record token "<token1>" refers to user record number "<token2>".

Explanation: An error or warning was encountered during LOAD, IMPORT or EXPORT of a table. CPU parallelism was greater than 1 at the time the problem was encountered, and an SQL message was written which identified the user record with a special unique token. This message serves to map the unique record token to the record number of the source user data.

User Response: Refer to the original SQL message returned for appropriate action.

SQL3250N COMPOUND="<value>" is an invalid value or is not allowed in conjunction with other import parameters.

Explanation: The COMPOUND=x option was specified for the import utility and cannot be processed due to one of the following reasons:

User Response: Change the filetmod option to correct the usage of COMPOUND=x.

SQL3251N "number" more errors occurred during the import.

Explanation: The utility encountered more errors than can be relayed in the sqlca (maximum number is 7) while using the COMPOUND option. Messages for these errors will not be printed to the message file.

The utility continues processing.

User Response: If you desire all the error messages for each row inserted during an import, do not use the COMPOUND option or use a COMPOUND value less than or equal to 7.

SQL3260N An unexpected error occurred when accessing the LDAP directory. Error code = "<error-code>".

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when accessing the LDAP directory. The command can not be processed.

User Response: Record the message number (SQLCODE) and the error code. Use the Independent Trace Facility to obtain the DB2 trace. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your IBM service representative.

SQL3261N The REGISTER LDAP command did not complete successfully because a required input parameter was not specified. Reason code = "<reason-code>".

Explanation: The REGISTER LDAP command did not complete successfully because a required input parameter was not specified as indicated by the following reason codes:

The Network Id parameter was not specified.

The Partner LU parameter was not specified.

The Transaction Program (TP) name parameter was not specified.

The Mode parameter was not specified.

The Netbios NNAME parameter was not specified.

The TCP/IP hostname parameter was not specified.

The TCP/IP service name parameter was not specified.

The IPX Address was not specified.

The computer name was not specified.

The instance name was not specified.

User Response: Re-submit the command with the required input parameter

SQL3262N The TCP/IP service name "<name>" is not valid.

Explanation: The TCP/IP service name specified is not valid.

User Response: Ensure that the TCP/IP service name is configured and reserved in the local etc/services file, then re-submit the command. Alternatively, specify the port number that is assigned to the TCP/IP service name.

SQL3263N The protocol type is not supported.

Explanation: The protocol type specified is not supported for the command.

User Response: Re-submit the command using a supported protocol type.

SQL3264N The DB2 server has not been registered in LDAP.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because the DB2 server had not been registered in LDAP.

User Response: Register the DB2 server in LDAP using the REGISTER LDAP command. Then re-submit the command.

SQL3265N An unexpected error occurred during LDAP authentication.

Explanation: Unable to authenticate the LDAP user due to unexpected LDAP system error.

User Response: Use the Independent Trace Facility to obtain the DB2 trace. Refer to the Independent Trace Facility in the Troubleshooting Guide for information on how to use this facility. Then contact your IBM service representative.

SQL3266N The LDAP user password is incorrect.

Explanation: The specified password is not a correct password for the specified user Distinguished Name (DN).

User Response: Re-submit the command using the correct password.

SQL3267N "<authid>" does not have sufficient authority to perform the requested command.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because the LDAP user did not have sufficient authority to perform the required task.

User Response: Ensure that the LDAP user has the authorization to perform the operation.

SQL3268N The LDAP schema is not compatible with the current release of DB2.

Explanation: The LDAP schema defined at the server does not contain the definition for the DB2 object classes and/or attributes used in the current release of DB2.

User Response: Refer to the Administration Guide on how to extend the LDAP schema with DB2 object classes and attributes.

SQL3269N The LDAP server is not available.

Explanation: DB2 was not able to access information in the LDAP directory because the LDAP server was not available.

User Response: Perform the following actions:

  1. Ensure that the LDAP server is active.

  2. Verify that TCP/IP is configured correctly on your machine

  3. Verify that the DB2LDAPHOST registry variable is set to the TCP/IP hostname and port number of the LDAP server by running the "db2set DB2LDAPHOST" command. If the DB2LDAPHOST is not set, you can set it by using the "db2set DB2LDAPHOST=<host-name>:<port-number>" command, where <host-name> is the TCP/IP hostname of the LDAP server and <port-number> is the TCP/IP port number of the LDAP server. The default port number is 389.

SQL3270N The LDAP user's Distinguished Named (DN) is not valid.

Explanation: The LDAP user's Distinguished Named (DN) is not valid.

User Response: Re-submit the command using a valid LDAP user's DN.

SQL3271N The LDAP user's Distinguished Name (DN) and/or password is not defined for the current logon user.

Explanation: When setting user preferences such as CLI configuration or DB2 registry variable, the LDAP user's DN and password must be defined for the current logon user.

User Response: Refer to the IBM eNetwork LDAP documentation on how to configure the LDAP user's DN and password for the current logon user.

SQL3272N The node "<node-name>" was not found in the LDAP directory.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because the node "<node-name>" was not found in the LDAP directory.

User Response: Ensure the node name is correct and re-submit the command.

SQL3273N The database "<database-alias>" was not found in the LDAP directory.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because the database "<database-alias>" was not found in the LDAP directory.

User Response: Ensure the database name is correct and re-submit the command.

SQL3274W The database was created successfully. However, the database was not cataloged in the LDAP directory. SQLCODE = "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The database was created successfully. However, the database could not be cataloged in the LDAP directory because there was an error occurred during the operation.

User Response: Correct the error as indicated in the SQLCODE. Then catalog the database in the LDAP directory using the CATALOG LDAP DATABASE command.

SQL3275W The database was dropped successfully. However, the database was not uncataloged in the LDAP directory. SQLCODE = "<sqlcode>".

Explanation: The database was dropped successfully. However, the database could not be uncataloged in the LDAP directory because there was an error occurred during the operation.

User Response: Correct the error as indicated in the SQLCODE. Then uncatalog the database in the LDAP directory using the UNCATALOG LDAP DATABASE command.

SQL3276N Unable to obtain the LDAP naming context.

Explanation: Unable to query for the LDAP naming context for the LDAP server.

User Response: Contact your LDAP directory administrator to obtain the LDAP naming context for the LDAP server that you are using. If you are using IBM eNetwork Directory V2.1, this is the name of the LDAP suffix. Then set the naming context for the current machine using the "db2set DB2LDAP_BASEDN=<naming-context>" command.

SQL3277N The database "<database-alias>" already exists in the LDAP directory.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because another database of the same name already exists in the LDAP directory.

User Response: Re-submit the command using a different alias name.

SQL3278N The node "<node>" already exists in the LDAP directory.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because another node of the same name already exists in the LDAP directory.

User Response: Re-submit the command using a different alias name.

SQL3279N The command did not complete successfully because LDAP is disabled.

Explanation: The command did not complete successfully because the LDAP support is disabled on the current machine.

User Response: If the LDAP support is installed, enable the LDAP support by running the command: "db2set DB2_ENABLE_LDAP=YES".

If the LDAP support is not installed, you need to run the setup program and select to install the LDAP support.

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