IBM Books

Message Reference

SQL1500 - SQL1599

SQL1512N ddcstrc could not write to the specified file.

Explanation: ddcstrc was not able to write the trace information to the filename that it has been instructed to write to.

User Response: Ensure that the filename specified is valid for your file system. If a filename is not specified, ensure that you have the necessary permission to write to the default file ddcstrc.tmp.

SQL1513W ddcstrc has not been turned off.

Explanation: Because of an error condition ddcstrc has not been turned off. This was done to ensure that the trace information will not be lost before being safely placed in a file.

User Response: Correct the ddcstrc error condition reported prior to this error and attempt to turn off the trace again.

SQL1520N Buffersize must be a numeric value greater than or equal to 65536.

Explanation: The user specified an invalid buffersize for the ddcstrc command.

User Response: Ensure that the buffersize used is numeric and greater than or equal to 65536 (64K). Note that the memory to be used will be a multiple of 64K. ddcstrc rounds down the buffersize specified to the nearest multiple of 64K.

SQL1525N An error occurred when starting the DB2 security daemon.

Explanation: An unexpected error occurred when starting the DB2 security daemon.

User Response: Check the db2diag.log file for further information, and then retry the DB2START command.

SQL1526N db2start failed because DB2VIA support was not started. Reason code "<reason code>".

Explanation: DB2VIA support was not started successfully at db2start time. The reason code indicates the error:

  1. The VIPL library specified in DB2_VI_VIPL registry variable could not be loaded.

  2. The Device name specified in DB2_VI_DEVICE registry variable could not be opened.

  3. DB2 does not support the VIA implementation installed.

User Response:

  1. Make sure the DB2 registry DB2_VI_VIPL is properly set and the name specified in DB2_VI_VIPL is in the %PATH% environment variable.

  2. Make sure the DB2 registry DB2_VI_DEVICE is properly set.

  3. DB2 only supports a VIA implementation that supports at least Reliable Delivery reliability level. It is also required that the VIA implementation complies with Intel Virtual Interface Architecture Implementation Guide and passes the conformance Suite. Make sure the VIA implementation you chose satisfies these requirements.

SQL1530W The specified degree of parallelism will be ignored because the system is not enabled for intra-partition parallelism.

Explanation: Either the DEGREE bind option was specified with a value greater than 1 or the SET CURRENT DEGREE statement was executed with a value greater than 1, but the database manager was not enabled for intra-partition parallelism.

The database manager must be started with the intra_parallel configuration parameter set to ON in order for the instance to be enabled for intra-partition parallelism.

The statement or command completed successfully, but the degree specification was ignored.

User Response: If you want to use intra-partition parallelism restart the database manager with the intra_parallel configuration parameter set to ON.

Otherwise use a value of 1 or ANY for the degree specification.

sqlcode: +1530

sqlstate: 01623

SQL1580W Trailing blanks were truncated while performing conversion from codepage "<source>" to codepage "<target>". The maximum size of the target area was "<max-len>". The source string length was "<source-len>" and its hexadecimal representation was "<string>".

Explanation: During the execution of the SQL statement, a code page conversion operation has resulted in a string that is longer than the maximum size of the target object. Processing continued because only blank characters were truncated.

User Response: Ensure that the output is as expected and that the truncation has not caused any unexpected consequences.

sqlcode: 1580

sqlstate: 01004

SQL1581N The table "<table-name>" cannot be in append mode and have a clustering index.

Explanation: There are two situations where this error is issued.

User Response: If a clustering index is necessary then alter the table to set append mode off. If append mode is desired, drop the existing clustering index on the table.

sqlcode: -1581

sqlstate: 428CA

SQL1582N The PAGESIZE of the table space "<tbspace-name>" does not match the PAGESIZE of the bufferpool "<bufferpool-name>" associated with the table space.

Explanation: The PAGESIZE value specified in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement does not match the page size of the bufferpool specified for use with the table space. These values must match.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Change the value specified for PAGESIZE to match the page size of the bufferpool or change the bufferpool to one that has a page size that matches.

sqlcode: -1582

sqlstate: 428CB

SQL1583N PAGESIZE value "<pagesize>" is not supported.

Explanation: The PAGESIZE that is specified in the CREATE BUFFERPOOL or CREATE TABLESPACE statement is not a supported page size. The supported page sizes for Version 5 are 4K, 8K, 16K, and 32K.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Specify one of the supported page sizes.

sqlcode: -1583

sqlstate: 428DE

SQL1584N Temporary tablespace with page size of at least "<pagesize>" could not be found.

Explanation: A temporary table space was required to process the statement. There was no temporary table space available that had a page size of "<pagesize>" or larger.

The statement cannot be processed.

User Response: Create a temporary table space with a page size of at least "<pagesize>".

sqlcode: -1584

sqlstate: 57055

SQL1585N A temporary table space with sufficient page size does not exist.

Explanation: One of the following conditions could have occurred:

  1. The row length of the temporary table exceeded the limit that can be accomodated in the largest temporary table space in the database.

  2. The number of columns required in a temporary table exceeded the limit that can be accomodated in the largest temporary table space in the database.
The temporary table space limits depend on its page size. These values are:
Max          Max   Page size of
Record       Cols  temporary
Length             table space
-----------  ----  ------------
1957  bytes  244   2K
4005  bytes  500   4K
8101  bytes  1012  8K
16293 bytes  1012  16K
32677 bytes  1012  32K

User Response: Create a temporary table space of a larger page size supported, if one does not already exist. If such a table space already exists, eliminate one or more columns from the temporary table. Create separate tables or views, as required, to hold additional information beyond the limit.

SQL1590N LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC fields are not permitted in TABLESPACEs which are built on DEVICEs.

Explanation: Devices (raw i/o) on HP require i/o to be aligned on 1024 byte boundaries. LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC fields are handled in 512 byte pieces, and thus can only be used in SYSTEM MANAGED TABLESPACEs or in DATABASE MANAGED TABLESPACEs with only FILE containers.

User Response: Alternatives:

sqlcode: 1590

sqlstate: 56097

SQL1591N The ON option of the SET INTEGRITY statement is not valid since the table "<table-name>" is not in the correct state.

Explanation: The ON option can only be specified on a table that is in the check pending state and the first (for foreign key constraints), second (for check constraints) and fifth (for summary tables) fields in the CONST_CHECKED column of SYSCAT.TABLES catalog must be either 'Y' or 'U'.

User Response: If the table is not in check pending, do not specify the ON option. If the table is in check pending, perform integrity checking on the table (or refresh the table if it is a summary table) before executing the SET INTEGRITY statement with the ON option.

sqlcode: -1591

sqlstate: 55019

SQL1592N The INCREMENTAL option is not valid with reason code "<reason-code>" since the table "<table-name>" cannot be incrementally processed.

Explanation: The cause is based on the "<reason-code>":

The table is not in check pending state if the INCREMENTAL option is specified in a REFRESH TABLE statement.

The table is not a REFRESH IMMEDIATE summary table.

9 33
A Load Replace or Load Insert has occured to the table if it is a summary table.

A Load Replace has occured to the table after the last integrity check.

One of the following:

Incremental processing of a summary table is not currently supported.

User Response: Do not specify the INCREMENTAL option. The system will check the entire table for constraint violations (or if it is a summary table, recompute the summary table definition query).

sqlcode: -1592

sqlstate: 55019

SQL1593N The REMAIN PENDING option is not valid since the table "<table-name>" is not in check pending state.

Explanation: The table must be in check pending state if the REMAIN PENDING option is to be specified.

User Response: Do not specify the REMAIN PENDING option.

sqlcode: -1593

sqlstate: 55019

SQL1594W Some old data remains unverified by the system and thus some fields in the CONST_CHECKED column of the SYSCAT.TABLES catalog are marked as 'U'.

Explanation: The table was previously unchecked (or checked by users). The statement SET INTEGRITY ... OFF or LOAD was later executed which changed some values in the CONST_CHECKED column to 'W'. When INCREMENTAL option is specified in the current statement, the old (non-appended) portion of the table remains unchecked by the system, and hence, the corresponding values in the CONST_CHECKED column are marked as 'U' to keep track of it.

User Response: No action is required. If the user wants the data integrity of the table to be maintained by the system, bring the table back into check pending and re-execute the statement without the INCREMENTAL option. Full processing will be chosen by the system, which will then assume full responsibility of data integrity of the table.

sqlcode: +1594

sqlstate: 01636

SQL1595N The integrity for table "<table-name>" cannot be checked because either a parent table in a referential constraint has not been checked or an underlying table of the summary table is not checked.

Explanation: To avoid propagating this table with data that might violate integrity checks, all parents must have been validated in order to check integrity for this table. If this is a summary table, all underlying tables must have been validated in order to refresh this table. A table is validated when the first (for foreign key constraints), the second (for check constraints) and the fifth (for summary tables) fields in the CONST_CHECKED column of SYSCAT.TABLES are either 'Y' or 'U'.

User Response: Check integrity for all its parent tables (or underlying tables if it is a summary table) and re-execute this statement.

sqlcode: -1595

sqlstate: 55019

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