SQL1300N Invalid DCE principal name in catalog statement.
Explanation: The DCE principal name in the catalog database operation was invalid. DCE principal names are subject to the following conditions:
User Response: Ensure that the principal name conforms to the conditions above, and resubmit the catalog command.
SQL1301N An error occurred when accessing the server's DCE keytab file.
Explanation: An error occurred when accessing the server's DCE keytab file. For a keytab file to be valid, the following conditions must be satisfied:
User Response: Make sure that DCE is started. Next, check that the keytab file exists, and contains a single entry (with rgy_edit). Retry the operation.
SQL1302N DCE principal to DB2 authorization id mapping error. Reason code: "<reason-code>".
Explanation: An error occurred when mapping a DCE principal to a DB2 authorization id. Refer to the reason code below.
User Response: The DCE principal must have an ERA mapping to a DB2 authorization id. Add the missing entry to the DCE registry, and retry the operation.
sqlcode: -1302
sqlstate: 08001
SQL1303N Security daemon could not be restarted.
Explanation: An attempt to restart the security daemon has failed after communication between the agents and the security daemon was severed or the security daemon terminated abnormally. All new connections to the database manager will be rejected, as authentication is not possible.
User Response: Stop the database manager and start it again. If the db2start command fails, follow the user response for that sqlcode. Check the First Failure Service Log(db2diag.log) to determine what errors have occurred.
sqlcode: -1303
sqlstate: 58004
SQL1304N The TCP/IP security type SOCKS is not valid.
Explanation: The TCP/IP security type SOCKS in the TCP/IP protocol structure of the Catalog Node command is invalid with authentication type DCE.
User Response: Make sure you do not use the combination of TCP/IP protocol with security type SOCKS and authentication type DCE.
sqlcode: -1304
sqlstate: 08001
SQL1305N An internal DCE error occurred.
Explanation: DB2 processing failed due to an internal DCE error.
User Response: Make sure DCE is started. If the problem persists, contact a service representative for assistance.
sqlcode: -1305
sqlstate: 58004
SQL1306N An invalid parameter was specified during invocation of the security audit facility. Reason Code: "<reason-code>".
Explanation: One of the parameters of the security audit API is incorrect. Reasons:
User Response: The system administrator should take specific actions for each of the reasons.
SQL1307N An error occurred during invocation of the security audit facility. Reason Code: "<reason-code>".
Explanation: The invocation of the security audit API caused an error to occur. Reasons:
User Response: The system administrator should take specific actions for each of the reasons.
SQL1308W The audit Extract Facility completed Processing. "<num-records>" records were extracted.
Explanation: The security audit extract facility completed its processing succesfully and extracted the specified number of records.
User Response: If zero records were extracted, the user should verify that the extract pathname contains extract files and the extract parameters are correct.
SQL1309N Invalid server principal name.
Explanation: The server principal name specified in the database catalog statement does not exist in the DCE registry. Because of this a DCE ticket could not be obtained for the DB2 server.
User Response: Make sure that the principal name in the database catalog entry corresponds to the DCE principal being used by the DB2 server. It may be necessary to fully qualify the principal name.
sqlcode: -1309
sqlstate: 08001
SQL1310N The Database Connection Services directory service failed while attempting to access the Database Connection Services directory.
Explanation: The Database Connection Services Directory Service failed because of file errors while trying to access the Database Connection Services directory file.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Rerun the function after doing one of the following:
SQL1311N The Database Connection Services directory cannot be found.
Explanation: The directory cannot be found. The directory may have been deleted.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Use the CATALOG DCS DATABASE command to add an entry to the Database Connection Services directory, or restore the directory from a backed-up version.
SQL1312W The Database Connection Services directory is empty.
Explanation: An attempt was made to read the contents of the Database Connection Services directory, but no entries existed.
Processing continues, but subsequent commands expecting entries to be available cannot be processed.
User Response: Use the Catalog DCS Database command to add entries to the directory or restore a backed-up version that contains entries.
SQL1313N The Database Connection Services directory is full.
Explanation: The entry cannot be added to the Database Connection Services directory because the directory has already reached its maximum size.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Delete an entry or entries from the directory before adding any more entries.
SQL1314N The address of the Database Connection Services directory entry parameter is not valid.
Explanation: The application program has used an address for this parameter that is not valid. Either the address points to an unallocated buffer or the buffer is not large enough to contain the required input.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the application program has allocated the required buffer area and resubmit the command.
SQL1315N The local database name is not valid.
Explanation: A local database name was specified that contains characters that are not valid. All characters must be from the database manager base character set.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the characters used in the local database name are from the database manager base character set and resubmit the command.
SQL1316N No entry was found in the Database Connection Services directory for the specified local database name.
Explanation: The Database Connection Services directory service failed because no entry could be found in the Database Connection Services directory that corresponds to the input local database name.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the local database name is correct and resubmit the command.
SQL1317N The local database name already exists in the Database Connection Services directory.
Explanation: The entry could not be added to the directory because an entry for that local database name already exists in the directory.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Specify a unique local database name or delete the existing entry and add the new entry.
SQL1318N The length of element "<name>" in the input structure for parameter 1 is not valid.
Explanation: The length values in the Database Connection Services directory entry structure should not be less than zero nor greater than the maximum length for the element it represents.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: If an element of the directory entry structure is specified, the associated length value should represent the number of bytes in the element. Otherwise, the length value should be zero. Ensure that all the directory entry structure elements have the required specifications and lengths for the command and resubmit the command.
SQL1319N The Database Connection Services directory entries have not been collected.
Explanation: A request to copy all the directory entries was received, but either a prior request to collect the entries was not received or the prior request to collect the entries failed.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Issue a request to open the directory and collect the entries. Then resubmit this command.
SQL1320N The Database Connection Services directory cannot be accessed at this time.
Explanation: A request to access the Database Connection Services directory failed. Access to the Database Connection Services directory is dependent on the type of access requested and the current activity in the directory. If the request is for the intention of updating the directory, then the directory must not be active. If the request is to read the directory, then access is allowed if the directory is not being updated.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Wait for the current activity to complete and resubmit the command.
SQL1321N The structure ID specified in the directory entry structure is not valid.
Explanation: The structure ID received in the directory entry structure does not represent a recognized value.
The function cannot be processed.
User Response: Verify the structure ID passed in the directory entry structure is a valid value and resubmit the command.
SQL1322N An error occurred when writing to the audit log file.
Explanation: The DB2 audit facility encountered an error when invoked to record an audit event to the trail. There is no space on the file system the audit log resides on. Free up space on this file system or prune the audit log to reduce its size.
When more space is available, use db2audit to flush out any data in memory, and to reset the auditor to a ready state. Ensure that appropriate extracts have occurred, or a copy of the log has been made prior to pruning the log, as deleted records are not recoverable.
User Response: The system administrator should take the suggested corrective action so that the audit facility can resume logging.
sqlcode: -1322
sqlstate: 58030
SQL1323N An error occurred when accessing the audit configuration file.
Explanation: db2audit.cfg could not be opened, or was invalid. Possible reasons:
User Response: The system administrator should take the suggested action to resolve the problem.
sqlcode: -1323
sqlstate: 57019
SQL1325N The remote database environment does not support the command or one of the command options.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to issue a DB2 workstation database specific command or command option against a host database through DB2 Connect or federated server. The following commands generate this error when issued against a DB2 for MVS*, DB2 for OS/400* or SQL/DS* database:
As well, the following commands generate this error with incorrect options:
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Do not attempt to issue this command against a host database through DB2 Connect or federated server.
SQL1326N The file or directory "<name>" cannot be accessed.
Explanation: The file or directory "<name>" cannot be accessed because either the file permissions are incorrect, the file path is incorrect, or there is insufficient space in the directory or path.
User Response: Verify that any path or filename specified in the command is valid, you have the proper permissions to access the path or filename, and there is sufficient space to contain the file. Correct the problem and resubmit the command. If the problem persists, contact your System Administrator.
SQL1327N An implicit connection attempt failed. "<database-name>" is not a valid database name.
Explanation: An attempt to perform an implicit connection failed. The syntax of the database alias name specified by the DB2DBDFT environment variable is not valid. The database name must contain 1 to 8 bytes and all the characters must be from the database manager base character set.
The command cannot be processed.
User Response: Correct the database alias name specified by the DB2DBDFT environment variable and resubmit your command. If using the command line processor, then a "db2 terminate" should be issued prior to resubmitting the command. If you do not want an implicit connection to be performed, remove the DB2DBDFT environment variable.
sqlcode: -1327
sqlstate: 2E000
SQL1328N An implicit connection attempt failed. The database alias name or database name "<name>" was not found in the local database directory.
Explanation: An attempt to perform an implicit connection failed. The database name specified by the DB2DBDFT environment variable does not name an existing database. The database could not be found in the database directory.
The command cannot be processed.
Note that a CONNECT RESET request issued within a distributed unit of work will attempt an implicit connect to the default database. This may be the reason for this error.
User Response:
sqlcode: -1328
sqlstate: 42705
SQL1329N The resolved path specified on the command is too long.
Explanation: The resolved path specified on the command exceeds the maximum length supported by the database manager. The resolved path must be no longer than 215 characters in length. During a Create Database, Catalog Database, Open Database Directory for scan, and change database comment commands, the database manager instance name is appended to the end of the specified path.
User Response: Check that the fully resolved absolute or relative path name, including the database manager instance name, does not exceed 215 characters in length. Correct the path and resubmit the command.
SQL1330N The symbolic destination name "<name>" is not valid.
Explanation: The symbolic destination name in the CPIC protocol structure of the Catalog Node command is either not specified or longer than the allowable length. The name must be 1 to 8 bytes in length.
User Response: Verify that the symbolic destination name is specified and that it is not longer than 8 bytes in length. Resubmit the command with a valid symbolic destination name.
SQL1331N The CPIC security type "<type>" is not valid.
Explanation: The CPIC security type specified in the CPIC protocol structure of the Catalog Node command is invalid. The security type specifies the security information that will be included when a database client allocates a conversation with a partner LU, as specified by the LU 6.2 architecture. Correct values for security type are:
Note: | This is not supported when using federated server. When DB2 Connect is used, it is only supported when authentication type is DCE, SERVER_ENCRYPT or DCS_ENCRYPT. |
User Response: Set the security type to one of the above and resubmit the command.
sqlcode: -1331
sqlstate: 08001
SQL1332N The Host Name "<name>" is not valid.
Explanation: The host name in the TCP/IP protocol structure of the Catalog Node command is either not specified or longer than the allowable length. The name must be 1 to 255 characters in length and cannot be all blanks.
User Response: Verify that the host name is specified and that it is not longer than 255 characters in length. Resubmit the command with a valid host name.
SQL1333N The Service Name "<name>" is not valid.
Explanation: The service name is the TCP/IP protocol structure of the Catalog Node command is either not specified or longer than the allowable length. The name must be 1 to 14 characters in length and cannot be all blanks.
User Response: Verify that the service name is specified and that it is not longer than 14 characters in length. Resubmit the command with a valid service name.
SQL1334N The database server cannot be used to route a remote request to a second database server in this configuration.
Explanation: An attempt was made to route a request through a database server node using an unsupported combination of client and target database server. Either a client or target database prior to release version 2 was used or an attempt was made to route the request from a DRDA client to a DRDA target database. The request must be routed directly from the client to the node on which the target database is running.
User Response: Uncatalog the database at the client machine and then catalog the database specifying the node on which the database actually resides. Ensure that the node is also cataloged.
SQL1335N The application requestor name is not valid
Explanation: An application requestor name was specified that contains characters that are not valid. All characters must be from the database manager base character set.
User Response: Ensure that the characters used in the application requestor name are from the database manager base character set and resubmit the command.
SQL1336N The remote host "<hostname>" was not found.
Explanation: The system cannot resolve the address of the remote host. Possible causes are:
User Response: Make sure that TCP/IP is running and that the hostname specified when cataloging the TCP/IP node is a correct name, and that it is defined in an accessible name server or in the local hosts file.
Federated system users: verify that the remote host is cataloged correctly in the SYSCAT.SERVERS view.
SQL1337N The service "<service-name>" was not found.
Explanation: The system cannot resolve the port number associated with the service-name. Possible causes are:
Federated system users: this situation can also be detected by the data source.
User Response: Make sure that the service-name specified when cataloging the TCP/IP node is a correct name, and that it is defined in the local services file.
Federated system users must also ensure that the name is defined in the services file at the data source.
SQL1338N The symbolic destination name "<symbolic-destination-name>" was not found.
Explanation: The system cannot find the Side Information associated with the symbolic-destination-name you specified. Possible causes are:
User Response: Make sure that the symbolic-destination-name specified when cataloging the CPIC node is a correct name, and that it has been defined to the local SNA communication subsystem.
Start the SNA communication subsystem if it has not been started.
SQL1339N "<n>" SQL error(s) were detected in the execution of a Not Atomic Compound SQL statement, and have the following identification: "<error1>" "<error2>" "<error3>" "<error4>" "<error5>" "<error6>" "<error7>".
Explanation: One or more SQL substatements within a Compound SQL statement resulted in SQL errors (negative return codes).
The error tokens will not be returned for CLI/ODBC applications. CLI/ODBC applications can use SQLGetDiagRec, SQLGetDiagField, or SQLError APIs to get more information about each error.
User Response: Examine the error identification information provided. There will be <n> <errorX> tokens filled in, up to a maximum of 7. Each <errorX> represents an SQL statement error. These errors are listed in the order that they were encountered. If the message text has not been formatted, this information can be found in the second and subsequent tokens of the SQLERRMC field (tokens are separated by a one byte hexadecimal value 0xFF).
Each <errorX> is of the format PPPSSSSS where:
More information can be found by examining the SQLCA itself. The third SQLERRD field contains the number of rows affected by the compound SQL statement, the fourth SQLERRD field contains the position of the last statement that succeeded, the 5th SQLERRD field contains the number of rows affected by referential integrity when DB2 Client/Server and SQL/DS databases are accessed, and the 6th SQLERRD field contains the number of statements that failed (returned negative SQLCODES).
sqlcode: -1339
sqlstate: 56091
SQL1340N The file server "<fileserver>" was not found.
Explanation: The system cannot find the specified file server on the network. Possible causes are:
User Response: Make sure that the fileserver name specified when cataloging the IPX/SPX node is correct, and that the file server is available on the network.
SQL1341N A workstation name must be specified in the client database manager configuration file.
Explanation: A workstation name has not been specified in the client database manager configuration file. A workstation name must be specified when using NetBIOS to communicate with the server.
User Response: Specify a workstation name in the client database manager configuration file.
SQL1342N The File Server name "<name>" is missing or invalid."
Explanation: The File Server name specified in the command/API is missing or invalid.
User Response: Verify that a File Server name was specified, that the name does not contain invalid characters, and is not longer than 48 characters in length. Resubmit the command/API with a valid File Server name.
SQL1343N The Object Name "<name>" is missing or invalid.
Explanation: The Object Name specified in the command/API is missing or invalid.
User Response: Verify that the Object Name was specified, that the name does not contain invalid characters, and is not longer then 48 characters in length. Resubmit the command/API with a valid Object Name.
SQL1350N The application is not in the correct state to process this request. Reason code="<rc>".
Explanation: Corresponding to "<rc>":
User Response: Corresponding to "<rc>":
SQL1360N Current processing cannot be interrupted.
Explanation: The user attempted to interrupt a process which is not interruptible.
User Response: Do not interrupt the current process.
SQL1361W Execution time has exceeded timeout value. Do you wish to interrupt it?
Explanation: If a command takes longer than a pre-defined timeout period, a dialog box pops up asking if the (Windows client) user wants to interrupt it or not.
Note that this message is applicable in Windows environments only, and will only be seen in a dialog pop up box.
User Response: There are three choices: YES - interrupt now; NO - continue, don't prompt me; CANCEL - continue, same timeout.
SQL1370N An attempt to quiesce instance or database "<name1>" failed because instance or database "<name2>" is already quiesced by user "<username>". Quiesce type: "<type>".
Explanation: An attempt was made to quiesce an instance or database which would have caused an overlapping quiesce, such as quiescing an instance while a database is already quiesced by another user.
Quiesce type "<type>" refers to the instance or database already quiesced and is a '1' for an instance and a '2' for a database.
User Response: Contact the user who currently has the instance or database quiesced to determine when DB2 will no longer be quiesced, and retry the request at that time.
SQL1371N Instance or database "<name>" is already quiesced by user "<username>". Quiesce type: "<type>".
Explanation: An attempt was made to quiesce an instance or database which is already quiesced.
Quiesce type "<type>" refers to the instance or database already quiesced and is a '1' for an instance and a '2' for a database.
User Response: Contact the user who currently has the instance or database quiesced to determine when DB2 will no longer be quiesced, and retry the request at that time.
SQL1372N Cannot perform a quiesce while in a transaction.
Explanation: An attempt was made to quiesce a database or instance while the user issuing the quiesce has uncompleted units of work. Quiesce cannot be issued while in this state.
User Response: Complete the unit of work (COMMIT or ROLLBACK) and retry the request.
SQL1373N Cannot QUIESCE RESET instance or database "<name>", because it is not quiesced.
Explanation: QUIESCE RESET failed because the instance or database is not quiesced.
User Response: Ensure that the quiesce reset is being issued for the correct instance or database and try again.
SQL1374N Cannot QUIESCE RESET instance or database "<name>", because it has been quiesced by another user "<username>".
Explanation: The instance or database is quiesced, but you are not the quiescer.
User Response: Ensure that the quiesce reset is being issued for the correct instance or database.
SQL1375N An invalid parameter was passed to the api. Parameter "<parm-code>" is in error.
Explanation: "<parm-code>" indicates the parameter in error:
The value may be out of range or invalid.
User Response: Check the syntax of the api, correct the parameter and try again.
SQL1390C The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is invalid.
Explanation: The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is not set to a valid instance owner.
User Response: Set the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the name of the instance to use. If you do not know the name of the instance to use or how to set the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the instance name, refer to the Administration Guide.
Federated system users: refer to the Installation and Configuration Supplement for DB2INSTANCE information.
Ensure your PATH environment variable contains the sqllib/adm path in the home directory of the instance you want to use (for example, /u/instance/sqllib/adm, where /u/instance is the home directory of the instance owner on a UNIX system).
SQL1391N The database is already in use by another instance.
Explanation: The request failed because the database is in use by another instance of the database manager (a database may only be used by one instance.) This may be caused by attempting to access a database located on a mounted file system accessible to another instance located on another machine.
This can also occur if you have an open connection (via SNA) to a database and the database manager was brought down abnormally.
User Response:
sqlcode: -1391
sqlstate: 51023
SQL1392N Multiple instances of applications using "<prep, bind, import, export>" is not supported.
Explanation: Only 1 instance of prep, bind, import, or export can be running at any one time within WINDOWS.
User Response: Within WINDOWS, do not attempt to start more than 1 application that uses prep, bind, import, or export.
SQL1393C The environment variable DB2PATH is not defined or is invalid.
Explanation: The environment variable DB2PATH is not defined or is not set to a valid directory path.
User Response: Set the DB2PATH environment variable to the directory where the database manager is installed.
SQL1394N The instance is not defined.
Explanation: The new instance can not be set for the application because the instance is not defined.
User Response: Ensure that the specified instance exists. Use the db2ilist command to display the list of instances:
SQL1395N Unable to switch to another instance because the application is using multiple contexts.
Explanation: The request to switch to another instance failed because the application is using multiple contexts.
User Response: Ensure that the application is not using multiple contexts before switching to another instance.
SQL1396N Unable to switch to another instance because the application is connected to a database or attached to an instance.
Explanation: Request to switch to another instance failed because the application is connected to a database or attached to an instance.
User Response: Ensure that the application is not connected to any database or attached to any instance before switching to another instance.
SQL1397N The DB2 service failed to logon.
Explanation: DB2 service did not start due to a logon failure.
User Response: If you are starting the DB2 Administration Server, then use the DB2ADMIN SETID command to set a new logon account. If you are starting a DB2 server on Windows NT, you can set the logon account for a DB2 service by using the Services dialog box from the Control Panel.