SQL0203N A reference to column "<name>" is ambiguous.
Explanation: The column "<name>" is used in the statement and there is more than one possible column to which it could refer. This could be the result of:
The column name needs further information to establish which of the possible table columns it is.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Add a qualifier to the column name. The qualifier is the table name or correlation name. A column may need to be renamed in the select list.
sqlcode: -203
sqlstate: 42702
SQL0204N "<name>" is an undefined name.
Explanation: This error is caused by one of the following:
If "<name>" is qualified, then the function does not exist. If "<name>" is unqualified, then a function of this name does not exist in any schema of the current function path. Note that a function cannot be sourced on the COALESCE, NULLIF, or VALUE built-in functions.
This return code can be generated for any type of database object.
Federated system users: the object identified by "<name>" is not defined in the database or "<name>" is not a nickname in a DROP NICKNAME statement.
Some data sources do not provide the appropriate values for "<name>". In these cases, the message token will have the following format: "OBJECT:<data source> TABLE/VIEW", indicating that the actual value for the specified data source is unknown.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the object name (including any required qualifiers) is correctly specified in the SQL statement and it exists. For missing data type or function in SOURCE clause, it may be that the object does not exist, OR it may be that the object does exist in some schema, but the schema is not present in your function path.
Federated system users: if the statement is DROP NICKNAME, make sure the object is actually a nickname. The object might not exist in the federated database or at the data source. Verify the existence of the federated database objects (if any) and the data source objects (if any).
sqlcode: -204
sqlstate: 42704
SQL0205N Column or attribute "<name>" is not defined in "<object-name>".
Explanation: If "<object-name>" is a table or view, then "<name>" is a column that is not defined in "<object-name>". If "<object-name>" is a structured type, then "<name>" is an attribute that is not defined in "<object-name>".
Federated system users: "<object-name>" could refer to a nickname.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: If "<object-name>" is a table or view, verify that the column and table or view names (including any required qualifiers) are specified correctly in the SQL statement. If "<object-name>" is a structured type, verify that the attribute and type names (including any required qualifiers) are specified correctly in the SQL statement.
Also, if you receive this error during a REORG or an IMPORT, the column names in the index may violate the database manager naming rules as defined in the Administration Guide.
sqlcode: -205
sqlstate: 42703
SQL0206N "<name>" is not a column in an inserted table, updated table, or any table identified in a FROM clause or is not a valid transition variable for the subject table of a trigger.
Explanation: This error can occur in the following cases:
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Verify that the column and table names are specified correctly in the SQL statement. For a SELECT statement, ensure that all the required tables are named in the FROM clause. For a subselect in an ORDER BY clause, ensure that there are no correlated column references. If a correlation name is used for a table, verify that subsequent references use the correlation name and not the table name.
For a CREATE TRIGGER statement, ensure that only new transition variables are specified on the left hand side of assignments in the SET transition-variable statement and that any reference to columns of the subject table have a correlation name specified.
sqlcode: -206
sqlstate: 42703
SQL0207N A column name is not allowed in the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement used with a set operator.
Explanation: A SELECT statement with a set operator contains an ORDER BY clause, which specifies column names. In this case, the list of columns in the ORDER BY clause must contain only integers.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Specify only integers in the list of columns in the ORDER BY clause.
NOTE: This error is only applicable to releases of DB2 prior to Version 2 and hosts accessed through DB2 Connect.
sqlcode: -207
sqlstate: 42706
SQL0208N The ORDER BY clause is not valid because column "<name>" is not part of the result table.
Explanation: The statement is not valid because a column "<name>" specified in the ORDER BY list is not specified in the SELECT list and is not in the result table. Only columns in the result table can be used to order that result when the fullselect of the select-statement is not a subselect.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: To correct the syntax of the statement, either add the specified column to the result table or delete it from the ORDER BY clause.
sqlcode: -208
sqlstate: 42707
SQL0212N "<name>" is a duplicate table designator or is specified more than once in the REFERENCING clause of a trigger definition.
Explanation: The exposed table, view, alias, or correlation name specified by "<name>" is identical to another exposed table, view, alias, or correlation name in the same FROM clause.
If the statement is a CREATE TRIGGER, the REFERENCING clause may have specified the same name as the subject table or may have the same name for more than one of the OLD or NEW correlation names or the NEW_TABLE or OLD_TABLE identifiers.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Rewrite the FROM clause of the SELECT statement. Associate correlation names with table, view, or alias names so no exposed table, view, alias, or correlation name is identical to any other exposed table, view, alias, or correlation name in the FROM clause.
For a CREATE TRIGGER statement, change the names in the REFERENCING clause so that there are no duplicates.
sqlcode: -212
sqlstate: 42712
SQL0214N An expression starting with "<expression-start>" in the "<clause-type>" clause is not valid. Reason code = "<reason-code>".
Explanation: The expression identified by the first part of the expression "<expression-start>" in the "<clause-type>" clause is not valid for the reason specified by the "<reason-code>" as follows:
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Modify the select-statement based on the reason specified by the "<reason-code>" as follows:
sqlcode: -214
sqlstate: 42822
SQL0216N The number of elements on each side of a predicate operator does not match. Predicate operator is "<predicate-operator>".
Explanation: A predicate includes a list of elements on the right or left side (or both sides) of the predicate operator. The number of elements must be the same on both sides. These elements may appear in a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses or as elements of a select list in a fullselect.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Correct the predicate with mismatched number of elements on each side of the predicate operator.
sqlcode: -216
sqlstate: 428C4
SQL0217W The statement was not executed as only Explain information requests are being processed.
Explanation: The current value of one of the Explain special registers has been set to EXPLAIN. This value allows dynamic SQL statements to be prepared and explained but prevents any dynamic statement from being executed.
User Response: Change the value of the appropriate Explain special register to a setting other than EXPLAIN by issuing the appropriate SET statement from the interface or application that is encountering this condition.
sqlcode: +217
sqlstate: 01604
SQL0219N The required Explain table "<name>" does not exist.
Explanation: The Explain facility has been invoked but was unable to find the required Explain table "<name>". The Explain tables must be created prior to invoking Explain.
User Response: Create the required Explain tables. The SQL Data Definition Language statements needed to create the Explain tables are available in the file called EXPLAIN.DDL in the misc directory under sqllib.
sqlcode: -219
sqlstate: 42704
SQL0220N The Explain table "<name>", column "<name2>" does not have the proper definition or is missing.
Explanation: The Explain facility has been invoked but the Explain table "<name>" did not have the expected definition. The definition could be incorrect due to:
User Response: Correct the definitions of the specified Explain table. The SQL Data Definition Language statements needed to create the Explain tables are available in the file called EXPLAIN.DDL in the misc directory under sqllib.
sqlcode: -220
sqlstate: 55002
SQL0236W SQLDA has only provided "<integer1>" SQLVAR entries. "<integer2>" SQLVAR entries are required for "<integer3>" columns. No SQLVAR entries have been set.
Explanation: The value of the SQLN field of the SQLDA should be at least as large as the number of columns in the result set.
The database manager has not set any SQLVAR entries (and the SQLDOUBLED flag has been set to "off" (i.e. to the space character)).
User Response: Increase the value of the SQLN field in the SQLDA to the value indicated in the message (making sure the SQLDA is large enough to support that amount) and resubmit the statement.
sqlcode: +236
sqlstate: 01005
SQL0237W SQLDA has only provided "<integer1>" SQLVAR entries. Since at least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, "<integer2>" SQLVAR entries should have been specified. None of the Secondary SQLVAR entries have been set.
Explanation: Since at least one of the columns in the result set is a distinct type, space should be provided for twice as many SQLVAR entries as the number of columns in the result set. The database manager has only set the Base SQLVAR entries (and the SQLDOUBLED flag has been set off (i.e. to the space character).
User Response: If there is no need for the additional information about the distinct type(s) in the result set, then no action is required. If the distinct type information is needed, the value of the SQLN field in the SQLDA should be increased to the value indicated in the message (after making sure that the SQLDA is large enough to support that amount) and the statement should be resubmitted.
sqlcode: +237
sqlstate: 01594
SQL0238W SQLDA has only provided "<integer1>" SQLVAR entries. Since at least one of the columns being described is a LOB, "<integer2>" SQLVAR entries are required for "<integer3>" columns. No SQLVAR entries have been set.
Explanation: Since at least one of the columns in the result set is a LOB, space must be provided for twice as many SQLVAR entries as the number of columns in the result set. Note also that one or more of the columns in the result set may be a distinct type.
The database manager has not set any SQLVAR entries (and the SQLDOUBLED flag has been set off (i.e. to the space character).
User Response: Increase the value of the SQLN field in the SQLDA to the value indicated in the message (after making sure that the SQLDA is large enough to support that amount) and resubmit the statement.
sqlcode: +238
sqlstate: 01005
SQL0239W SQLDA has only provided "<integer1>" SQLVAR entries. Since at least one of the columns being described is a distinct type, "<integer2>" SQLVAR entries are required for "<integer3>" columns. No SQLVAR entries have been set.
Explanation: If any of the columns in the result set is a distinct type then space should be provided for twice as many SQLVAR entries as the number of columns in the result set.
The database manager has not set any SQLVAR entries (and the SQLDOUBLED flag has been set off (i.e. to the space character).
User Response: If the distinct type information is needed, the value of the SQLN field in the SQLDA should be increased to the value indicated in the message (after making sure the SQLDA is large enough to support that amount) and the statement should be resubmitted. If there is no need for the additional information about the distinct type(s) in the result set, then it is possible to resubmit the statement only providing enough SQLVAR entries to accommodate the number of columns in the result set.
sqlcode: +239
sqlstate: 01005
SQL0242N The object named "<object-name>" of type "<object-type>" was specified more than once in the list of objects.
Explanation: In a list of object names of type "<object-type>", the object named "<object-name>" was specified more than once. The operation of the statement cannot be performed on the object more than once.
User Response: Correct the duplicated object in the list removing duplicate occurrences.
sqlcode: -242
sqlstate: 42713
SQL0257N Raw DEVICE containers are currently not supported on this platform.
Explanation: An attempt was made to use DEVICE containers. These are not currently supported on this platform.
User Response: Use FILE containers or system-managed table spaces instead.
sqlcode: -257
sqlstate: 42994
SQL0258N Containers cannot be added while a rebalance of the table space is pending or in progress.
Explanation: One of the following conditions is true:
User Response:
sqlcode: -258
sqlstate: 55041
SQL0259N Container map for table space is too complicated.
Explanation: The map structure keeps a record of how the table space address space is mapped to the various containers. If this gets too complicated, it does not fit in the table space file.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: The table space may need to be rebalanced to more evenly distribute the data among the containers. This may simplify the mapping.
If this does not work, try making as many containers as possible the same size. Existing container sizes can be changed by backing up the table space and then using the database administration utility to change the containers. Restore the table space to the new containers.
sqlcode: -259
sqlstate: 54037
SQL0260N Column "<name>" cannot belong to the partitioning key because it is a LONG-type column.
Explanation: A partitioning key cannot have a LONG-type column.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Use only non-LONG type columns for the partitioning key.
If the table does not have a non-LONG type column, either add one to the table and use it for the partitioning key, or define the table without a partitioning key in a single-node nodegroup.
sqlcode: -260
sqlstate: 42962
SQL0262N Table "<table-name>" cannot be created in multinode nodegroup "<nodegroup-name>" because it contains only LONG-type columns. No partitioning key can be created.
Explanation: The table "<table-name>" consisting of only LONG-type columns cannot be created in a multinode nodegroup. The table must have at least one non-LONG type column for use in a partitioning key.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Either create the table with one or more non-LONG type columns, or create the table in a single-node nodegroup.
sqlcode: -262
sqlstate: 428A2
SQL0263N Node range from "<node-number-1>" to "<node-number-2>" is not valid. Second node number must be greater than or equal to first node number.
Explanation: The specified node range is not valid.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Correct the node range in the statement, then try the request again.
sqlcode: -263
sqlstate: 428A9
SQL0264N Partitioning key cannot be added or dropped because table resides in a table space defined on the multi-node nodegroup "<name>".
Explanation: You can only add or drop a partitioning key on a table in a single-node nodegroup.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Do one of the following and try the request again:
sqlcode: -264
sqlstate: 55037
SQL0265N Node "<node-number>" is a duplicate node.
Explanation: For the CREATE NODEGROUP statement, a node can only appear once in the ON NODES clause.
For the CREATE TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLESPACE statement, a node can appear only once and in only one ON NODES clause.
For the ALTER NODEGROUP statement or REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command, one of the following occurred:
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Ensure that the node names or node numbers in the ON NODES, ADD NODES, or DROP NODES clause are unique. For the CREATE TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLESPACE statements, ensure that a node appears in no more than one ON NODES clause.
In addition, for the ALTER NODEGROUP statement or REDISTRIBUTE NODEGROUP command:
sqlcode: -265
sqlstate: 42728
SQL0266N Node "<node-number>" is not defined.
Explanation: The node "<node-number>" is not valid for one of the following reasons:
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Depending on the condition:
sqlcode: -266
sqlstate: 42729
SQL0268N "<operation>" cannot be performed while nodegroup is being redistributed.
Explanation: One of the following:
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Wait until the redistribution is complete, then try the request again.
sqlcode: -268
sqlstate: 55038
SQL0269N Database contains maximum number of partitioning maps.
Explanation: Because the database contains the maximum number of partitioning maps (32,768), you cannot create a new nodegroup, alter a nodegroup, or redistribute an existing one.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Drop one or more nodegroups in the database.
Note: Dropping a nodegroup drops all database objects such as table spaces, tables and views that reside in the nodegroup.
sqlcode: -269
sqlstate: 54033
SQL0270N Function not supported (Reason code = "<reason-code>").
Explanation: The statement cannot be processed because it violates a restriction as indicated by the following reason code:
These functions must also not be present within referenced views if the new view is created with the CASCADED check option.
User Response: The action corresponding to the reason code is:
sqlcode: -270
sqlstate: 42997
SQL0271N Index file for table with fid "<fid>" is either missing, or is not valid.
Explanation: The index file for the table with fid "<fid>" is required during processing. The file is either missing, or it is not valid.
The statement cannot be processed, and the application is still connected to the database. This condition does not affect other statements that do not use the index on this table.
User Response: Ensure that all users are disconnected from the database, then issue the RESTART DATABASE command on all nodes. Then try the request again.
The index (or indexes) is re-created when the database is restarted.
sqlcode: -271
sqlstate: 58004
SQL0276N Connection to database "<name>" cannot be made because it is in the restore pending state.
Explanation: The database must be restored before a connection can be done.
No connection was made.
User Response: Restore the database, then issue the CONNECT statement again.
sqlcode: -276
sqlstate: 08004
SQL0279N The database connection has been terminated during COMMIT processing. The transaction could be in doubt. Reason code = "<reason-code>".
Explanation: Commit processing encountered an error. The transaction has been put in the commit state, but the commit processing may not have completed. The application's database connection has been terminated.
The cause of the error is indicated by the "<reason-code>":
User Response: Determine the cause of the error. It may be necessary to contact the system administrator for assistance since the most common cause of the error is node failure or connection failure. The RESTART DATABASE command will complete the commit processing for this transaction.
sqlcode: -279
sqlstate: 08007
SQL0280W View, trigger or summary table "<name>" has replaced an existing inoperative view, trigger or summary table.
Explanation: An existing inoperative view, trigger or summary table "<name>" was replaced by:
User Response: None required.
sqlcode: +280
sqlstate: 01595
SQL0281N Table space "<tablespace-name>" cannot be altered with additional containers because it is a system managed table space.
Explanation: Additional containers cannot be added to a system managed table space. The exception to this is when a nodegroup was modified to add a node without table spaces, then containers can be added once on the new node using the ALTER TABLESPACE command. In general, the table space must be managed by the database in order to add additional containers.
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: To add more containers to a system managed table space, drop and recreate the table space with more containers, ensuring that each container is of the same size and less than the container size limit, or change to a DMS table space.
sqlcode: -281
sqlstate: 42921
SQL0282N Table space "<tablespace-name>" cannot be dropped because at least one of the tables in it, "<table-name>", has one or more of its parts in another table space.
Explanation: A table in the specified table space does not contain all of its parts in that table space. If more than one table spaces are specified, then a table in one of the specified table spaces does not contain all of its parts in the list. The base table, indexes, or long data may be in another table space, so dropping the table space(s) will not completely drop the table. This would leave the table in an inconsistent state and therefore the table space(s) cannot be dropped.
User Response: Ensure that all objects contained in table space "<tablespace-name>" contain all their parts in this table space before attempting to drop it, or include those table spaces containing the parts in the list to be dropped.
This may require dropping the table "<table-name>" before dropping the table space.
sqlcode: -282
sqlstate: 55024
SQL0283N Temporary table space "<tablespace-name>" cannot be dropped because it is the only temporary table space with a "<page-size>" page size in the database.
Explanation: A database must contain at least one temporary table space with the same page size as the page size of the catalog tablespace. Dropping table space "<tablespace-name>" would remove the last temporary tablespace with a "<page-size>" page size from the database.
User Response: Ensure there will be another temporary table space with a "<page-size>" page size in the database before attempting to drop this table space.
sqlcode: -283
sqlstate: 55026
SQL0284N Table space "<tablespace-name>" following the clause "<clause>" cannot be a "<tablespace-type>" table space.
Explanation: The CREATE TABLE statement specified a table space named "<tablespace-name>" following the clause "<clause>" that is not a valid type of table space for this clause.
This can occur in the following situations:
User Response: Correct the CREATE TABLE statement to specify a table space with the correct type for the "<clause>" clause.
sqlcode: -284
sqlstate: 42838
SQL0285N The indexes and/or long columns for table "<table-name>" cannot be assigned to separate table spaces because the primary table space "<tablespace-name>" is a system managed table space.
Explanation: If the primary table space is a system managed table space, all table parts must be contained in that table space. A table can have parts in separate table spaces only if the primary table space, index table space and long table space are database managed table spaces.
User Response: Either specify a database managed table space for the primary table space, or do not assign the table parts to another table space.
sqlcode: -285
sqlstate: 42839
SQL0286N A default table space could not be found with a pagesize of at least "<pagesize>" that authorization ID "<user-name>" is authorized to use.
Explanation: The CREATE TABLE statement did not specify a table space.
A table space having sufficient page size (at least "<pagesize>")
does not exist in the database. These are the valid defaults. Sufficient page size of a table is determined by either the byte count of the row or the number of columns.
User Response: Specify a valid table space name in the CREATE TABLE statement or ensure that a valid default table space exists in the database.
sqlcode: -286
sqlstate: 42727
SQL0287N SYSCATSPACE cannot be used for user objects.
Explanation: The CREATE TABLE statement specified a table space named SYSCATSPACE which is reserved for catalog tables.
User Response: Specify a different table space name.
sqlcode: -287
sqlstate: 42838
SQL0288N A long table space cannot be defined using MANAGED BY SYSTEM.
Explanation: The table space being defined is for use with large objects and long strings. These can only be stored in table spaces that are defined in database managed space. Thus a long table space cannot be defined to use system managed space.
User Response: Remove the keyword LONG or change to MANAGED BY DATABASE in the CREATE TABLESPACE statement.
sqlcode: -288
sqlstate: 42613
SQL0289N Unable to allocate new pages in table space "<tablespace-name>".
Explanation: One of the following conditions is true:
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Perform the action corresponding to the cause of the error:
sqlcode: -289
sqlstate: 57011
SQL0290N Table space access is not allowed.
Explanation: A process attempted to access a table space which is in an invalid state for which the intended access is not allowed.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Possible actions include:
Refer to the systems administration guide for further information about the table space states.
sqlcode: -290
sqlstate: 55039
SQL0291N State transition not allowed on table space.
Explanation: An attempt was made to change the state of a table space. Either the new state is not compatible with the current state of the table space, or an attempt was made to turn off a particular state and the table space was not in that state.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Table space states change when a backup is taken, the load completes, the rollforward completes, etc., depending on the current state of the table spaces. Refer to the systems administration guide for further information about the table space states.
sqlcode: -291
sqlstate: 55039
SQL0292N An internal database file could not be created.
Explanation: An internal database file could not be created. Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Check that the directory containing the file is accessible (e.g. mounted) and writeable by the database instance owner.
sqlcode: -292
sqlstate: 57047
SQL0293N Error accessing a table space container.
Explanation: This error may be caused by one of the following conditions:
This error can be returned during database startup and during the processing of the ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Try the following actions:
If the error was returned from the processing of an ALTER TABLESPACE SQL statement with the SWITCH ONLINE option, then re-issue the statement after correcting the problem as described above.
If the error persists, call your IBM service representative.
sqlcode: -293
sqlstate: 57048
SQL0294N The container is already in use.
Explanation: Table space containers may not be shared. The possible causes of this error include the following.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Ensure the containers are unique.
sqlcode: -294
sqlstate: 42730
SQL0295N The combined length for all container names for the table space is too long.
Explanation: The total space required to store the list of containers exceeds the space allotted for this table space in the table space file.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Try one or more of the following:
sqlcode: -295
sqlstate: 54034
SQL0296N Table space limit exceeded.
Explanation: This database contains the maximum number of table spaces. No more can be created.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Delete table spaces that are not being used any more. Combine small table spaces by moving all data into one of them and deleting the other.
sqlcode: -296
sqlstate: 54035
SQL0297N Pathname for container is too long.
Explanation: The full path specifying the container name exceeds the maximum length allowed. If the container was specified as a path relative to the database directory, the concatenation of these two values must not exceed the maximum length.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Shorten the path length.
sqlcode: -297
sqlstate: 54036
SQL0298N Bad container path.
Explanation: The container path violates one of the following requirements:
This message will also be returned if any other unexpected error occurred which prevents DB2 from accessing the container.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Specify another container location or change the container to make it acceptable to DB2 (such as changing file permissions) and try again.
sqlcode: -298
sqlstate: 428B2
SQL0299N Container is already assigned to the table space.
Explanation: The container that you are attempting to add has already been assigned to the table space.
Details can be found in the system error log and/or the database manager error log.
User Response: Choose another container and try again.
sqlcode: -299
sqlstate: 42731