IBM Books

Message Reference

Class Code 42 Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation

Table 23. Class Code 42: Syntax Error or Access Rule Violation
42501 The authorization ID does not have the privilege to perform the specified operation on the identified object.
42502 The authorization ID does not have the privilege to perform the operation as specified.
42504 A specified privilege cannot be revoked from a specified authorization-name.
42506 Owner authorization failure occurred.
42508 The specified database privileges cannot be granted to PUBLIC.
42509 SQL statement is not authorized, because of the STATICRULES option.
42601 A character, token, or clause is invalid or missing.
42602 A character that is invalid in a name has been detected.
42603 An unterminated string constant has been detected.
42604 An invalid numeric or string constant has been detected.
42605 The number of arguments specified for a scalar function is invalid.
42606 An invalid hexadecimal constant has been detected.
42607 An operand of a column function is invalid.
42608 The use of NULL or DEFAULT in VALUES is invalid.
42609 All operands of an operator or predicate are parameter markers.
42610 A parameter marker is not allowed.
42611 The column or argument definition is invalid.
42612 The statement string is an SQL statement that is not acceptable in the context in which it is presented.
42613 Clauses are mutually exclusive.
42614 A duplicate keyword is invalid.
42615 An invalid alternative was detected.
42617 The statement string is blank or empty.
42618 A host variable is not allowed.
42621 The check constraint is invalid.
42622 A name or label is too long.
42625 A CASE expression is invalid.
42627 RETURNS clause must be specified prior to predicate specification using the EXPRESSION AS clause.
42701 A duplicate column name in an INSERT or UPDATE statement was detected.
42702 A column reference is ambiguous, because of duplicate names.
42703 An undefined column, attribute, or parameter name was detected.
42704 An undefined object or constraint name was detected.
42705 An undefined server-name was detected.
42707 A column name in ORDER BY does not identify a column of the result table.
42709 A duplicate column name in a PRIMARY, UNIQUE, or FOREIGN KEY clause was detected.
42710 A duplicate object or constraint name was detected.
42711 Duplicate column name or attribute name was detected in the object definition or ALTER statement.
42712 A duplicate table designator was detected in the FROM clause.
42713 A duplicate object was detected in a list of objects.
42720 The nodename for the remote database was not found in the node directory.
42723 A function with the same signature already exists in the schema.
42724 Unable to access an external program used for a user-defined function or a procedure.
42725 A function was referenced directly (not by either signature or by specific instance name), but there is more than one specific instance of that function.
42726 Duplicate names for named derived tables were detected.
42727 No default primary tablespace exists for the new table.
42728 A duplicate node was detected in the nodegroup definition.
42729 The node is not defined.
42730 The container name is already used by another tablespace.
42731 The container name is already used by this tablespace.
42732 A duplicate schema name in the SET CURRENT PATH statement was detected.
42735 Nodegroup for the table space is not defined for the buffer pool.
42739 Transform already exists.
42740 No transforms were dropped.
42741 A required transform was not found.
42742 Subtable or subview of the same type already exists in the typed table or typed view hierarchy.
42743 The search method is not found in the index extension.
42802 The number of insert or update values is not the same as the number of columns.
42803 A column reference in the SELECT or HAVING clause is invalid, because it is not a grouping column; or a column reference in the GROUP BY clause is invalid.
42804 The result expressions in a CASE expression are not compatible.
42805 An integer in the ORDER BY clause does not identify a column of the result table.
42806 A value cannot be assigned to a host variable, because the data types are not compatible.
42807 The INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE is not permitted on this object.
42808 A column identified in the INSERT or UPDATE statement is not updateable.
42809 The identified object is not the type of object to which the statement applies.
42810 A view is identified in a FOREIGN KEY clause.
42811 The number of columns specified is not the same as the number of columns in the SELECT clause.
42813 WITH CHECK OPTION cannot be used for the specified view.
42815 The data type, length, scale, value, or CCSID is invalid.
42816 A datetime value or duration in an expression is invalid.
42818 The operands of an operator or function are not compatible.
42819 An operand of an arithmetic operation or an operand of a function that requires a number is not a number.
42820 A numeric constant is too long, or it has a value that is not within the range of its data type.
42821 An update or insert value is not compatible with the column.
42823 The SELECT clause of a subquery specifies multiple columns.
42824 An operand of LIKE is not a string, or the first operand is not a column.
42825 The rows of UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, or VALUES do not have compatible columns.
42826 The rows of UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, or VALUES do not have the same number of columns.
42827 The table identified in the UPDATE or DELETE is not the same table designated by the cursor.
42828 The table designated by the cursor of the UPDATE or DELETE statement cannot be modified, or the cursor is read-only.
42829 FOR UPDATE OF is invalid, because the result table designated by the cursor cannot be modified.
42830 The foreign key does not conform to the description of the parent key.
42831 A column of a primary or unique key cannot allow null values.
42832 The operation is not allowed on system objects.
42834 SET NULL cannot be specified, because the foreign key does not allow null values.
42835 Cyclic references cannot be specified between named derived tables.
42836 The specification of a recursive, named derived table is invalid.
42838 An invalid use of a tablespace was detected.
42839 Indexes and long columns cannot be in separate tablespaces from the table.
42840 An invalid use of the AS CAST option was detected.
42841 A parameter marker can not be a user-defined type or reference type.
42842 A column definition is invalid, because a specified option is inconsistent with the column description.
42845 An invalid use of a VARIANT or EXTERNAL ACTION function was detected.
42846 Cast from source type to target type is not supported.
42852 The privileges specified in GRANT or REVOKE are invalid or inconsistent. (For example, GRANT ALTER on a view.)
42853 Both alternatives of an option were specified, or the same option was specificed more than once.
42854 A result column data type in the select list is not compatible with the defined type in a typed view or summary table definition.
42855 The assignment of the LOB to this host variable is not allowed. The target host variable for all fetches of this LOB value for this cursor must be a locator or a LOB variable.
42858 Operation cannot be applied to the specified object.
42863 An undefined host variable in REXX has been detected.
42866 The data type in either the RETURNS clause of the CAST FROM clause in the CREATE FUNCTION statement is not appropriate for the data type returned from the sourced function or RETURN statement in the function body.
42875 The object to create within CREATE SCHEMA must have the same qualifier as the schema name.
42877 The column name cannot be qualified.
42878 An invalid function or procedure name was used with the EXTERNAL keyword.
42879 The data type of one or more input parameters in the CREATE FUNCTION statement is not appropriate for the corresponding data type in the source function.
42880 The CAST TO and CAST FROM data types are incompatible, or would always result in truncation of a fixed string.
42881 Invalid use of a row based function.
42882 The specific instance name qualifier is not equal to the function name qualifier.
42883 No function was found with a matching signature.
42884 No function or procedure was found with the specified name and compatible arguments.
42885 The number of input parameters specified on a CREATE FUNCTION statement does not match the number provided by the function named in the SOURCE clause.
42887 The function is not valid in the context where it occurs.
42888 The table does not have a primary key.
42889 The table already has a primary key.
42890 A column list was specified in the references clause, but the identified parent table does not have a unique constraint with the specified column names.
42891 A duplicate UNIQUE constraint already exists.
42893 The object or constraint cannot be dropped, because other objects are dependent on it.
42894 The DEFAULT value is invalid.
42895 For static SQL, an input host variable cannot be used, because its data type is not compatible with the parameter of a procedure or user-defined function.
428A0 An error occurred with the sourced function on which the user-defined function is based.
428A1 Unable to access a file referenced by a host file variable.
428A2 A table cannot be assigned to a multi-node node group, because it does not have a partition key.
428A3 An invalid path has been specified for an event monitor.
428A4 An invalid value has been specified for an event monitor option.
428A5 An exception table named in a SET CONSTRAINTS statement either does not have the proper structure, or it has been defined with constraints or triggers.
428A6 An exception table named in a SET CONSTRAINTS statement cannot be the same as one of the tables being checked.
428A7 There is a mismatch in the number of tables being checked and in the number of exception tables specified in the SET CONSTRAINTS statement.
428A8 Cannot reset the check-pending state using the SET CONSTRAINTS statement on a descendent table while a parent table is in the check-pending state.
428A9 The node range is invalid.
428B0 Illegal nesting inside ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS.
428B1 Incorrect number of table space container specifications that are not designated for specific nodes.
428B2 The path name for the container is not valid.
428B3 An invalid SQLSTATE was specified on RAISE_ERROR.
428C0 The node cannot be dropped, because it is the only node in the nodegroup.
428C2 Examination of the function body indicates that the given clause should have been specified on the CREATE FUNCTION statement.
428C4 The number of elements on each side of the predicate operator is not the same.
428C5 No data type mapping was found for a data type from the data source.
428CA A table in append mode cannot have a clustered index.
428CB The page size for a table space must match the page size of the associated bufferpool.
428D1 Unable to access a file referenced by a DATALINK value.
428DB An object is not valid as a supertype, supertable, or superview.
428DC Function not valid as the tranform for this type.
428DD A required transform is not defined.
428DE PAGESIZE value is not supported.
428DF Data types specified in CREATE CAST are not valid.
428DG Function specified in CREATE CAST is not valid.
428DH Operation is not valid for typed tables.
428DJ Inherited column or attribute cannot be changed or dropped.
428DK The scope for the reference column is already defined.
428DL Parameter of external or sourced function has a scope defined.
428DM The scope table or view is not valid for the reference type.
428DN SCOPE is not specified in the RETURNS clause of an external function or is specified in the RETURNS clause of a sourced function.
428DP The type is not a structured type.
428DQ A subtable or subview cannot have a different schema name than its supertable or superview.
428DR Operation cannot be applied to a sub-table.
428DS Index on the specified columns cannot be defined on subtable.
428DT Operand of expression is not a valid scoped reference type.
428DU A type is not included in the required type hierarchy.
428DV Invalid left operand of a dereference operator.
428DW Object identifier column cannot be referenced using the dereference operator.
428DX Object identifier column is required to define the root table or root view of a typed table or typed view hierarchy.
428DY Table statistics cannot be updated for a subtable.
428DZ An object identifier column cannot be updated.
428E0 Definition of index does not match the definition of the index extension.
428E1 Result of the range-producing table function is inconsistent with that of the key transformation table function for the index extension.
428E2 Number or the type of key-target parameters does not match with the number or type of key transform function for the index extension.
428E3 Argument for function in index extension is not valid.
428E4 Function is not supported in CREATE INDEX EXTENSION statement.
428E6 The search argument of method in the user-defined predicate does not match the one in the corresponding search method of the index extension.
428E7 Type of the operand following the comparison operator in the user-defined predicate does not match the RETURNS data type.
428E8 A search target or search argument parameter does not match a parameter name of the function being created.
428E9 An argument parameter name cannot appear as both a search target and search argument in the same exploitation rule.
428EA A fullselect in a typed view is not valid.
428EB A column in a subview cannot be read only when the corresponding column in the superview is updatable.
428EC The fullselect specified for the summary table is not valid.
428ED Structured types with Datalink or Reference type attributes cannot be constructed.
428EE Option is not valid for this data source.
428EF Value for the option is not valid for this data source.
428EG Missing required option for this data source.
428EH Cannot ADD an option that is already defined.
428EJ Cannot SET or DROP an option that has not been ADDed.
42901 A column function does not include a column name.
42903 A WHERE clause or SET clause includes an invalid reference, such as a column function.
42907 The string is too long.
42908 The statement does not include a required column list.
42911 A decimal divide operation is invalid, because the result would have a negative scale.
42912 A column cannot be updated, because it is not identified in the UPDATE clause of the select-statement of the cursor.
42914 The DELETE is invalid, because a table referenced in a subquery can be affected by the operation.
42915 An invalid referential constraint has been detected.
42916 The alias cannot be created, because it would result in a repetitive chain of aliases.
42917 The object cannot be explicitly dropped.
42918 A user-defined data type cannot be created with a system-defined data type name (for example, INTEGER).
42921 Containers cannot be added to the tablespace.
42925 Recursive named derived tables cannot specify SELECT DISTINCT and must specify UNION ALL.
42932 The program preparation assumptions are incorrect.
42939 The object cannot be created, because the specified identifier is reserved for system use.
42962 A long column, LOB column, or structured type column cannot be used in an index, a key, or a constraint.
42968 The connection failed, because there is no current software license.
42969 The package was not created and the current unit of work was rolled back, because of internal limitations or an invalid section number.
42972 An expression in a join-condition references columns in more than one of the operand tables.
42987 The statement is not allowed in a procedure or trigger.
42991 The BOOLEAN data type is currently only supported internally.
42993 The column, as defined, is too large to be logged.
42994 Raw device containers are not currently supported on this system.
42995 The requested function does not apply to global temporary tables.
42997 A unique index or unique constraint is not allowed because the key columns are not a superset of the partitioned key columns.
429A0 A foreign key cannot reference a parent table defined as not logged initially.
429A1 Nodegroup is not valid for the table space.
429A9 SQL statement cannot be processed by DataJoiner.
429B2 Specified length value for structured type column is too small.
429B3 Object may not be defined on a subtable.
429B4 Data filter function cannot be a LANGUAGE SQL function.
429B5 Data type of instance parameter in index extension is not valid.

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