IBM Books

Message Reference

Chapter 11. SQL Messages

Each message has a message identifier that consists of a prefix (SQL) and a message number. Messages are listed in numeric sequence based upon the message number. There are three message types: notification, warning, and critical. Message identifiers ending with an N are error messages. Those ending with a W indicate warning or informational messages. Message identifiers ending with a C indicate critical system errors.

The message number is also referred to as the SQLCODE. The SQLCODE is passed to the application as a positive or negative number, depending on its message type (N, W, or C). N and C yield negative values whereas W yields a positive value. DB2 returns the SQLCODE to the application and the application can get the message associated with the SQLCODE. DB2 also returns an SQLSTATE value for conditions that could be the result of an SQL statement. SQLSTATE values are listed in Chapter 12. "SQLSTATE Messages". Some SQLCODE values have associated SQLSTATE values. SQLSTATEs associated with a given SQLCODE (if applicable) have been documented with each message in this chagpter.

Variable parameters for SQL messages are shown as descriptive names.

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