IBM Books

Message Reference

Chapter 8. SAT Messages

This section contains the Satellite (SAT) messages. The messages are listed in numeric sequence.

SAT1000I The first application version for this group has been defaulted to match the value used for the Typical satellite install.

Explanation: If you install a satellite using the Typical method, the satellite's application version will be set to a predefined value. This predefined application version is the same as the default value for the first application version that is created for a group.

User Response: If you did not install the satellites of this group using the Typical method, or you changed the application version for one or more satellites after installation, ensure that the identifier you supply to create a new application version is consistent with the satellite's application version.

SAT1001I Mandatory information is missing from one of the notebook pages. The notebook will return to the page that is missing information.

Explanation: All mandatory fields must be filled in for the action to complete.

User Response: Fill in the required information and try the action again.

SAT1002I A test connection or attachment to the selected target was successful using the specified authentication credentials.

Explanation: An attempt was made to connect to a target. The connection or attachment was established successfully using the specified authentication credentials.

User Response: No action is required.

SAT2000W Changes have not been saved. Save now?

Explanation: You are exiting from a window or notebook without saving your changes.

User Response: To save your changes, click Yes. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2001W An ATTACH or CONNECT statement was found in the script.

Explanation: The script contents appear to contain either a CONNECT or an ATTACH statement. On a satellite, the required instance-level attach or database-level connect is automatically established before a DB2 instance or DB2 database script is executed. Consequently, it is not necessary to include ATTACH or CONNECT statements in DB2 instance or database scripts, unless the script specifies more than one execution target.

User Response: If the script does not specify more than one target, remove the CONNECT or ATTACH statement from the script.

SAT2002W Script contents may not be consistent with the script type.

Explanation: Either the script contents have been modified in a way that causes an inconsistency with the script type, or the script type has been modified in a way that causes an inconsistency with the script contents.

User Response: Ensure that the script type and the script contents are compatible.

SAT2003W Implicit table space was created.

Explanation: Promotion created at least one implicit table space.

User Response: Change the table spaces in the script if the implicit table spaces that are created are not suitable for your business requirements.

SAT2014W Are you sure that you want to promote satellite "<satellite>" ?

Explanation: Promoting a satellite causes the satellite to start executing the group's batches. Only promote a satellite when it has successfully executed the fix batch and is ready to execute group batches.

User Response: Click Yes to promote the satellite back to executing group batches. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2015W Are you sure that you want to fix the satellite "<satellite>" ?

Explanation: Setting a satellite to fix mode will prevent the satellite from executing its group batches. The satellite will only be able to execute a fix batch until it is promoted back to executing the group batches. Only set a satellite to fix mode when the satellite requires servicing.

User Response: Click Yes to set the satellite to fix mode so it can execute a fix batch. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2016W An object with name "<object>" already exists in the database "<database>". Are you sure you want to overwrite it ?

Explanation: Overwriting an object will cause all other objects that reference the object to be affected.

User Response: Click Yes to overwrite the object. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2017W An object with name "<object>" already exists in the database "<database>" and is being used by another object. Are you sure that you want to change the definition of the object ?

Explanation: Changing the definition of an object will cause all other objects that reference that object to be affected.

User Response: Click Yes to change the definition of the object. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2018W Are you sure that you want to change the definition of the object "<object>" ?

Explanation: Changing the definition of an object will cause all other objects that reference that object to be affected.

User Response: Click Yes to change the definition of the object. Otherwise, click No.

SAT2019W An object with the name "<object>" already exists in the database "<database>". Would you like to rename "<object>" before it is created in "<database>"?

Explanation: While creating "<object>" in "<database>", another object with the same name was found to already exist. Objects must have a unique name.

User Response: Click Yes to save the object under a different name. Otherwise, click No. The object will not be created.

SAT2020W At least one of the specified satellites is currently online. No action is taken on satellites that are online.

Explanation: When a satellite is online and synchronizing, it cannot be altered.

User Response: Determine which satellites are currently online. Wait until these satellites are offline, and try the request again.

SAT2021W A test connection or attachment to the selected target was not successful using the specified authentication credentials.

Explanation: An attempt was made to connect or attach to a target. The connection could not be established because of an authentication error.

User Response: Verify that the authentication credentials are correct for the target, and try the request again.

SAT2022W You will be able to make modifications to this satellite when it is a test satellite. Care should be taken to ensure the satellite's state remains consistent.

Explanation: Setting a satellite as a test satellite means that it will execute test batches. A test batch may contain batch steps that produce uncertain outcomes, and may put the satellite into an inconsistent state. A satellite should only be set as a test satellite when it is acceptable to subject it to these risks.

User Response: Click OK to set the satellite as a test satellite. Otherwise, click Cancel.

SAT2023W Are you sure you want to change this test satellite to a production satellite? The administrative function available for this satellite will be severely restricted.

Explanation: A test satellite is used to try out configuration changes before these changes are made available to the production satellites. Consequently, a test satellite may become inconsistent when configuration changes do not succeed. To repair the test satellite, return it to a consistent state so that the configuration changes can be iteratively tested. More administrative actions can be performed against a test satellite. If the satellite is changed to a production satellite, it can no longer be used for test purposes. The administrative function available for this satellite will necessarily be severely restricted.";

User Response: Click OK to set the satellite as a production satellite. Otherwise, click Cancel.

SAT2024W Synchronization session is in progress. Are you sure that you want to terminate it?

Explanation: A synchronization session was in progress when the terminate action was issued.

User Response: If you continue with the termination, the synchronization session will be stopped before it completes. You should cancel the termination, and allow the synchronization session to complete.

SAT3000N The name "<name>" already exists.

Explanation: The name of the object you are attempting to create, "<name>", already exists.

User Response: Specify a unique name.

SAT3001N The target name of a copy, "<targetname>", already exists in the database "<cdb>".

Explanation: The name provided for the copy, "<targetname>", is not unique in the target satellite control database "<cdb>".

User Response: Specify a unique name.

SAT3002N Application version "<application version name>" already exists for the group "<group name>".

Explanation: The name supplied for this application version is already being used for this group.

User Response: Specify a name for the application version that is not already in use by the group "<group name>".

SAT3003N No application versions exist for this group.

Explanation: The requested action against the group requires at least one application version.

User Response: Create an application version for the group.

SAT3004N The object "<name>" does not exist.

Explanation: The specified object, "<name>", does not exist. It may have been removed after the view containing the object was filled.

User Response: Refresh the view in which the object appears.

SAT3005N The object "<name>" cannot be deleted because it is currently referred to by another object.

Explanation: The object "<name>" cannot be deleted because another object references it. Consistency cannot be maintained if "<name>" is deleted.

User Response: Delete all objects that are dependent on the object before deleting this object.

SAT3006N Group "<group name>" cannot be deleted because it has at least one enabled satellite.

Explanation: Before a group can be deleted, all of its satellites be disabled so that they can be deleted along with the group. At least one satellite in the group was found to be enabled.

User Response: Disable all the satellites in this group.

SAT3007N Group "<group name>" cannot be deleted because it has at least one application version that has either a test-level or a production-level batch.

Explanation: Production-level and test-level batches are considered to be active levels that are used by satellites. Consequently, they cannot be deleted. Therefore, the application version, and hence the group, to which they belong cannot be deleted.

User Response: Obsolete all the production-level batches and remove all the test-level batches for this group. Then try the request again.

SAT3008N Application version "<application version name>" cannot be deleted because it has either a test-level or a production-level batch.

Explanation: Production-level and test-level batches are considered to be active levels that are used by satellites. Consequently, they cannot be deleted. Therefore, the application version to which they belong cannot be deleted.

User Response: Obsolete the production-level batches and remove the test-level batches for this application version. Then try the request again.

SAT3009N No generalized replication subscription sets exist for the group "<group name>".

Explanation: No generalized replication subscription sets exist for the group "<group name>". The specified action requires at least one generalized replication subscription to exist.

User Response: Define one or more generalized replication subscription sets for this group.

SAT3010N No application versions exist for the group "<group name>".

Explanation: No application versions exist for the group "<group name>". The specified action requires at least one application version to exist.

User Response: Define an application version for this group.

SAT3011N No default replication subscription sets exist for the application version "<application version name>" in group "<group name>".

Explanation: Default replication subscription sets for application version "<application version name>", in group "<group name>", are generated by the generalize action. Such subscription sets are necessary before it is possible to customize the generalized replication subscription.

User Response: Ensure the generalized action completed successfully, and try the request again.

SAT3012N A default replication control server for application version "<application version name>", in group "<group name>", is generated by the generalize replication subscription action. Such a control server is necessary before the generalized replication subscription can be customized.

Explanation: A default replication control server for application version "<application version name>" in group "<group name>" does not exist.

User Response: Ensure that the generalizing of the replication subscription completed successfully. Then try the request again.

SAT3013N The confirmation password does not match the specified password.

Explanation: The confirmation password must exactly match the specified password. Passwords are case sensitive.

User Response: Type the confirmation password again. Ensure that all characters typed are in the same case as the original password.

SAT3014N At least one of the specified batch steps does not have a target alias, a success code set, or both.

Explanation: When a script is imported or added as a new batch step, a target alias and a success code set must be added for the new batch step is not provided.

User Response: Identify which batch steps are missing a target alias or a success code set, and add the missing information.

SAT3015N A target alias has not been selected. You must select a target alias before you can specify the authentication credentials.

Explanation: A target alias must be specified before an authentication can be associated with it.

User Response: Specify a target alias. Then try the request again.

SAT3016N An application version has not been set for this satellite. This page will be disabled until the satellite reports its application version.

Explanation: A satellite executes the batches of an application version. This satellite has not yet reported its application version. Therefore, batch steps cannot be specified for it.

User Response: Assign the satellite an application version on the satellite itself. You cannot perform this action from the Satellite Administration Center.

SAT3017N The action cannot be performed. An application version has not been set.

Explanation: A satellite executes the batches of an application version. This satellite has not yet reported its application version. Therefore, the specified action cannot be performed.

User Response: Assign the satellite an application version on the satellite itself. You cannot perform this action from the Satellite Administration Center.

SAT3018N The type of the execution target specified is not correct for the type of the script.

Explanation: A target alias has been selected that is not correct. The script is designed to execute against a different type of target.

User Response: Choose a target alias that is of the same type as the selected script. Then try the request again.

SAT3019N The specified success code ranges are in conflict.

Explanation: A success code set cannot contain a greater than (>) relation that specifies a range of numbers that overlap the range of numbers that is specified by a less than (<) relation. For example, the following two relations are not allowed in the same success code set: > 10, < 11.

User Response: Either remove or correct those success relations from the success code set that cause the overlap in ranges. To specify a finite range of numbers between two numbers, a and b, an equals (=) relation must be specified for each number in the range. For example, to specify a finite range of numbers between 5 and 10 as success codes, the following equals relations are required: =5,=6,=7,=8, =9 and =10.

SAT3022N Promotion failed with the following error: SQLCODE="<sqlcode>", SQLSTATE="<sqlatate>", tokens: "<token1>", "<token2>", "<token3>". The error was detected at location "<location>".

Explanation: Promotion failed in an unexpected way.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3023N A system or internal error occured.

Explanation: The possible errors include a system error returned by the operating system, insufficient resources, or an incorrect configuration.

User Response: Verify your replication configuration, or contact your system administrator or IBM Service.

SAT3024N A replication server is at a level that is not supported.

Explanation: The product level of a replication server is not supported.

User Response: Upgrade to a supported level.

SAT3025N An authentication failure occurred when connecting to a replication server.

Explanation: This action requires authentication with the replication servers. Authentication with one of the servers failed.

User Response: Ensure that you supplied the correct user ID and password. Either try the request again, or contact your system administrator.

SAT3026N The size of a generated script exceeds the available storage.

Explanation: This action generates scripts. At least one of the generated scripts is larger than the maximum available storage.

User Response: Contact your system administrator or IBM Service.

SAT3027N The database directory entry for a replication source server, control server, or target server does not exist at instance "<instance name>".

Explanation: This action requires the existence of a database directory entry for the replication source servers, control server, and target server at the instance "<instance name>". At least one of the directory entries could not be found.

User Response: Catalog the replication source servers, control server, and target server at "<instance name>". Or contact your system administrator or IBM Service.

SAT3028N The fix batch "<batch>" cannot be deleted because it is being used by at least one satellite.

Explanation: A batch cannot be deleted if it is currently being used.

User Response: Wait until the batch is no longer used by any satellite. Then try the request again.

SAT3029N The script "<script>" cannot be changed because it is being used by at least one production or obsolete batch step.

Explanation: A script can only be modified if it is not being used by a production or obsolete batch step.

User Response: Ensure that the script is not currently being used by a production or obsolete batch step. Then try the request again.

SAT3030N The specified obsolete batch step cannot be deleted because it is being used by a batch that is not obsolete.

Explanation: An obsolete batch step can only be deleted if it is not being used by any batch that is not obsolete.

User Response: If the batch that uses this batch step is no longer in use by any satellite, move it to the obsolete level. Then try the request again.

SAT3031N The batch step cannot be deleted because it is not the last step in the set of batch steps.

Explanation: A batch step cannot be deleted from the middle of a set of batch steps. All batch steps after it must first be deleted.

User Response: Delete all the batch steps that follow the batch step to be deleted. Then try the request again.

SAT3032N A production batch step cannot be deleted.

Explanation: Production batch steps are used by production satellites for synchronization and cannot be deleted. Only test, unassigned, and obsolete batch steps can be deleted.

User Response: Take the batch step out of production. Then try the request again.

SAT3033N Satellite synchronization failed because the satellite control database SATCTLDB cannot be found in the database directory.

Explanation: The satellite control database is not cataloged correctly in the database directory.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3034N Satellite synchronization failed because of an authentication error at the satellite control server.

Explanation: Either the user ID or the password sent to the control server is not correct.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3035N Satellite synchronization failed because the satellite ID could not be found locally.

Explanation: This error may result from bypassing the operating system logon.

User Response: If you are already logged on to the operating system, contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3036N Satellite synchronization failed because the satellite control server does not recognize this satellite.

Explanation: Either the satellite ID is not defined correctly on the satellite or this satellite is not defined correctly at the satellite control server.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3037N Satellite synchronization failed because of an unknown error.

Explanation: Unknown.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3038N The synchronizer has detected a severe DB2 error. Synchronization cannot continue.

Explanation: The cause of this severe error is not known.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3039N Satellite synchronization failed. The satellite is in fail state at the satellite control server.

Explanation: This satellite is in fail state, and must be fixed.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3040N Satellite synchronization failed because the satellite control server cannot be contacted.

Explanation: Communications could not be established between the satellite and its control server. One possible reason is that the control server is not operational, or communications configuration is not correct (for example, the host name or port number for the satellite control server is not correct).

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3041N Satellite synchronization failed because communications with the satellite control server was lost.

Explanation: A communication link failure occurred. Either the satellite control server became inactive, or a network failure was experienced.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3042N The satellite synchronization session did not complete all tasks successfully.

Explanation: An error occured during the satellite synchronization session.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3043N The satellite synchronization session did not start successfully.

Explanation: An error occured during the start-up phase of the satellite synchronization session.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3044N The cleanup phase of the satellite synchronization session did not complete successfully.

Explanation: An error occured during the cleanup phase of the satellite synchronization session.

User Response: Contact the help desk or your system administrator.

SAT3045N "<control server>" is not a valid replication control server.

Explanation: The selected server is not a valid replication control server. The request cannot be completed.

User Response: Select a valid replication control server, then try the request again.

SAT3046N No generalized replication subscription sets exist for application version "<application version name>" in group "<group name>".

Explanation: There are no generalized replication subscription sets for the application version "<application version name>" in the group "<group name>". A generalized replication subscription set must exist before it can be customized.

User Response: Generalize one or more replication subscription sets for the application version, and try the request again.

SAT3047N The input for field "<field name>" exceeds the limit. The maximum allowable length for this field is "<maximum length>".

Explanation: The length of the input in field "<field name>" exceeds the limit "<maximum length>".

User Response: Ensure that the input is within the maximum limit, then try the request again.

SAT3048N More than one target server is associated with apply qualifier "<apply qualifier>" at control server "<control server>".

Explanation: A target server of a replication subscription represents a satellite in the group that is executing the specified application version. Consequently, there can only be one target server for a given apply qualifier. If your replication configuration specifies a single target server, then the associated apply qualifier may not have been correctly specified. Otherwise, your replication configuration may not be acceptable for generalization to the satellite environment.

User Response: First verify that the replication configuration does not specify more than one target server. If it does, correct the replication configuration, then try the generalize replication subscription request again. If the replication configuration does not specify more than one target server, ensure that the correct apply qualifier is specified for the generalize replication subscription request. Then try the request again.

SAT4000C "<cdb>" is not a valid satellite control database.

Explanation: The database named "<cdb>" is not a valid satellite control database. Any database that is named SATCTLDB is initially assumed to be a satellite control database. Any action pertaining to satellite administration that is performed against such a database will first verify that the database is valid. The action will not succeed if the database is not configured correctly. If "<cdb>" is a satellite control database, then its configuration has been altered such that it can no longer be used. Otherwise, a non-control database has been given the name SATCTLDB.

User Response: To avoid misrepresenting a database as a satellite control database, rename the database to anything other than SATCTLDB. If "<cdb>" is a satellite control database, verify its configuration with the original definition.

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