IBM Books

Message Reference


When using IPX/SPX OS/2 or Unix systems, the following is a list of t_errnos which the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a complete list of errors. Error values can be found in the file tiuser.h. The t_errno number itself is in parentheses.

When the first error token specifies t_errno = TLOOK, the second error token specifies an event. Below is a list of events which the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a complete list of events. Events can be found in the file tiuser.h. The event value is in parentheses.

When the first error token epecifies t_errno = TLOOK, and the second error token specifies the event T_DISCONNECT, the third error token specifies a disconnect reason code. Below is a list of disconnect reason codes which the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a complete list of reason codes. Disconnect reason codes can be found in the file tispxipx.h. On UNIX platforms, the reason codes are defined in the file spx_app.h. The reason code value is in parentheses.

For more information on TLI IPX/SPX communication errors, refer to the Transport Layer Interface documentation.

When using OS/2 IPX/SPX file server addressing mode, the following is a list of return values which the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a complete list of errors. Return values can be found in the file nwerror.h.

0x880F -
This is a "NO CONNECTION TO SERVER" error. Ensure that the file server specified is up and running, and can be accessed by the client and server workstations.

0x88FF -
If this error occurs when trying to connect to the database, and the function is NWAttachToFileServer, ensure that the IPX/SPX protocol support at the client has been installed correctly, and is started.

0x89EF -
This is an "INVALID NAME" error. Illegal characters were specified in the file server or object name. Control characters, the comma, semicolon, slash, backslash, question mark, asterisk, and tilde are invalid.

This is a "NO OBJECT READ PRIVILEGE" error. The client does not have access to read the DB2 server's object registered at the Netware file server.

This is a "NO OBJECT DELETE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during deregister has sufficient authority to delete an object and its properties, on the file server.

This is a "NO OBJECT CREATE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to create an object and its properties, on the file server.

This is a "NO PROPERTY DELETE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during deregister has sufficient authority to delete an object and its properties, on the file server.

This is a "NO PROPERTY CREATE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to create an object and its properties, on the file server.

This is a "NO PROPERTY WRITE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure the that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to write object property values, on the file server.

0x89FC -

If this error occurs when running the REGISTER/DEREGISTER command, ensure that:

If this error occurs when trying to connect to the database, and the function is NWScanProperty, ensure that:

If this error occurs on function NWAttachToFileServer, ensure that the files server name was configured correctly in the database manager configuration file.

If this error occurs on function NWLoginToFileServer, ensure that the userid specified on the register/deregister is valid for logging into the file server.

0x89FF -
This is a "NO SUCH OBJECT OR BAD PASSWORD" error. Ensure that the password you have specified is defined, and has not expired.

For more information on IPX/SPX file server addressing mode errors, refer to the NetWare Client API for C documentation.

When using Unix IPX/SPX file server addressing mode, the following is a list of error generators that identify what location generated the error.

When using Unix IPX/SPX file server addressing mode, the following is a list of error codes which the user may encounter most frequently. It is NOT a complete list of errors. On AIX, error codes can be found in the file nwerrors.h.

0x02 -
This is a "TRANSPORT OPEN" error. Ensure that IPX/SPX communications was installed and configured correctly.

0xDE -
This is a "BAD PASSWORD" error. Ensure that the password specified on register/deregister is valid for logging into the file server.

0xEF -
This is an "INVALID NAME" error. Ensure that the file server and object name specified in the database manager configuration file is valid. Check that the name does not contain illegal characters.

0xF2 -
This is a "NO OBJECT READ PRIVILEGE" error. The client does not have access to read the DB2 server's object registered at the Netware file server.

0xF4 -
This is a "NO OBJECT DELETE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during deregister has sufficient authority to delete an object and its properties, on the file server.

0xF5 -
This is a "NO OBJECT CREATE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to create an object and its properties, on the file server.

0xF6 -
This is a "NO PROPERTY DELETE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during deregister has sufficient authority to delete an object and its properties.

This is a "NO PROPERTY CREATE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to create an object and its properties.

0xF8 -
This is a "NO PROPERTY WRITE PRIVILEGE" error. Ensure the that the userid/password specified during register has sufficient authority to write object property values, on the file server.

0xFC -

If this error occurs when running the REGISTER/DEREGISTER command, ensure that:

If this error occurs when trying to connect to the database, and the function is NWScanProperty, ensure that:

If this error occurs on function NWAttachToServerPlatform, ensure that the files server name was configured correctly in the database manager configuration file.

If this error occurs on function NWLoginToServerPlatform, ensure that the userid specified on the register/deregister is valid for logging into the file server.

0xFF -
This is a "NO RESPONSE FROM FILE SERVER". Ensure that the file server is up and running and accessible by the DB2 server and client.

For more information on IPX/SPX file server addressing mode errors, refer to the NetWare C Interface for UNIX API reference.

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