DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide
This appendix provides information and procedures for migrating from the
previous version of this product (Information Warehouse Manager).
- An existing schema may be used with DB2 Query Patroller, or you can
replace it with a new one during the installation.
- You are required to delete the old runtime environment. The new
runtime environment will be in the same location as the DB2 UDB EEE instance
designated as the Query Patroller server.
- Rebinding of new executables will be done using the
db2qp.lst, db2qp_sp.lst, and
iwmsx001.bnd bind files. See the "Manual Installation" appendix
for further information.
- You are required to disable the old install directories.
To remove QueryAdministrator, QueryMonitor, Tracker or QueryEnabler, run the
utility's uninstall program from the control panel. For the
QueryAdministrator and QueryMonitor, the two Java utilities, the uninstall
programs will attempt to use the same Java runtime environment that was used
for installation.
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