IBM Books

DB2 Query Patroller Installation Guide

System Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the architecture and system requirements for DB2 Query Patroller.

DB2 Query Patroller Architecture

The DB2 Query Patroller system consists of the DB2 Query Patroller server system, the system administrator's workstation, and client PCs. The diagram below illustrates the architecture of the DB2 Query Patroller system.
DB2 Query Patroller Architecture

DB2 Query Patroller Server System

The DB2 Query Patroller server system contains the target data warehouse and the DB2 Query Patroller software to manage queries against the database.

Two DB2 Query Patroller components reside on the DB2 Query Patroller server system:

System Administrator's Workstation

Most Windows-based PCs or workstations can serve as the system administrator's workstation.

Two DB2 Query Patroller components are required on the system administrator's workstation:

At least one copy of QueryAdministrator must be installed on a system client thereby creating the system administrator's workstation.

Two components are optional for the system administrator's workstation:

Client PCs

Most Windows-based PCs or workstations running a 32-bit open database connectivity-compliant (ODBC-compliant) query application can serve as a client PC in the DB2 Query Patroller system.

The QueryEnabler component is required on each client PC. The QueryMonitor component is optional.

System Requirements

The following sections list the requirements for the DB2 Query Patroller server system, the system administrator's workstation, and client workstations.

DB2 Query Patroller Server System

The server and agent components of DB2 Query Patroller require the following:
Note:If you are a AIX refer to the Language Requirements appendix to ensure that you have the proper PTFs installed.

Hardware and Operating System:

Table 1. Supported DB2 Query Patroller Server System Platforms
Manufacturer Platform Operating System
IBM AIX AIX 4.2 or higher
Sun Microsystems Solaris Version 2.5.1 or higher

RDBMS: DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Extended Enterprise Edition Version 6.1

Free Disk Space:

Table 2. Required Disk Space on the DB2 Query Patroller Server System
DB2 Query Patrol component Disk Space (in MB)
DB2 Query Patrol server 5
DB2 Query Patrol agent 1
Total 6

System Administrator's Workstation

The requirements for the QueryAdministrator component of DB2 Query Patroller are listed below. These requirements are based on the DB2 Query Patroller administrative client components only. If you are installing the DB2 Query Patroller administrative client as part of a DB2 Administration Client Installation, refer to DB2 for UNIX Quick Beginnings for the DB2 Administration Client system requirements.

Memory (RAM): 16 MB (Windows 95) or 32 MB (Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 or higher).

Hardware and Operating System: An Intel 32-bit architecture (IA-32) PC running a Windows 32-bit operating system.

Free Disk Space:

Table 3. Required Disk Space on Client PCs
Component Disk Space in MB
QueryAdministrator 1
QueryMonitor 1
Tracker 1.6
ODBC support 2
Java Enablement 8.9

Database Driver: QueryAdministrator and QueryMonitor require an IBM DB2 ODBC driver configured to the target database.

Java environment: QueryAdministrator and QueryMonitor require a Java 1.1.7 environment.

Client PCs

The requirements for the QueryEnabler and QueryMonitor components of DB2 Query Patroller are listed below. These requirements are based on DB2 Query Patroller client components only.

Memory (RAM): 16 MB (Windows 95) or 32 MB (Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0 or higher).

Hardware and Operating System: An Intel 32-bit architecture (IA-32) PC running a Windows 32-bit operating system.

Free Disk Space:

Table 4. Required Disk Space on Client PCs
Component Disk Space in MB
QueryEnabler .9
QueryMonitor 1
ODBC support 2
Java Enablement 8.9

32-bit ODBC Query Application: QueryEnabler requires a 32-bit ODBC query application such as Business Objects, or Cognos Impromptu.

Database Driver: QueryEnabler and QueryMonitor require an IBM DB2 ODBC driver configured to the target database.

Java Environment: QueryMonitor requires a JAVA 1.1.7 environment.

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