// // Source File Name = calludf.sqx // // Licensed Materials - Property of IBM // // (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 1997 // All Rights Reserved. // // US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or // disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. // // // PURPOSE: This sample program demonstrates how to call // UDF functions in C++. // // // EXTERNAL DEPENDENCIES : // - Existing database for precompile purposes. // - Precompile with the SQL precompiler (PREP in DB2) // - Binding to a database (BIND in DB2) // - Compiling and linking with the IBM Cset++ compiler (AIX and OS/2) // or the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler (Windows) // or the compiler supported on your platform. // // For more information about these samples see the README file. // // For more information on programming in C++, see the // - "Programming in C and C++" section of the Application Development Guide // // For more information on building C++ applications, see the: // - "Building C++ Applications" section of the Application Building Guide. // // For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference. // #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sqlenv.h> #include <sqlda.h> #include <sqlutil.h> #include "util.h" #ifdef DB268K /* Need to include ASLM for 68K applications */ #include <LibraryManager.h> #endif EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; #define CHECKERR(CE_STR) check_error (CE_STR, &sqlca) class Server { public: void Connect(); void Connect(char *, char *); void RegisterUDFs(); void CallUDFs(); void Disconnect(); private: EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char userid[9]; char passwd[19]; char statement[1000]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; private: // private member functions void ExecAndPrint(char *); }; void Server::Connect () { printf( "Connecting to database SAMPLE with default userid and password...\n"); EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample; CHECKERR ("CONNECT TO SAMPLE") ; printf( "Connected to database SAMPLE \n"); } void Server::Connect (char *uid, char *pswd) { strcpy (userid, uid); strcpy (passwd, pswd); printf( "Connecting to database SAMPLE... \n"); EXEC SQL CONNECT TO sample USER :userid USING :passwd; CHECKERR ("CONNECT TO SAMPLE") ; printf( "Connected to database SAMPLE \n"); } void Server::Disconnect () { // Disconnect from Remote Database printf( "Disconnecting from database SAMPLE... \n"); EXEC SQL CONNECT RESET; CHECKERR ("CONNECT RESET"); printf( "Disconnected from database SAMPLE \n"); } void Server::RegisterUDFs () { EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION increase; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION raisesal; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION wordcount; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION findv; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION fold; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION ctr; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION pos; EXEC SQL DROP FUNCTION twice; EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION increase (float, float) RETURNS float NOT FENCED EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!increase' NOT VARIANT NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION increase"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION raisesal (float, float) RETURNS float NOT FENCED EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!raisesal' NOT VARIANT NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION raisesal"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION wordcount (CLOB(5K)) RETURNS INT NOT FENCED EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!wordcount' NOT VARIANT NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION wordcount"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION findv (VARCHAR(500)) RETURNS SMALLINT NOT FENCED EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!findvwl' NOT VARIANT NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION findv"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION fold (CLOB(100K), INT) RETURNS CLOB(100K) FENCED EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!fold' NOT VARIANT NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION fold"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION ctr() RETURNS INT SCRATCHPAD NOT FENCED VARIANT EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!ctr' NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION ctr"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION twice (INT) RETURNS INT SCRATCHPAD NOT FENCED VARIANT EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!leni' NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION twice"); EXEC SQL CREATE FUNCTION pos (CLOB(33k), VARCHAR(50)) RETURNS INT SCRATCHPAD NOT FENCED VARIANT EXTERNAL NAME 'udf!ilob' NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL LANGUAGE C NO EXTERNAL ACTION; CHECKERR ("CREATE FUNCTION pos"); } // RegisterUDFs void Server::CallUDFs () { /* calling UDF function: wordcount */ strcpy (statement, "select empno, resume_format, wordcount(resume) from " "emp_resume order by empno, resume_format"); ExecAndPrint (statement); CHECKERR ("PROCESS STATEMENT #1"); /* calling UDF function: findv */ strcpy (statement, "select deptname, findv(deptname) from org order by deptname"); ExecAndPrint (statement); CHECKERR ("PROCESS STATEMENT #2"); /* calling UDF function: ctr */ strcpy (statement, "select name, id, ctr() from staff order by name, id"); ExecAndPrint (statement); CHECKERR ("PROCESS STATEMENT #3"); } // CallUDFs void Server::ExecAndPrint (char *sqlInput) { int counter = 0; struct sqlda *sqldaPointer; EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION; char sqlStatement[256]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; strcpy (sqlStatement, sqlInput); init_da (&sqldaPointer, 1); EXEC SQL PREPARE statement1 from :sqlStatement; CHECKERR ("PREPARE"); /* obtain the initial SQLDA, to get the number of columns */ EXEC SQL DESCRIBE statement1 INTO :*sqldaPointer; /* need to reassign the SQLDA with the correct number of columns to the SQL statement */ init_da (&sqldaPointer, sqldaPointer->sqld); EXEC SQL DESCRIBE statement1 INTO :*sqldaPointer; CHECKERR ("DESCRIBE"); /* allocating the proper amount of memory space needed for the variables */ alloc_host_vars (sqldaPointer); EXEC SQL DECLARE pcurs CURSOR FOR statement1; EXEC SQL OPEN pcurs; CHECKERR ("OPEN"); EXEC SQL FETCH pcurs USING DESCRIPTOR :*sqldaPointer; CHECKERR ("FETCH"); /* if the FETCH is successful, obtain data from SQLDA */ /* display the column titles */ display_col_titles (sqldaPointer); /* display the rows that are fetched */ while (SQLCODE == 0) { counter++; display_da (sqldaPointer); EXEC SQL FETCH pcurs USING DESCRIPTOR :*sqldaPointer; } /* endwhile */ EXEC SQL CLOSE pcurs; CHECKERR ("CLOSE CURSOR"); printf ("\n %d record(s) selected\n\n", counter); free_da(sqldaPointer); } // ExecAndPrint int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Server server; #ifdef DB268K /* Before making any API calls for 68K environment, need to initial the Library Manager */ InitLibraryManager(0,kCurrentZone,kNormalMemory); atexit(CleanupLibraryManager); #endif if (argc == 3) { server.Connect(argv[1], argv[2]); } else if (argc == 1) { server.Connect(); } else { cout << "\nUSAGE: calludf [userid passwd]\n\n"; return 1; } // end if server.RegisterUDFs(); printf( "\nCalling UDF functions...\n"); server.CallUDFs(); server.Disconnect(); return 0; } // end of program : calludf.sqx