Formats event monitor file and named pipe output, and writes it to standard output.
Note: | This productivity tool is provided as is, without any warranty of any kind, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, which are expressly disclaimed. |
None, unless connecting to the database (-evm, -db,); then, one of the following is required:
Required Connection
Command Syntax
>>-db2evmon-----------------------------------------------------> >-----+-+--------------------------------------------------+-+->< | '--db--database-alias----evm--event-monitor-name---' | '--path--event-monitor-target--------------------------'
Command Parameters
Usage Notes
If the data is being written to files, the tool formats the files for display using standard output. In this case, the monitor is turned on first, and any event data in the files is displayed by the tool. To view any data written to files after the tool has been run, reissue db2evmon.
If the data is being written to a pipe, the tool formats the output for display using standard output as events occur. In this case, the tool is started before the monitor is turned on.