Before starting replication: If one of the target table types is a replica table, the administrator must execute the DPCNTL.SAT command file in the satellite /sqllib/samples/repl directory before the satellite user can start replication on the satellite. The administrator can invoke the DPCNTL.SAT command from a script file in the setup batch. The script file with the DPCNTL.SAT command must follow immediately after the script files that configure replication. The DPCNTL.SAT command file creates source server control tables and sets default values in the tuning parameters table.
To start replication on a satellite: The satellite user clicks on the synchronization icon to synchronize his or her data. The satellite control server knows what each satellite needs. The first time that the satellite synchronizes, the satellite will download script files that contain the appropriate SQL statements and commands to set up replication on the satellite and to execute the Capture and Apply programs. When the satellite is configured appropriately, the satellite can replicate data between itself and its source server. When the administrator creates new scripts to update the configuration on the satellite, the satellite will download and execute them.
A new command, ASNSAT, is embedded within one of the script files that is used in the update batch when the subscription set is generalized. The ASNSAT command automatically starts the Capture and Apply programs with the optimal parameters for satellite. The ASNSAT command bypasses the Capture program if it is not necessary. The Capture and Apply programs will self-terminate after each program has completed a cycle.
The satellite users can invoke the ASNSAT command manually if they want to manipulate the Capture and Apply programs' parameters. To use the ASNSAT command, the satellite user types ASNSAT at the satellite command prompt. The syntax for the ASNSAT command is:
>>-ASNSAT----+------------+---+----------+---+----------+-------> +- -q--------+ +- -n------+ +- -t------+ '-apply_qual-' '-cntl_srv-' '-trgt_srv-' >-----+----------------------------+----------------------------> +- -c------------------------+ '-Capture optional parameter-' >-----+--------------------------+----------------------------->< +- -a----------------------+ '-Apply optional parameter-'
The Capture program writes messages to the .CCP file and trace table, and sends trace output to stdout. These .CCP files and the trace table grow indefinitely unless they are pruned manually. However, when the Capture program runs on a satellite, there is no administrator to prune these files. So to help manage the log and trace output of satellites without help from an administrator, a set of new invocation parameters is provided for the Capture program. For a list of the new Capture program invocation parameters, see Table 29.
The -c option can override the following default Capture program options specified by the ASNSAT command: WARM, PRUNE, NOTRCTBL, LOGREUSE, LOGSTDOUT, NOTRCTBL, TRCFILE, and AUTOSTOP.
The Apply program provides new invocation parameters to manage the log and trace files without an administrator. For a list of the new Apply program invocation parameters, see Table 30.
The -a option can override the following default Apply program options specified by the ASNSAT command: NOINAM, NOTRC, NONOTIFY, LOGREUSE, LOGSTDOUT, TRLREUSE, TRCFILE, COPYONCE, and LOADX.