IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

How the Capture program processes journal entry types

The following table describes how the Capture program processes different journal entry types.

Table 23. Capture program processing by journal entry
Journal Code3 Entry Type Description Processing
C CM Set of record changes committed Insert a record in the UOW table.
C RB Rollback No UOW row inserted.
F AY Journaled changes applied to physical file member Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F CE Change end of data for physical file Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F CR Physical file member cleared Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F EJ Journaling for physical file member ended Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F IZ Physical file member initialized Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F MD Member removed from physical file (DLTLIB, DLTF, or RMVM) Issue an ASN2004 message and attempt a full refresh.
F MF Storage for physical file member freed Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F MM Physical file containing member moved (Rename Object (RNMOBJ) of library, Move Object (MOVOBJ) of file) Issue an ASN200A message and attempt a full refresh.
F MN Physical file containing member renamed (RNMOBJ of file, Rename Member (RNMM)) Issue an ASN200A message and attempt a full refresh.
F MR Physical file member restored Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F RC Journaled changes removed from physical file member Issue an ASN2004 message and full refresh of file.
F RG Physical file member reorganized Issue an ASN2004 and full refresh of file only if RRN of source table is being used as propagation key.
J NR Identifier for next journal receivers Reset the Capture program.
J PR Identifier for previous journal receivers Increment the unique sequence number counter.
R DL Record deleted from physical file member Insert a DLT record in the CD table.
R DR Record deleted for rollback Insert a DLT record in the CD table.
R PT Record added to physical file member Insert an ADD record in the CD table.
R PX Record added directly to physical file member Insert an ADD record in the CD table.
R UB Before-image of record updated in physical file member See note 1.
R UP After-image of record updated in physical file member See note 1.
R BR Before-image of record updated for rollback See note 2.
R UR After-image of record updated for rollback See note 2.


  1. The R-UP image and the R-UB image form a single UPD record in the CD table if the PARTITION_KEYS_CHG column in the register table is N. Otherwise, the R-UB image inserts a DLT record in the CD table and the R-UP image inserts an ADD record in the CD table.

  2. The R-UR image and the R-BR image form a single UPD record in the CD table if the PARTITION_KEYS_CHG column in the register table is N. Otherwise, the R-BR image inserts a DLT record in the CD table and the R-UR image inserts an ADD record in the CD table.

  3. The following values are used for the journal codes:

    Commitment control operation

    Database file operation

    Journal or journal receiver operation

    Operation on specific record

All other journal entry types are ignored by the Capture program.

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