IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Setting up the Capture and Apply programs

Setting up the Capture and Apply programs consists of installing DPROPR/400 and tuning the Capture program for optimum productivity. This section describes how to set up the Capture and Apply programs.

Installing DPROPR/400

You install DPROPR/400 in the same way that you install any other licensed program. Follow these steps for the regular installation of DPROPR/400:

  1. Type GO LICPGM on the AS/400 command line.

  2. Select option 11 (Install licensed programs).

  3. Page down to locate DataPropagator Relational (5769DP2).

    If the window does not contain the product ID number (5769DP2) on the install screen, exit LICPGM and enter RSTLICPGM on the AS/400 command line, and then specify 5769DP2 for the product ID.

    If the window does contain the ID number, type a 1 next to it and press the Enter key.

Verifying and customizing your DPROPR/400 installation

You should install DPROPR/400 before using the replication administration tools, because the installation process issues the CRTDPRTBL command to automatically create the DPROPR/400 replication control tables. These tables are created in the DataPropagator Relational collection (named ASN), if they do not already exist.

The installation program also creates an SQL journal and journal receiver for this library. It also creates work management objects. Table 11 lists the work management objects that are created.

Table 11. Work Management Objects
Description Object type Name
Subsystem description *SBSD QDPR/QZSNDPR
Job description *JOBD QDPR/QZSNDPR

A note on work management: You can alter the default definitions or provide your own definitions. See OS/400 Work Management V4R3, SC41-5306 for more information on changing these definitions.

Creating the replication control tables

If your replication control tables are accidentally deleted or corrupted, you can create them manually using the Create DPR Tables (CRTDPRTBL) command. You must have *ALLOBJ authority to run this command.

Important: The CRTDPRTBL command is the only command that you should use to create AS/400 control tables. Do not use DJRA to create the control tables.

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Table 12. CRTDPRTBL Command Parameter Definitions for AS/400
Parameter Definition and Prompts
DPRVSN Specifies the version of the control tables to create. You can specify one or both of the version levels:

1  (default) 
Specifies Version 1 control tables.

Specifies Version 5 control tables. The system creates all of the control tables for replication sources and targets along with the default SQL journal.

Specifying tuning parameters for Capture for AS/400

To control the performance of the Capture program, you can adjust four tuning parameters on the server by changing the values of columns in the tuning parameters table.

To specify the tuning parameters, do one of the following tasks:

Changing Capture program attributes

The Change DPR Capture Attributes (CHGDPRCAPA) command changes the global operating parameters in the tuning parameters table for the Capture program.

You can see the current values of the Capture program attributes if you issue the CHGDPRCAPA command with the F4 key to prompt on the command.


Table 13. CHGDPRCAPA Command Parameter Definitions for AS/400
Parameter Definition and Prompts
RETAIN Specifies the number of minutes that data is retained in the CD tables before it is removed.

The value of this parameter works with the CLNUPITV parameter. When the CLNUPITV value is reached, data in the CD and UOW tables is removed if the UOW table has a timestamp older than that of the earliest Apply cycle for the table.

Ensure that the Apply intervals are set to copy changed information before the value on the RETAIN parameter is reached. This prevents your tables from becoming inconsistent. If they become inconsistent, the Apply program performs full refreshes.

*SAME  (default) 
Specifies that the value remains unchanged.

Specifies the number of minutes that the CD is retained. The maximum value is 35 000 000. The default value is 10 080 minutes (7 days).
LAG Specifies the number of minutes that the Capture program can fall behind before clearing out the CD tables and starting over with change capture. When the lag limit is reached (that is, when the timestamp of the journal entry is older than the current time minus the lag limit), the Capture program assumes that it is too far behind to catch up. It then initiates a cold start for the tables that it is processing for that journal. The Apply program then performs a full refresh to provide the Capture program with a new starting point. Users typically set this value high so that it has no effect.

*SAME  (default) 
Specifies that the value remains unchanged.

Specifies the number of minutes that the CD entries are allowed to fall behind. The maximum value is 35 000 000. The default value is 10 080 minutes (7 days).
FRCFRQ Specifies approximately how often the Capture program writes changes to the CD and UOW tables.

The Capture program makes the changes available to the Apply program either when the buffers are filled or when this time has expired, whichever is sooner.

Use this parameter to make source table changes more readily available for the Apply program on servers with a low rate of source table changes.

This is a global value, and is used for all defined source tables. Setting this value at a lower number can affect processor usage.

*SAME  (default) 
Specifies that the value remains unchanged.

Specifies the number of seconds that the Capture program keeps CD table and UOW table changes in buffer space before making them available for use by the Apply program. This value can range from 30 to 600 seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.
CLNUPITV Specifies the maximum length of time before the Capture program prunes old records from the CD tables and the UOW table, if it exists. This parameter works with the RETAIN parameter.

The value of this parameter is converted from hours to seconds and stored in the PRUNE_INTERVAL column of the tuning parameters table. If the PRUNE_INTERVAL column is changed outside of the CHGDPRCAPA command, you might see changes due to rounding when you prompt using the F4 key.

*SAME  (default) 
Specifies that the value remains unchanged.

Specifies the maximum number of hours that you want the Capture program to wait before pruning. Valid values are 1-100.

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